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Everything posted by obrien.david.j

  1. Assuming Covid is slayed, We're going to MACNA 2021 in Atlanta. I enjoy them.
  2. The GHL booth at MACNA 2018 had this awesome clutch display of clowns. Super heavy flow, bubbles flowing. I've got a great video of it, at 200Meg. Here's Picts. I'm a clutch fan as well.
  3. Sorry for you, Good for me - No Brown Jelly in my tanks. Thanks for publishing this research and conclusions.
  4. One Integrated system; Display is around 250g (68" x 36" x 25" tall) Two ~50g frag tanks (47" x 21" 11" tall) + big sump And Thanks to design from @SuncrestReef, an awesome mixing and make-up water station. With fully automated ATO & AWC. (Why didn't I do THAT sooner in my life!)
  5. Thanks. It's not exactly your size, but it's nice to finally be getting more space.
  6. Update ... The first set of lights have been mounted, and old-cardinal has a bigger friend! Built the first sliding light rack and put on the tank tonight Have placed orders for parts to build the last two light racks. I'll bet they show up next week. Moved my Vlamingi tank back from the temporary tanks into his new home. Took a few days to adjust, but he's now as friendly (and hungry) as ever. When complete, there will be three light racks, each with a pair of Radon LEDs. All Gen4 Pro. It's what I have. Tank and Vlamingi Light Rack, with and without lights
  7. Great timelapse shots of the Gigas growing. How much time does it represent?
  8. WWC had a giant wall size poster at Macna 2019 in Orlando. This bright yellow sps caught my eye, and I took these two picture of it - to look for this stick in the future. Love this yellow look. Nice job on getting one!
  9. Nice. Wonder if i can get our xmas cards printed as post cards - just so I can use these stamps!
  10. Is the grow out about Height, or also about plating. One looks a little taller, the other looks like the plug is much more plated.
  11. Tape looks great. Well Done. My technique for drilling those holes would be simple. Dry fit temporary plumbing in the tank, and cut throw away PVC pipes that come basically down to the floor. level them, and then Black Sharpie the floor around the pipe ends. Perfect fit. (or that's the idea)
  12. Looks awesome, I like the colors and the shapes.
  13. Thanks for pointing this one out - This gives more vision for aqua scaping mine. IM 200-EXT - Dimensions: 70.9" x 30" x 21.7" my freshly installed 250: 68" x 36" 25"
  14. this is going to sound old school, but I really like the royal gramma
  15. I second these comments. Trident is a game changer for me. In fairness, I COULD test chemicals at least once a day... And I acknowledge I DONT. I just accept I don't fixate that much on it.
  16. Now that I've gotten the Apex programming down, I was able to throttle back the speeds - and the sand is back in the right places.
  17. Looks beautiful! And that's a nice looking stand. What's the white layer you put between the stand and the tank?
  18. I've seen that error at least four time in the past two days. (although yesterday afternoon, I didn't hit it at all) This morning, I've gotten this error about 8 times, within an hour.
  19. Success (using new virtual outlets)! A. Yes, the OSC command is working overall. The original OSC ... Then ON worked fine. (at 100% of sand moving MP strength). I confirm the oscillation with a flashlight. B. New Virtual Outlet + Profile programming works! MPvOSC_front: OSC 000:00/005:00/007:00 Then ON MPvOSC_back: OSC 007:00/005:00/000:00 Then ON MP60_Front & MP40_Front: Fallback OFF Set OFF If Output MPvOSC_front = ON Then MP-Front-Pr If FeedB 000 Then OFF MP60_Back & MP40_Back: Fallback OFF Set OFF If Output MPvOSC_back = ON Then MP-Back-Pr If FeedB 000 Then OFF Thanks for working through this (more complex than expected) programming! Now I just need to move the sand back, and find the right speed that doesn't blow the sand around.
  20. Tried one more thing; Switched to profile usage on MP*40*s. Up to this point, everything was on MP60's, leaving MP40's untouched. What if it was an issue with specific model of MP... NOPE. Still stumped, starting to think I need a new way to create Clockwise/Anti-Clockwise flow pattern - without using the OSC command. Maybe it's time to brute force it. Maybe a lot of "If Time 08:00 to 17:59 Then ON" statements. ... Going to write a script to create THAT many. And put them into a virtual outlet, so they're not repeated on four different MP's. Thoughts?
  21. Explored a few options. Changed the profile from constant, to pulse. In case it mattered. Nope. Added 2nd profile, at constant 20% on MP60_back. In case it mattered. Nope. (restored constant, on original profile) Strip programming to JUST the OSC command line - nothing more. Nope. MP60_Front: OSC 007:00/005:00/000:00 Then MP-Constant MP60_Back: OSC 000:00/005:00/007:00 Then MP-Constan2 Checked if I'm running latest AOS version. Yes. Power Cycle the Apex.... Nope. Okay, I'm still stumped. But haven't given up.
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