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Everything posted by obrien.david.j

  1. before a reboot, or a forced firmware upgrade - I'm going to try other options... (when I figure them out)
  2. Humored... No Luck. Fallback OFF tdata 00:00:00,0,0,40,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 tdata 00:05:00,0,0,40,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 OSC 007:00/005:00/000:00 Then MP-Constant If FeedB 000 Then OFF Fallback OFF tdata 00:00:00,0,0,40,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 tdata 00:05:00,0,0,40,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 OSC 000:00/005:00/007:00 Then MP-Constant If FeedB 000 Then OFF
  3. Full programming below. And you have the screen capture of the Profile programming above. P60_Front Fallback OFF tdata 00:00:00,0,0,40,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 tdata 23:59:00,0,0,40,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 OSC 007:00/005:00/000:00 Then MP-Constant If FeedB 000 Then OFF MP60_Back Fallback OFF tdata 00:00:00,0,0,40,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 tdata 23:59:00,0,0,40,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 OSC 000:00/005:00/007:00 Then MP-Constant If FeedB 000 Then OFF
  4. Next Challenge, Profile isn't doing what I expect. Both pumps are on, not alternating. P60_Front OSC 007:00/005:00/000:00 Then MP-Constant MP60_Back OSC 000:00/005:00/007:00 Then MP-Constant MP-Constant (profile) Why are both of them on at once?
  5. Sure Does. This was successful. Fallback OFF Set 40 If FeedB 000 Then OFF
  6. The rock I got was clean and fresh. No bad smell, nothing dyeing off from it. Went straight into the main tank.
  7. Thanks for the insight. And this is my "new"/gray WXM. As opposed to my "old"/black WXM. Any chance Forcing a FW update would wipe out the existing connections to my 10 MP's? If I can switch to Profile based speed control, I may just live with this limitation - rather than risk having to re-connect all the MPs. I'll let you know what I do.
  8. So THATs how I explain the look to guests. Hmm, hmm...
  9. Good Morning Aquarium! First round aqua scaping installed last night First fish moved back into tank (ugly cardinal, we have a long history together, >15yr old fish) Clockwise/AntiClockwise MP60/MP40 programming setup at 100%, and run all night. Whoops. Moved a lot of sand. (remember this tank is now connected to existing sump, dual frag tanks, with all the old tank rock/livestock/etc. So biology exists on "the other side of the wall") Last night, Rocks installed and Flow enabled This morning Sand Movement First Fish!
  10. "ON" = 100% sure does blow the sand around a lot! I let it run all night and too picts in the morning (see main build thread). But now I'm stuck. % isn't working. And haven't tried Profile yet. OSC 007:00/005:00/000:00 Then ON works OSC 007:00/005:00/000:00 Then 40 //Error: line 4 - Expected ON, OFF, PFx, or intensity // OSC 007:00/005:00/000:00 Then 40 OSC 007:00/005:00/000:00 Then 40% //Error: line 4 - Expected ON, OFF, PFx, or intensity // OSC 007:00/005:00/000:00 Then 40% Neptune forum page on using Intensity for Vortech's suggests I'm using it correctly in my first attempt. And subnote states this is usable for Vortechs. But I suspect it no longer works. https://forum.neptunesystems.com/showthread.php?20677-Programming-Enhancements-in-AOS-5-03-and-4-53 When specifying percentage, use only a whole number from 0 through 100, such a 25, 77, or 100. The use of a value containing a decimal point, e.g. 99.5, is not supported. The % symbol is not used in programming; use only a number when you wish to specify a percentage. Correct: Incorrect: Set 75 Set 75% A special note about using percent value in programming for Vortechs: If a percentage value of 0 - 20 is used in advanced programming for a Vortech pump, the Vortech will just run at 20%. For this reason, do not use 0 (for example, If FeedA 000 Then 0) to command the Vortech to be stopped. Instead of 0, use OFF, i.e., If FeedA 000 Then OFF.
  11. First programming is set. Will let run for a while before going to next/fancy step. Notice I'm running MP60s at 40% and MP40s at 100%. Holding back a touch for now. MP60_Front Fallback OFF tdata 00:00:00,0,0,40,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 tdata 23:59:00,0,0,40,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 OSC 007:00/005:00/000:00 Then ON If FeedB 000 Then OFF MP40_Front Fallback OFF tdata 00:00:00,0,0,100,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 tdata 23:59:00,0,0,100,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 OSC 007:00/005:00/000:00 Then ON If FeedB 000 Then OFF MP60_Back Fallback OFF tdata 00:00:00,0,0,40,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 tdata 23:59:00,0,0,40,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 OSC 000:00/005:00/007:00 Then ON If FeedB 000 Then OFF MP40_Back Fallback OFF tdata 00:00:00,0,0,100,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 tdata 23:59:00,0,0,100,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 OSC 000:00/005:00/007:00 Then ON If FeedB 000 Then OFF
  12. Ahh, that's going to be the winner. Uni-Directional flows, that include variation in them. This will enable longer than 5mins per direction, and still have good variation. Nice Mix!
