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Everything posted by obrien.david.j

  1. You're reading my mind. Let some other equipment do the work. Makes sense.
  2. You're bringing up a good point, two gallons of bleach in ~40 gallons of water - Not enough. I think I'll try and top off with fresh bleach, multiple times. thanks for the inputs
  3. One 50 gallon barrel, two bottles of bleach, one power head, and a bunch of rock! The goal is to dissolve latent organics on the rock, especially a bit of dirt from being stored outside for multiple years. What's group think - one week, two weeks, three weeks?
  4. They're YOURS. I'll sync with you on PM to close the details.
  5. While I was working (from home) this morning, the Rock Fairy paid me a visit. Look what showed up outside to support the new tank build. They're much better than my rock archives. These are clearly going in the tank. Tonight they'll get a scrub, and then a bleach water soak. These have been outside. Little bit of Dirt and stuff - nothing Bleach can't handle. Thanks Steve!
  6. I was gifted these years ago. Never used them, likely never will. Approximately 8-10" tall. Any takers? (Located west side of Portland, north of Hwy 26, Cedar Hills blvd/Murray road exists)
  7. Last night I experimented making my own "Foundation" rock. (super flat on one side to sit on tank bottom. Key learning, using a cement slab like a giant sand paper work... But Slowly, and take a Lot of muscle.
  8. I like the aquascape. Welcome! When you get to the point of wanting to know if your chemistry is good enough to keep <whatever is next> (acro, LPS, Zoas, ...) - I suggest you reach out to the group and ask if anyone has free (or almost free) copy of something, you can use as a Canary. Originally, it took me five Canary Corals in a row before starting keeping things alive.
  9. It's an Infinity Tank! Step 1 complete - Acid Soak one day, scrub, drain, rinse, Refill Step 2 started - Bleach Soak in process Rock Archive Vault opened - let the Aquascaping Brainstorm begin...
  10. What a memory! I'm rotating the tank 90 degrees. It's not the first choice, but better than removing the fireplace. I think the 36" end will still make it look nice in the room.
  11. New Tank is 68" long, 36" front to back, and 25" Tall (was 24", but took new measurement - found an inch). ~250 gallons. Old Tank is 48" long, 22" front to back, and 23.5" Tall. ~110 gallons So gain is ~1.5ft in length and ~1ft front to back.
  12. I've ordered from reeftopia.com (they are the collectors) multiple times over the years. A good experience every time. BTW, this is where I've gotten volume clean up crews. Hermits, snails, emerald crabs when I've had bubble algae... https://reeftopia.com/collections/marine-shrimp
  13. My test would be, can you get your head directly over the salt tank opening and look inside. It sounds like you're planning to do that. BTW, I should probably say the obvious. Make sure you plumb the tanks with Unions you can unscrew on then physically remove the tanks (empty) for whatever rack you mount them in. Plan for easy cleaning, or you'll never do it. (or *I* would never do it)
  14. Having a mixing station, with Auto-Water-Change and Auto-Top-Off has been a game changer for me. Water changes actually get done, instead of at random monthly/multi-monthly intervals. Its just too easy. Couple of thoughts. You'll want a mixing pump in the salt water tank. It would be easy to drop a power head in, and be done. But an external pump of any size is nice. Besides circulating water, flip a few ball valves and it fills empty tanks, it enables larger manual water changes if a tank mistake happens... And, it would enable you to swap RO tank to the bottom, Salt tank to the top. My learning, my mixing station is automated, but I still have to manually dump in the right amount of salt. Easy access to the salt tank is important. I was going to put a shelf above my tanks, with just inches of clearance. But after using the system for a few months, that shelf is either being left off - or 18" of clearance. I want to be able to stick my head over the tank and physically look inside. When the current batch of my salt water runs out, i'm going to pull out the salt tank and scrub it a bit. looks like it needs it.
  15. When I look at my name next to my post, I think it say's I'm a supporting member, right?
  16. It's been a while since the last update and it's been a busy time. Dino's broke out in the frag tank (but not much in the connected display tank). Been fighting these. I made a mistake, spiked the Alk to 14, and all corals reacted badly. Lost a number of colonies. (Alk normally runs 10) I bought a new Display Tank, picked it up last night! Update on my suction cup thread. Bought two, borrowed four. Planned to bring six people, ended up bringing eight. Needed them ALL. Thank you @Kshack for sharing this beautiful tank. He and his wife are gracious hosts and helped every step of the way. Check out Ken's thread selling the rest of his equipment. Tank is 68" long, 36" front to back, and 24" Tall. ~250 gallons, Peninsula overflow location, which is what I need. Tank in original location Prepping for the tank move. Have to lift the tank, rotate 90 degrees to fit through the door. Carry down the outside stairs. All Covid Masked-up. Back the trailer downhill through the back yard. Tank was on lower level, daylight basement. Crate for transporting the tank, with sides removed. Plan was carry the tank out of the house, put on crate bottom, rebuild crate. Carry the crate to the trailer. The Crew! Getting tank out of the house was stressful lifting, HEAVY. Crated up. (Covid masks are not comfortable when grunting, groaning, and sweating.) Tank unloaded into my garage. Time to finalize measurements for stand design, and get that started.
  17. I use MainBrew (https://www.mainbrew.com/) as my location for CO2 tank exchanges. They're just north of Hwy26, at the Brookwood exit, Hillsboro. Exchanged my 20lb tank on Aug 13th for $30. They usually have 10lb tanks too, not sure if its cheaper. I usually call them first, just to make sure they have a full tank of my size on site. Since Covid, they've been going through more CO2 than ever before.
  18. Current trident already does Alk. My assumption is a Dual Trident system. Gen 1: Alk, Ca, Mag Gen 2 (that I'm making up): NO3, PO4, and (Vote for what shoudl be measured)
  19. I'm super happy with my Trident. I've learned how sloppy I've been for years. (and results show it) Now, I'd like a Trident Gen2 that will do Nitrate and Phosphate. Currently testing those by hand, what a pain. Okay everyone, Trident can do Three measurements. NO3, PO4 are my vote for Measurements #1 and #2.... What's your vote for Trident-Auto-Measurement 3 ?
  20. Eli, Are you looking for samples of Dinoflagellates too? I'm fighting some right now if you want them.
  21. Red bugs @SuncrestReef, I see your name in lights here.
  22. I bought Ken's tank, but finished my equipment room this spring so all set on equip. But I've seen Ken's equipment collection. Oh Baby, you want to go shopping at Ken's. Ken - if you are using a web browser to post to the site, you can add pictures by dragging and dropping right into your message. I usually shoot a pict with my cell phone, email it to myself, and then write posts on my PC - dragging photos out of my email and directly into my PNWMAS reply.
  23. Plans Set. Buying 2, Borrowing 4. Picked 8". Thanks for the advice everyone.
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