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Everything posted by obrien.david.j

  1. Don't forget the "Before and After" photos!
  2. I run my tank set at 76.9 +/- 0.1 degrees, apex controls it all. But my situation is different. My equipment room is in the non-temp controlled garage. Occasionally, it gets cold enough that 500W of heater isn't enough, so I have a second stage heater set to fire if the first stage can't control. This one runs often during really cold winter nights. You can see it twice in the past week, both events happened due to 10 gallons of water change happened, with cooler water. Tank Temp, vs dual stage heaters. (blue is normal heater, black is "extra cold, 2nd stage" heater) Tank temp, vs ambient temp in the garage fish room. (Tmp2nd)
  3. Eli, I had some STN going on in my tank when I submitted the latest sample. Noted in the submission text. In case you’re trying to connect STN to your microbiome analysis. (userid daveo)
  4. Another option is to order on-line from National Tank, and only order a tank within driving distance to pick it up yourself. (skip the shipping fees) https://www.ntotank.com/vertical-storage-tanks Enter your zip code, and be careful on the distance from you. I picked mine up directly from Norwesco in Washougal. Two of the 75 gallon tanks, for $140 /ea. (when all was said and done) https://www.ntotank.com/75gallon-norwesco-white-vertical-storage-tank-x9749447
  5. My Anemone was beautiful too.. Forgave him for eating the wrasse. Banished him after eating my >5yr old Chevron Tang!
  6. Hey, you too have a trusty K2R Calcium Reactor! I got mine in the 90's, and has been in use continuously. My flow meter became useless early on, and I took mine out too. The bubble counter also gave up the ghost a few years ago, thus the new one zip tied to the side. I'm planning a bigger system and just acquired a Geo CR818. So K2R will get decommissioned at that point. Until then, it keep melting rock daily.
  7. I love projects like this. Post more pictures. And keep us up to date.
  8. We're waiting for details, patiently waiting, but this is an important topic with lessons to be learned. What happened, and what needs to happen now. How to you clear your apt and make it livable again.
  9. I've kept Berghia multiple times over the years. One of the times, I grew them out before seeding my tank. Grow setup was 1qt plastic "to-go" food containers, with airline stuck in the top. Plus a tank with chunky gravel to grow out aptasia. Feed that tank like crazy, then pull one piece of gravel out, put it in each bergia container. Easy to monitor the consumption rate, new egg casings, new hatchings, and raw berghia growth. They're super easy to keep and raise - its all about growing enough aptasia. In the main tank - I don't Think I had a problem with powerheads... but you really can't monitor berghia in the main tank. They practically vanish. I could find a few, but never enough to do an inventory.
  10. For the record, I love Berghia for controlling Aptasia. I've done this multiple times, don't worry about them starving. It's about you eliminating aptasia from your system.
  11. I texted a friend in Miami who has an XXL 750. She ran home to check her tank and stand out. Hasn't found anything... EXCEPT, found what a big scratch in the glass, heading away from a seam. She's never used a razor blade on her tank. Thanks for passing this along. An important post!
  12. I am not actively controlling anything based on Trident readings yet. But I have realized I need to setup my Apex to control my Calcium Reactor based on its effluent pH. I did some maintenance, and Bang - the pH went to 6.0. And the trident reported my Alk Spiked. So step one, turn off CO2 gas based on effluent pH. After I'm in control there, I may do further connections to Trident readings.
  13. I've had my trident since Sept 8th, and completely happy with it. It's identified some issues I've caused cleaning things, and identifying where I need to improve my control for stability. (I'm using Kalk and a Calcium Reactor, no dosing) Today, Reagent A (for Alk) ran out , doing my first replacement.
  14. Completed our estate plan earlier this year, including a specific binder that says "in case of trouble, Open This." (with instructions inside) The tank itself is not explicitly listed in the documents, but we've talked about it as a family. If something happened they're welcome to call one of our favorite fish stores to donate its contents. For shorter term emergencies, I have a business card from a local tank maintenance service taped to the hood of my tank.
  15. I'll still be there! But the Trident stays at home. Last week it caught me doing a maint mistake which spiked the Alk. Was able to manually shut off my CO2 Reactor while at work, and fix once I got home. Couldn't have done that before the Trident. (Yes, I'm also fixing this setup so it "can't" happen again. - famous last words)
  16. FYI, I am bringing misc vendor swag i picked up from MACNA to share. Mostly Tee shifts, but other misc items as well.
  17. Reagents have been out of stock for the past week, almost across the board. (Thus I don't personally have any.) Neptune's own website doesn't offer 6 month supply, but Does offer the standard 2 month version. Maybe call them. Otherwise, have you called the local shops?
  18. That's Amazing! Of course, this is going to lead to the inevitable BRS type question: What if you'd started with <Product ABC> vs <Product DEF> vs <GHI> that claims to cycle your tank. Can you get microbiome diversity from a "bottle." Verses; Getting Water alone from a friends successful (and microbiome diverse) tank. (1 gallon of diverse water, enough to seed 100 gallon of new-tank-water - how much is needed?) Verses; Getting some Water and some Rock from the friends successful tank (and diverse) Verses; Putting some Fresh (dry) rock into a friends successful tank. Letting it seed (X) amount of time, and transferring it to your tank to xport the microbiome diversity Maybe that's the million dollar question. What does it take to Xport or Propagate microbiome diversity to a new tank? (all this assumes someone has pre-tested their setup with you, to confirm it's microbiome diverse in the first place)
  19. Bump - What about a price drop on the WXM module? Now You Need This. PM me. Neptune WXM module - $70 --> SOLD
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