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Everything posted by obrien.david.j

  1. I've lost count in the thread. If there's still an available frag, I'm in.
  2. MILESTONE DAY! Mixing Station is up, running, and In Use. 1st ATO (Auto Top Off) done last night 1st AWC (Auto Water Change) done this morning. (Started lite, first run was 1000ml. 2nd run was 5000ml.) Still running OLD sump. Frag tanks still dry. Next step is clean the garage and Chop the used tank I got & Make the new sump. (Orange is Fresh saltwater going into sump. White is Amino dos. You can't see Black drawing out old salt water)
  3. I've got two smallish 4-5" brown softies in my frag tank I'm happy to just give you. Clearly nothing fancy, but also Free/Zip/it's okay to experiment on them. Located in Cedar Mill, just north of hwy 26 off Murray exit. PM me if interested.
  4. A few minutes ago, my wife busted into my work-from-home office with a Your Tank Just Lost Complete Power. I immediately stepped out of a key video meeting to checkout the tank room downstairs. Spoiler alert, Everything is fine. As I walked downstairs, my wife followed. "I was getting ready for my morning walk, and Varoom - the tank went silent." My equipment room is in the garage, but the pumps add a clear background hum in the family room where the tank is. Get to the family room... MP40 controller lights are happily blinking, lift the hood and the fresh air feed is still blowing, and the pump hum is still there. Turn to wife, "tell me again what happened?" "I put on my shoes for the walk, grabbed my iphone, and put in my new AirPod Pro ear buds for the walk - and boom, tank went silent." New AirPod Pro ear buds arrived yesterday. Today is the first use of them. They have a cool feature... Noise Cancelling! Bottom line, Everything is fine. Noise Cancelling technology really works. Including silencing background pump hum.
  5. "FarmerTy's 215-gallon SPS Tank" https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/farmertys-215-gallon-sps-tank.207702/ Anyone read this thread on R2R. Starts off in 2015, but jump out to the 245-250's pages, and you get a series of beautiful corals growing. I've followed for a while, but not read all 250 pages. @SuncrestReef - I thought of you this morning, as the discussion on pg 252/253 turns again to, Wish I Had Better Photo skills. Maybe reach out and engage him. Given his collection and history, it would be worth it.
  6. I've gotten many years of service from my Kent Marine Maxxima Hi-S RO unit. ... And I may have finally cracked one of the clear canisters when I last tightened it. (Or, now that its at eye height, I'm finally noticing it.) I believe not all canisters are created equal. Anyone have a spare Kent Marine RO canister, you're willing to part with? (I only need the clear canister, but will work with whatever you have) Thanks.
  7. I agree with John, excellent colors. It looks like you've got themed regions. LPS/Meaty in the foreground , with shroom and zoey slopes, leading to Torch Tower - separate from SPS Peak on the right. With their hard stoniness offset by the anemone down below. Well done!
  8. If you really want your Green Star Polyps to POP, you now need to paint the whole thing OSU Beavers ORANGE!
  9. Look what showed up in the mail today, fresh from Harry's printing press. FYI, dealing with him was breeze and a pleasure. I wanted this box and an Apex solenoid bracket. Emailed him, he threw in two brackets for free. And he shipped everything two days earlier than quoted. Solid interaction. https://www.harrysaquatics.com/
  10. If I remember right, your tank is a 4' setup. If so, I did the same thing to my tank. Rotated my Radion's and added a 3rd in the middle. I like the extra coverage.
  11. Weekend Update: RO Unit and DOS Units installed! DOS1 - Auto Water Change. Old salt water (black) goes to laundry room. New salt water (orange) from Salt mixing station tank DOS2 - Auto Top Off. Top off RO water (blue) from RO mixing station tank. Also setup 2nd head to dose Aminos. (Do you like the (new) hot sauce bottle!) Overall setup: DOS Setup: RO Setup Incoming TDS = 13(yesterday) / 14 (today) -- Outgoing = 0
  12. @TheClark Can you post updated graph showing the results? (of course, it will only be 9hrs worth of results, but post a few days worth again, so we can see the Before, and After behavior)
  13. The Urchin has been Re-Homed successfully. It now lives at @Higher Thinking tank. (This thread can be closed)
  14. New track arrived and I like the new look much better. Notice the apex connectors are how completely hidden inside the track. Before - 2" track is now removed After - 4" track installed, cleaner look
  15. I love my 200 INT. Works great, easy maintenance. (Yes, ignore the ugly cord jungle in this photo. Working on it.) I've got my skimmer in it's own tank to keep water height and flow consistent. Overflow from the main tank goes into this skimmer tank, which sits directly above the sump. A removable standpipe lets me adjust water level super easy. Cut/recut/etc a few tries, and then never had to change it again. This also acts as an easy tank to rescue any fish that try and go for thrill ride through the overflow plumbing.
  16. @LadAShark has passed due to driving distance. PM sent to @Higher Thinking - The Urchin is Yours!
  17. I thought of double stacking frag tanks. My conclusion was, the top tank was too high for me. Would have to maintain it on a ladder. How about lowering the stand height. Make the top of the 20gallon at the same height top of the STAND of the existing tank. And then the little top tank would drop down to a maintainable, and easier to look tops down, height.
  18. Exactly. Each wall the lines pass through (two. fishroom --> garage & garage --> laundry room) got a PVC sleeve. And my technique to hold it in place is glue on a fitting, chop saw the fitting down to a small collar. and on the other side, just push a chopped fitting on tightly. So sleeve doesn't simply slide out as I move hoses around. Plus I think it looks nicer.
  19. I seriously understand this thought process. Fish Room is just on on the Wrong Side of the house. Thus, I ran two 1/4" RO lines for waste. Wish I could have done drain, and feed, and sink... All in fish room.
  20. In case you're wondering about water tubing routing... There is no water supply nor drain in my fish room. So everything goes ~50 feet back to the laundry room of the house. Three Lines to/from Laundry room, routed around garage ceiling, into fish room Raw Freshwater as input to RO unit (yellow) - from laundry room RO waste water (green) - to laundry room drain Old Saltwater (black) - to laundry room drain (stops at main sump alcove) Two DOS pumps live above the main sump alcove (not shown in pictures) DOS1 - Auto Water Change. Old salt water (black) goes to laundry room. New salt water (orange) from Salt mixing station tank DOS2 - Auto Top Off. Top off RO water (blue) from RO mixing station tank Four Lines goto Mixing Station & RO unit alcove (just visible on right of first picture) Raw Freshwater as input to RO unit (yellow) - from laundry room RO waste water (green) - to laundry room drain New salt water (orange) - from Salt mixing station tank Top off RO water (blue) - from RO mixing station tank Main Sump Alcove (laundry room to the LEFT, mixing station alcove to the RIGHT) Route into the garage, onto way to laundry room In garage, routed just below ceiling around the garage perimeter
  21. True statement - up to 75 gallons of salt water always made, and always ~75 gallons of RO water ready to mix an additional full batch - with something like 1-2hrs of salt disolve/mixing time. Fragtanks are something like 50 gallons each, so in an emergency I could refill either one or both, and move everything there.
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