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Everything posted by obrien.david.j

  1. I've got spare 1" true union valve, not Cepex, if you want it Right Now. $8, comes with both threaded and slip fittings. I build my whole system around them. PM me if you want one. I'm in Cedar Mill, west side of Portland, North of hwy 26 off Murray road.
  2. Thanks. I'm enjoying it coming together too. Still have cleanup and misc items to do. But feels great to have hit this major milestone. An example of cleanup. See the open 4" wire track above the frag tank? I've got four MP40 power supplies mounted In it (two per tank), and four Radion power bricks mounted below the the frag tanks, with power cords routed up through the power track. Plug in is left end of track. Played with multiple options to plug in the bricks, and came to a conclusion - best option is dedicated cords per brick, of appropriate length. So I've ordered power brick cords: 2x 10', 2x 8', 2x 6', 2x 5'. Then I can clean up the track significantly.
  3. And for the record, that's reef glue in the other pocket!
  4. I have a spare 20 Long, if you need it. Just PM me.
  5. Welcome back, looking forward to meeting you. Quick question, what are the whiskers sticking out of the lights? Are those Radion G5s, and are those antennae for Mobius communication?
  6. You know you're a fish geek when... When you're Happy you've worn a hole through the back pocket of your jeans.
  7. End of an Era yesterday... Decommissioned the original small (~10gal) frag tank. Now 100% Switched over to new setup. Frag Tank Gone (white space on shelf) The removal, took opportunity and changed plugs on a number of frags. Also refragged a large colony that had grown in spindly directions. (On White squares, left side, of new frag tank photo) New Frag Tank (still working on wiring cleanup) And Inhabitants
  8. I'm done buying RO tubing for my build, but just stumbled across what I think is the lowest price for multi colored options so far. I've been buying my cable ducting from automationdirect.com . Just noticed they had a Water Components section and went surfing. Whoa, 100ft of 1/4" RO tubing - $6. 500ft for $31 Colors available are Black, Blue, Natural, Red, Yellow, Green, and White (but not orange). Example: https://www.automationdirect.com/adc/shopping/catalog/water_(potable)_components/flexible_water_tubing_-a-_hoses/straight_polyethylene_(pe)_tubing/pe14blu100 By comparison, for my room build - I bought 50ft lengths of each color for $12/color. ($0.24/ft). <-- THATs 4x the price I have not used this tubing before, but have done multiple orders from AutomationDirect.com. With successful results.
  9. Guess you dont use redundant temp controllers? Apex w/temp probe as primary, heater controller as secondary - set ~5 degrees higher than Apex setpoint. Thats the most cooked I can get.
  10. How bad is the salt spray from the micro bubbles? I'm expecting you need to clean the tank lights frequently doing this.
  11. And after a Sunday of mounting equipment. First Tank is up and running with Lights and current flow. (MP40s) I faced down one of the classic problems, What to do with the Massive Power Bricks that drive the Radions. See last picture for solution. Tanks is UP! Overall Room Radion Power Supply mount
  12. And just like that, THERE'S WATER IN THE TANKS! Had enough new salt water to fill first tank last night. No leaks, all working as planned. Used new mixing station overnight to make another batch of water, and filled the 2nd tank this morning! Going to let it run for a day or so before doing more moves. There's always More-to-Do, but this is a great day. Mount LED lights, mount cable track for lights, ... Room overall First Tank Full Second tank this morning And, the second tank fill up!
  13. Ahh - you don't like the white. I agree. Otherwise, looks fine...
  14. Great Pictures, and Congratulations!
  15. New Milestone - Frag tank plumbing is all glued, fully connected to pump complex and main sump. Next step is basic wash down, and fill with new salt water! Getting Close
  16. Kill Them, Kill Them NOW. I thought the same thing when mine first showed up. Really cool, actually looked great, and contained. One by One, polyp by polyp, they popped up in weird places in the tank. I know my tuxedo urchin has picked a few up and moved them. I've seen it.
  17. I've gone through blue clove polyps, twice. And am currently left with a healthy crop of Brown clove polyps. Couldn't kill them in my last Kill them Attempt. Advice, Don't Ignore them. If they're on something removable - sacrifice it and kill the whole rock. If not, medicate them - Don't be a Baby - Go FULL STRENGTH ++. (I've done triple recommended dose, without pain Have you checked my earlier thread(s). (PNWMAS, and its referenced thread on R2R)
  18. Quick update on mixing station polishing. Custom Toggle Box has arrived, installed, and works great. (Actually did this a week ago) Plans are great, until reality punches you in the nose. Original design had the toggle switches illuminate when flipped, and long story short - didn't work. Can't speak highly enough of Harry Singer at HarrysAquatics. He made the box, we debugged the illumination problem together. He took the box back (at his expense) to remove risk of illumination circuitry, and refunded the price back to original non-illuminated cost. Super Customer Oriented. Pictures. Mixing Station RO unit, and Boost Buddy. & Close up of toggle box.
  19. 850, at the peak - Get it. There's a clam almost at the peak of the right hand side. bet it's getting hammered too. Guess I need to break out a parmeter for mine too. I've GOT the apex model, just never plugged it in. (won at a macna few years ago) Thx for the Intensity confirmation.
  20. Thanks! Although I haven't updated, I'm cranking. I'm on to gluing the frag tank plumbing. It's been fit for a while, so going back and gluing is relatively fast.
  21. So where's the 850 PAR with respect to this diagram? If I understand your post, this diagram is Tops Down view, and as close to the bottom as you could get. Do you have a Front Facing view equiv? I'm trying see the par in your water column, and especially with respect to basic rock, coral, and clam placement? Since we're talking Intensity, especially with Radion's. I've had a question for a long time. I've got 3 Radions over my 4' tank today. I've set overall 70% intensity in the app, but when hovering over the curves I get peak reading of 45% How do I translate this. 70% is overall intensity multiplier 45% is cumulative effect of different LED Colors intensity. (if all colors were at "max", then I should expect a hover of 70%?)
  22. OBrien Acan-A, Check-in: May 26: Looks like I've stalled my growth. My system changes and fish room remodeling have tweaked the corals in some way, so my frag isn't in growth mode. Everyone else's looks great. Nice job!
  23. And Return plumbing and Chiller are IN! (glue drying, turn on tonight) Yes my chiller is old, yes my chiller is ugly. yes, it works. yes, it has been serviced since I bought it in the early 1990's. (Right side of pump complex is unconnected, it feeds the new frag tanks - which aren't glued up yet)
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