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Everything posted by obrien.david.j

  1. I'll take one, can pick it up any evening this week. Sending PM.
  2. You have my sympathies. I made "Reef Tank Soup" once myself. Refilled the Kalk reactor with enough media to last about a month, around 11:30pm at night. Put the out pipe on the In, the In pipe on the Out... Woke up to the tank at pH in the 10+ range. Killed all livestock, except a Pajama Cardinal. And the darn thing is still with me. Oh, did I mention that I'd spent the weekend before breaking down the tank and moving all the livestock into an equal size setup in the garage - so I could upgrade the tank. Took me an entire weekend and half a bottle of Advil - only to be all killed. Lesson, when it's time to swap tanks, might be easier to just throw everything away and start over. I could never do it by choice, but that's what happened. Is this the time to add a 2nd stage temp controller, with a gross setting, so the tank can never get ~5 degrees over set point?
  3. Welcome! You mention a couple of crashes, and mention a future addition is ATO. I see something in this picture to ask about. The white hose on the left looks like it comes from the bottom of the skimmer and dumps into the 100% Juice bottle. If this is for skimmer gunk - this setup has bit some people before. If (when) you get something in your water that makes your skimmer go crazy and overflow - it can rapidly overflow the external juice container, drain the sump, and flood your floor. And once you add an ATO, the ATO can kick in and attempt to keep your sump full (of fresh water) and dramatically lower your salinity. These Setups CAN work. Other people run them this way. Since you're new to this, I'd go slowly. Personally, I don't use an external skimmate container (just use the skimmer cup itself, no hose out the bottom) - just dump the skimmer cup once a week or two (when full). It's saved me a number of times. There are fancy skimmate lockers that can detect this condition and shut off your skimmer. Your system doesn't appear to be at that stage yet. My recommendation, remove the hose from the bottom of the skimmer. Just use the skimmer cup itself for skimmate collection.
  4. So how long are you going to QT corals, and what's your criteria for a coral to Graduate? (can't see any uglies, after X weeks - good to go?) And is it an All-or-Nothing approach? QT-Clock resets whenever Anything is added? Trying to get my head around doing this better. Overall, I like your thought process for water movement simplification. On the fish QT tanks, and now the coral QT tank. For myself, I realize - if it isn't easy, I'm not likely to do it.
  5. Thanks for the help. We are: Tualatin Valley Water District
  6. I'm curious what water source we're getting. I'm in unicorporated WaCo, Cedar Mill, 97229, west side of the hill. Thanks for the inspiration to chase this down.
  7. I don't need that many frag holes, I'd prefer less - but spaced about 1.5x apart. But as AlbertaReef pointed out - it's really about all the holes being Grippy. Last month a snail pushed my Oregon Tort frag off a rack, and landed in a hammer coral. Frag is on a smooth disk, no stem. Killed about 1/3 of the frag. 😞 Frag now in much safer spot.
  8. It's not about size of the house. It's about the room I want the tank in. I once put a tank in a room well away from the action of the house. I ignore it more often, and surely didn't enjoy it as much. I'm going to grow my display tank, but just cant do the size & orientation I'd like. Love the Shoal.
  9. Balls of Clowns are awesome. I spied this tank full of clowns, all on top of an anemone at the end of MACNA 2018 in Las Vegas. They had a airstone that would be turned on and off at times. Its tough to upload a high quality video, so look I shrunk this one. (Watch it in a small window, if you find it too grainy) You get the idea. Photo: Video: Clown Movie.MOV
  10. I’m still game for Picts if Rubbermaid tubs. Let’s see how this baby rolls.
  11. Frag Rack Upgrades have arrived. Ben at Building An Obsession makes some really clean products. https://buildinganobsession.com/
  12. Do we call this a School of Tangs, or a Shoal of Tangs. Either way, I Like IT! Someday, I'll have a house where it's appropriate to have a tank this big. And then I'm having a big bunch of the same Genus too. I'm a tang fan, but currently running one of each species so they dont fight.
  13. It's like a rose garden. Roughly the same form, but all kinds of beautiful colors!
  14. DONE. Thanks to those who replied. I've got what I need now.
  15. Anyone have a spare apex WXM module? I'm looking for one. <-- CLOSED. Thanks to all those who replied.
  16. A few years ago I switched from Halides to LED's. Got my first Radion, took it out of the box, set the light on the kitchen table. Plugged in light, and then USB cord to the laptop. And luckily picked the light up to see how bright it really was... and Whoa - the Table was HOT. I'm confident 10 more seconds and the surface would have been damaged too. Hadlides == HOT, LEDs == Cold - That's how I was thinking about it. Very Rapidly Corrected.
  17. Looking Awesome! But where's the fish!
  18. West Recirc loop pump swapped and replumbed. Turned on this morning, Dead Silent! Those new yellow pumps just have too much vibration going through the wall and plumbing. My old GenX pumps used to sit on shelves against the wall, but they have a much lower pitch and didn't transmit through the wall and bother us while watching TV. Yellow ones sure did. So, quick replacement and we're good to go... On one of them. What Sucks, is being one ball valve short. The unions that come with the pump are awesome and appear slightly custom. (seem like straight thread, not tapered threads) Had to switch to non-union ball valves. And only had one. Thus ONE loop got replaced. More valves are already being shipped, so I can replace east recirc loop. Too bad, I kind of like the Yellow look on the wall. New Loop Last Valve Used, replacements on the way Yellow yesterday, White today!
  19. Pictures. Snap a few when you pull the Ocean Motions unit apart. Sounds really interesting.
  20. When asked to show off a display tank, how many people post a sideways/top down view, with 2/3 of water drained out of tank! (this was when switching the hard plumbed recirc pump plumbing).
  21. Display tank is in the house, opposite the wall with the sump on it. It's your classic 4'x2'x2' -ish glass tank, wood hood. There's size constraints what fits in the in the room. (must fit next to fireplace). But, My wife has suggested that after fishroom is done we move to planning a In house tank expansion. She doesn't like the stand of the current tank. Played with many options before, new tank would likely be something like 4' x 3' x 24" tall. Would like 26-27" tall, but there's trade offs. But this isn't where current energy is going.
  22. Looking good! Congratulations on being up and running. it's an awesome feeling.
  23. OBrien CNC Superman, Check-in: June 7 Moved frag onto rack to get better photo with ruler, so Holly wouldn't make fun of me. Frag doesn't like current blowing right on it apparently, all closed up. But here's the photo.
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