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Posts posted by jeflen651

  1. Hi everyone,  I am new to this forum, I hope I can get some help from anyone.  My heater exploded in my tank last night and has created a lot of havoc.  Most of my corals are PO'D but seem to be coming back slowly (mostly softies and LPS).  I lost a Fire shrimp and Sailfin tang and my Yellow tang is struggling.  I did a 50% water change and dosed with Prime because I had a ammonia spike of .5-1.0 I'm guessing was caused by the corals expelling mucous from stress.  I plan on doing 10% water changes and dosing with prime daily until I get the ammonia level to 0.  If you have any other suggestions I am all ears.  My parameters are:  salinity 1.024, nitrates 0, nitrates 0, Ph 8.0.  This is a 40 gallon breeder tank.

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