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Everything posted by obrien.david.j

  1. Looks great, sorry I missed seeing the setup.
  2. Alright I'm new to PNWMAS, started in the May meeting. Haven't seen your tank and setup. You must have a thread somewhere. Can you send a picture or link?
  3. I concede, talkalot82 solidly beats me. I will acknowledge, I too have re-carpeted around the tank/stand and repainted around the tank more than once. I looked back there last year and could see the different wall colors over time.
  4. This matches my experience. (this is probably my 4th time over many years applying Berghia. Heck, I grew them out in the 90's, before they were commercially available.) Add Berghia to tank. They Vanish. Nothing Happens. Nothing Happens. Few weeks later, some Aptasia start disappearing. Few weeks after than, they're noticeably going away. Many weeks later, Every Last One is gone. ... Except, if aptasia that are in some weird to reach locations. (like, not on the main rocks/gravel) In those cases, manually scrape, poison, etc. With the confidence, Berghia will eat any sub pieces that break free.
  5. My current tank (something like 100-120 gallons) has been up and running since 2006. I upgraded it from a 90 gallon, which was installed in the same spot around 1998. I found my original drawings for the tank, attached. I ordered it from Sean at Waves Aquarium. That puts me at 13years on current tank, 21years on current stand. And if you're wondering, the tank has had it's ups and downs. Some years looks good, some years Not. Looks good now.
  6. I could start an entire new thread about "Doesn't matter how long you've done this, dont get cocky, you've messed <this> up again." My personal favorite is after 25+ years of using PVC for tank plumbing, I finally overtightened a threaded 1/2" elbow on a new external skimmer I'd added. And two days later, after I'd crashed in the hotel from long interantional flights for a business trip... I get the Double Phone Call. (calling twice in a row means, "Answer No Matter What's Happening.") Of course, alarms going off, dry bump screaming sounds in the background, and fish equipment room sprayed wet like a fountain had fired up in it. - because it had. And... My wife wasn't home either, it was a neighbor who had agreed to just stop by and Feed The Fish. In my sleep, I figured out how to diagnose. Talked them through unplugging the right pump cord. And manually refilling the sump from the Fresh-Saltwater vat, not the no-salt RO Evap makeup water vat. I was paranoid they'd add all freshwater and crash the salinity. All worked out OKay. NO skimmer for a week was no problem. ... How many times have they told us its possible to use too much teflon tape in a threaded PVC joint, and if you overtighten the fitting can just crack?! There's always another valuable lession, just waiting to be taught to us.
  7. For Oregon Tort, call Jeff at CuttleFish ahead of time, and see if they have one/can get one in stock.
  8. Okay, I was holding back on all of you. Here's your challenge, there's a 5th Berghia in the picture. You have to be astute to recognize its signature and not obvious. But if you view photo at full size, you can see it. .... Find It! Reply with a photo of where it is.
  9. Update: Berghia shipment arrived yesterday, introduced to the tank last night. All arrived fine, and as advertised. There are Four Nudi's in the tank photo. 1st is immediately visible, in middle of photo. Other three are clustered under the base of the green acro frag to the right.
  10. BTW, I was not concerned with Timeline when I placed my order. I just got confirmation of of the order, and an expectation of 2-3wks. Which is fine with me.
  11. SuncrestReef, Thanks for the awesome R2R writeup, and detailed photos. I've been planning my mixing station, and going to update with some of your details. For Water Tanks, I got a recommendation to check out National Tank Outlet. When you select tanks, Filter for available FROM WA. And then Drive There to pick it up. https://www.ntotank.com/vertical-storage-tanks I just ordered two 75 gallon tanks at $130/ea, plus single $25 pickup charge. Pickup is at Norwesco | Washougal, WA. (I haven't gotten the pickup notice yet, so this is a "wait for them" topic.) https://www.ntotank.com/75gallon-norwesco-white-vertical-storage-tank-x9749447 One question about your setup. It looks like you've got an Apex Temp Probe at the bottom of your salt water tub. Is the Temp probe Fully Submersible like this? I've never been sure.
  12. I pre-ordered 15 from salty underground last week. The sale price was just too good. At $5.50/each, I didn't mind waiting two weeks for them to ship. Website says shipping 7/31. Even if they're late, I'm okay. $5.50/ea for 1/4", free shipping >$75, is better than the MACNA 2018 show special they offered. The offer was $8.92/ea (1-19) / $8.07/ea (20+), Free shipping >$200. I went back to my MACNA photos to find the old sale details.
  13. I've been using the Polyp Lab filter since I got it at MACNA last year.
  14. All, I've grown out a few frags for the fun of it. If anyone wants some normal bright red monti cap, or bright green stylophora, ping me. I can give it to you at the meeting tomorrow. Picture attached.
  15. Looking forward to this meeting. Attended and joined at the April meeting in Salem. I've been in the hobby a long time, and still have lots to learn!
  16. What are the dimensions of the tank and sump?
  17. I had red bugs at the beginning of this year, just finished my 3rd round of full tank Interceptor treatment. Besides catching my shrimp and crabs, the easiest and most successful treatment yet. 12hrs after first dose, all red bugs were gone. turned skimmer back on and started carbon. No residual effects. Hardest parts by far was catching my six shrimp (caught 5 of 6, last one couldn't catch - and has survived so far) Grabbed all my hermits and xferred to a friends tank. My recommendation, spend your time trying to catch your favorite shrimp, and then Whole Tank Interceptor. BTW, our vet was very helpful and gave us a script and then sold us Interceptor Plus. Internet research said there's no issue using I-Plus. -David J. O'Brien
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