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Everything posted by obrien.david.j

  1. Update of the day: I got a question, Has Coraline Algae started. Answer, Yes. (snail was already covered, when I moved it over from the Frag tanks)
  2. Latest Addition Completed, Foldable stainless shelves made out of plastic cutting boards with drip groves. Problem statement: equipment room is long and narrow. No place to set things. Shelves to the rescue! - Black to match the stand. And White to match the wall.
  3. I inherited these Zoa's as a couple of random closed heads, and they've grown out well over the past year. Anyone want to offer some Identifications? I'm not a Zoa collector, so no clue if these are common or otherwise.
  4. Another Milestone hit... Original display tank, hood, and stand have been sold and picked up. I refinished this stand in the late 90's, built the hood when our son was born (now 23 yrs old), and the tank is the 3rd on this stand. Had it built to spec in 2006. It's a good setup, and happy to have it goto a new home. (and happy for the space back in my garage) Thanks @Yourmedic, enjoy!
  5. Sorry to hear of the pump-mauling. I lost a really good copper banded butterfly last week to an MP40. Really sad. Super eater, healthy, and ... gone.
  6. Way to support the community. Thanks!
  7. Happy Birthday John! it’s a nice day at the beach a little further north too.
  8. Funny, I hadn't noticed. I bought my G3 Pro's in two batches. A pair together, and then multi-months later a single. the 2.1.15 is the newest. I probably just didn't see it and update the SW before moving off the ecotech sw system. But, I did take screen shots. (Obviously not named R08/R09/R10)
  9. Noon update - And we're back in business! Looks like after a Update Software action, I just need to give it time. Notice all Rev's are re-identified as 2.2.15 And R01 / R02 are back to being recognized as Gen4 Pro's All is well in the universe again.
  10. Invoked a "Update Software" on the WXM. Had to change the Frequency back to "2" (this module is not using the default freq of 1) "Rev 0.0.0" now R01 / R02 still Non-Gen4. (R03..R06 are still correctly Gen4) Feels like I may need to just delete and re-attach R01/R02 from scratch. That's a tonight task. After Update Software:
  11. Yes, Radion's are powered 24x7 - except the caveat about losing power Sunday night for 1.5hrs. But all was well Monday, with not glitches/hitches. Problems began yesterday. RF update on FMM's chipset... is that an "Update" on the WXM module or a re-connect each Radion to Reeflink, re-update, and then re-connect to Apex?
  12. 10:30am - all "found" again. (but R01/R02 are still not Gen4) Seems I shouldn't get too hung up on Missing vs Ok. before the lights come on.
  13. Thanks for the Update and Reset - Glad I didn't press either of them out of frustration. Last night, all the lights were found - but R01 and R02 were not recognized as Gen4's. This morning (7am), same situation - and the WXM Gear screen showed them all as recognized (with Firmware rev 255.255.255). And looked again just now - R01 missing, R05 missing... What the heck is going on. I may try your Delete and Re-connect/Attach the original two tonight.
  14. Feb 2021 update - 1st reactor refill since the original Oct 2020 post. Summary, I can't tell if the remag is dissolving or not. Emptied the reactor, and picked most of the remag nuggets back out. (Shiny rocks in pictures) Poured out fresh remag from the original bag used in Oct 2020. (Dry/chalky rocks in pictures) "maybe" a touch more polished. I'm not sure my Mg levels are being helped. But, I put the nuggets back on the top of my reactor refill. I run my reactor pH setpoint at 6.5 - but in fairness I don't calibrate it. So its 6.5 +/- System parameters: Alk 9-9.5 (9.5 max control setpoint), Ca ~430, Mg ~1350 This is likely the last cycle I will use my old/original K2R reactor. I've got a larger GEO reactor ready to go. Waiting until current round of Coral Re-stocking to take off. (Display tank was swapped last fall, settled in now and starting to restock.) Left side - media from the reactor. Right Side - fresh media from the bag media from the reactor (shiny) fresh media from the bag (dry) Freshly Refilled Reactor
  15. super strange. Radion 01 and 02 are found again, kind of sort of. 1. WXM Status still has them MISSING. (but they're not) 2. But main ApexFusion menu shows them as Found. (not "Missing") 3. BUT... Really weird (and hard to show in a clear screen capture) - Apex things R01 and R02 are Gen3's, not Gen4's. So R01/R02 (Shown on Apex as Gen3's, but in reality they're Gen 4's - and could program them that way before) For comparison, R03..R06 show correctly as Gen4's Strangeness... Will wait some time and see what happens.
  16. Today, my apex WXM just decided to lose connection to my first two Radion's. I've power cycled them, power cycled my apex system, and power cycled just their WXM box alone. Questions @SuncrestReef ? Remind me what "Update" and "Reset" do to a WXM? I don't want to re-attach each radion from scratch. (Yes, attaching all 10 was a slow/painful process) Other ideas?
  17. Is this the work of One crab, or multiples. How many? Great before and after photo.
  18. Thanks @Manny Tavan for this thread. Well done! This was a fun.
  19. Echotech solution is an 18Ah 12v battery, which quoted run times (out of their manual) are pasted below. In my case, I'm a MP40 user for this backup.. So that's 36hrs/MP40 --> 0.5Ah/HOUR/MP40. I'm eyeing a 100Ah 12V battery and intend to drive 2 MP40's from it. So that's ~100hours... aka ~4days. [BTW, I'm thinking TWO battery setups. One 100Ah on 2 MP 40's on frag tanks. 2nd 100Ah on 2MP 40's on display tank.] I'll write up the piece parts list/etc, when I do it.
  20. I'm trying to keep my replies interesting, or in this case, appropriate. I've been thinking of this... But decided against it. Instead I'm going to do this...
  21. If this was my tank and I found Tons of anemones in the overflow... My approach would be to see if I could temporarily shut down flow to the tank, replumb the overflow into a 5 gallon bucket, and see if I could (very carefully) run bleach water through the overflow and plumbing to just Kill Them All in one shot. But that's how my mind works. Just don't do THIS. (found on the internet)
  22. This thread has gone cold overnight. How about two new topics. 1. Picture of two headed Gold Rainbow Hammer frag from @J-Dog. (thank you) Braved a LOT of downed trees and limbs, plus downed power lines all over the place to get to J-Dog. Amazing how bad Oregon City area is. To his credit, J-Dog delivered the corals during a power outage. 2. Cold Water + Warm Moist Air == Condensation! I made RO water last night, and closed the door to my garage equipment room. Fish room is humid, guess incoming water is Cold.
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