  13. I love groupings of fish, and seriously thought about a school of clowns type of tank. I'm currently leaning towards a harem of blue star leopord wrasses. Jeff showed a nice video of them in yesterdays post.
  14. That simple! No special Pulse mode programming/etc? I think that's where I got hung up. Thanks
  15. Today's Update: Problems getting MP60's configured and connected to Apex are solved. Two MP60s and two MP40s installed in tank, and programing challenge posted in attached thread. First pass rockwork planned, and left end in the tank right side islands needed minor rock gluing. Super glue done, e-marcos cement completed last night. Going into tank tonight Current tank view: End view. MP60s above, MP40s below Rockwork plans. Front View, and End View (Don't get any funny ideas of breaking in, to steal our ultra valuable TP supply. After seeing this picture, I've already moved it to a more secure location!)
  16. Looking for group inputs and thoughts, and likely some @SuncrestReef programming help. Tank's up, configured with two pairs of MP60+MP40 on "short" end of the tank. MP60 is high in water column, to create the Big Push of water, MP40 low in water column to keep flow going low - without blowing all the sand out. Tank is 36" front to back. Rock work lives in the middle only, with healthy gap to the glass on all four sides. I'm a huge fan of water flow. Past tanks were setup with closed loop pumps, rotators and lots of turbulence. But, could never setup uni-directional flow, and changes. I'll still create a turbulent flow time of day, but I'd like some clean uni-direction flow periods too. Desire: Create clockwise and anti-clockwise flow patterns in the tank, at certain time of the day. Everything controlled via Apex w/WXM Challenge: how to program this Options: two scenarios, pictured below. Any other inputs, things to consider?
  17. That's really generous of you! well done
  18. Downgrading solved. After much googling, I found a nugget. (don't ask which article hinted at this - I've lost it) Nugget: Upgrade/downgrade firmware process may be sensitive to Other radio masters (reeflink base unit and WXM module) After unplugging both - SUCCESS. Twice, just to be sure. Definition of downgrade success is being able to see in reeflink / EcoSmartLive. Details pasted below. Now the catch... Something is still sensitive here. After clearing memory (per first step of WXM instructions, Set+Mode -> Mode -> Set), I could no longer find in reeflink. Thus another round of Upgrading Firmware -> Re-Downgrading firmware. But that process is now solved. Connecting to WXM is always a little sensitive. Can't exactly tell what magic/moment/attempt gets it to show up. but it did. In the end, I unplugged Reeflink, just in case it's interfering with this as well. (WXM -> "Attach" ...) This is the 9th vortech attached to this WXM. One more to go.
  19. I am a supporting member (and happy to be one)
  20. Right now, it's not a WXM problem. The Downgrade fails so both WXM and ESL don't see it. I'll see how the next unit behaves.
  21. Has anyone else had this problem, and more importantly - found a solution? Spent multiple hours today trying to downgrade the firmware on a new MP60 so I can connect it to my WXM/Apex system. Punch line, Failed. Followed instructions on echotech site&video. Used Mobius to downgrade firmware, failed. But no longer visible on Mobius. Couldn't find it with Echo Smart Live, couldn't find it with Apex WXM. Re-Upgraded back to latest firmware with Mobius, by upgrading a legacy device. Failed to downgrade, re-upgraded, failed to downgrade, re-upgraded. Tried power cycling between steps. Tried factor resetting between steps. ... It was a long afternoon. Unless someone has another idea to try, it's a ticket to Echotech for me. And I've got another new MP60 arriving tomorrow. Think I'll wait and submit a ticket for both. Any Ideas? https://support.ecotechmarine.com/hc/en-us/articles/360049485273-Mobius-Firmware-Rollback-to-ESL-WXM Failed downgrading MP60 before downgrading, and After Re-Updating to latest firmware.
  22. And ten days later, The tank is Full, correct salinity, has gravel, and Connected To the Main System. We are back to One Biological Loop! Water, Salt, Gravel, and Flow! Proof of Flow First Salt Multiple days of running RO John's Mixing Station Design sure made it easer to pump RO into tank, and eventually final salt water to top it up.
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