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Everything posted by obrien.david.j

  1. I've been watching your posts, every time you update. How about another thread on status? A reminder, which kits you've settled in on (which chemicals, which brands, is there a bkm for buying replacement chemicals) How often you're measuring. how easy is it to see the trended results, or do you have to manually create and overlay? etc.
  2. Nice technique. My approach was to use a 2nd union, and make a threaded plug for it. (threaded-slip adapter, with slip cap glued on it - the white piece) Then I could unthread the plug, leave the 1/2 union in place to protect the threads. thread the plug back in, and the container holds water again. or Acid/water mix. (Yes, it's a different brand of union. not ideal. but it's what I had, and It Fits)
  3. Yup, all my measurements are from the Neptune PAR meter. (I won it at a macna a few years ago.)
  4. Funny you should ask. I broke out the PAR meter tonight, and took three different measurements. Current AB+ at 30% : Top of rock stack was 176, Middle of the open sand bed on floor of tank was 131 ALL LEDs 100%, overall intensity 50% : Top of rock stack was 272 ALL LEDs 100%, overall intensity 100% : Top of rock stack was 541, Middle of sand bed was 537 LED's are 7" over water surface, with diffusers (4 of 6). Top of rock stack is ~14" below surface of the water. Sounds like I'm going to be ending up around the 60% intensity range. But today, even at 30%, tank is Bright -- still very white. Need to start planting, and growing.
  5. And last night, I took my nice open/negative space "lagoon" end of the tank - and made it a "Tang"le rock pile. I loosely stacked rocks to make multiple entrances/exists, and a few different sub sections. Blue tang dove right in, and this morning saw a number of fish sleeping in parts of it. May have to rethink if I need to actually make and glue a structure. New Pile of Rocks Even the Diamond Goby liked it
  6. Tuxedo urchin is a good choice. Bare bottom or sand. Get one. (I only consider tuxedo urchins. the rest are too spikey and too bull dozer-ish for my taste.)
  7. Game Changers for me! The Apex yes, but the Trident YES YES! I'm still wishing they'd have Trident Rev2 for PO4 and NO3. Then I'd be set. Congrats. And nice clean work
  8. Tangs/rabbitfish/foxface - three different genus. You've been fighting algae, you need fish as part of your cleanup crew. I never run a tank without a number of them. And for different purposes. Personally, I always make sure to have at least one bristletooth tang, any species. Good "Scrapers." I'd run any of these: bristletooth (Kole, Tomini, Chevron, ...) zebrasoma tang (Yellow, Scopas, Purple, ...) Blue tang Rabbitfish ( I like these) Foxface (only had once)
  9. Today's update, Changed the LED spectrum from "break in period all blue" to "longer term intended AB+." Upped the light intensity to 30% (has been 10%). Not the final values, but need to increase slowly. These are Radion G4 Pro's.
  10. I like the stapler technique, when replacing a roll. (about 3:20 in) very practical
  11. Offer to trade a bunch of clumps, or a big clump back to them - for (almost anything). Maybe a pack of frozen food, jar of flakes, cleaner shrimp???
  12. I want to add another IO Breakout switch box to my system, and that means I need an Apex module with an I/O port. Anyone have an unused module they'll part with cheap with a believed working I/O port? main purpose of the module does not need to be functional. From @SuncrestReefreefs summary of Apex equipment on R2R, that means I'm looking for PM1, PM2, PM3, or ASM. Don't care what generation. (Black, Orange, etc, doesn't matter) I'm located in 97229, the closer the better.
  13. Sorry, I don't know of many Xenia enthusiasts. But I personally find the pulsing xenia really attractive. But not willing to dedicate tank space to it. But beautiful
  14. This is the first time in >30 years of reef keeping I've put covers on a tank. (yes, I've lost some fish - but nothing at this rate) The more I think of it, the more I lean towards my negative aquascape. This is also the first time I've tried it. all previous tanks have been Wall-o-Boulders. (with plenty of caves/hiding places)
  15. Its not as satisfying having the order take longer, but I'll bet the Black is the right look for your application. And there is a silver lining to still being cycling. https://8020.net/shipping-information Black Anodized Verses Non-Black
  16. What!?! @SuncrestReef's delivery experience was very similar to mine. One Question, did you order black anodized? Somewhere in their documentation it states this adds more time. So both of us ordered basic Silver.
  17. Sad Day. Vlamingi must have jumped overnight, pushing the tank screen out of the way. Even though it's 2.5' x 2.5', it's not very heavy and not secured. I'll have to secure it next. He was healthy, great eater, had grown a bunch. Only think I can of is my rockwork. I'm running very minimal structure, with not much hiding space for a fish his size. Going to fix that too, for remaining fish. This is not what you want to find:
  18. Appreciate it. let's see if someone has one, otherwise I'll reach out for the contact info.
  19. I’m looking for another one of these. Anyone have one they would part with?
  20. Reeftopia.com has pepermint shrimp for $5/each right now. If you need “a bunch,” it may be worth an order. I’ve ordered from reeftopia many times over the years. A dozen emerald crabs for a prior bubble algae outbreak, huge quantities of clean up crew members, gorgonians, and I think my current royal gramma is from them https://reeftopia.com/collections/marine-shrimp/products/shrimp-peppermint-lysmata-sp
  21. Sorry, no suggestions to offer.
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