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Everything posted by Kimberlee

  1. Okay. it is Dec. 18th. Can any one still over here, give me times they're available to be there on that date?
  2. We might be able to have a couple of people add things a little time. It's always best to stock the tank that way anyway. From my understanding because of the nature of the school, it's a closed environment. A big group might not be possible w/ school in secession. That is a great idea to Rick.it's some times hard to find the right tools to work with in this school, and you can't argue all kids love stuff like this. That makes it easy to teach.
  3. I'd like everyone to give me an idea, of when there available. Than i can go with what will work for the group.
  4. top poll says the 18th, is everyone happy w/ this date? Ideally I want everyone there, but that's not going to happen. I am also a pleaser so I will try to make everyone happy, but I can't always do that either, so thank goodness for polls, and this one looks like the 18th
  5. Okay guys how about the twelfth? I'd be happy to set that up, if others can make that date.
  6. is the 11th or 12th be better, for people?
  7. They said what ever I needed so let me talk w/ the administrator tomorrow, than get back to eveyone. In the mean time it would be helpful if others who would like to be there could give me an idea of the best day for them.
  8. Agreed, thats why we'll set up on the 20th and stock the third of the next month. Jan. 3. Is that enough time to cycle? or would anyone suggest waiting longer? Please everyone I'm new to the hobby, so all advice is welcome.
  9. This community I would like to state for the record that this is an amazing community of people we have here.I also like to think everyone for getting this project as far as it is. And special thx to Emerald 525, who is helping even when I don't see it.Really she is 1 of those people we should be happy to know and inspire to be more like. This has given me the scene that we still have good people on this planet.
  10. I did thank about the pc lighting, and have no problems w/ that let me see if I can get a fixture.Thanks rick and all those who are donating to this project. I will take lots of pics when the kids get to see it. Also we only have 1 volunteer for the set up. Please PM if you would like to be there, the more the marry-er and I like to see everyone there, especially if you donated to the tank. You don't half to volunteer to set up the tank, to come this is something we're doing for the community, and I know we all like to know how we're helping. Hears the chance to see. the 1 volunteer is not me, so it's me +1 and we need more.
  11. Ran across that thread tonight. You are amazing that was quite the surprise to see. Thx Emerald.
  12. Auction To raise the money for the lights I am going to do the auction that Emerald 525 has suggested. It's a great idea, and I'll post as soon as I as I know how I'm going to do it. I might have a few corals to auction or one really nice one.
  13. Thx, Mike that's one more thing down. Now I'm up in the air on something, and that's weather or not to add a sand bed to the tank. I have a SB, but I hear that it's easier to keep the tank clean without one. The easier we can make it for the school the better. Any input on the matter would be much appreciated. Also is there anyone making the trip from Salem to Protland who might be willing to pick up the tank?
  14. when i say tiny i mean 1 is 1" almost the other is 3/4"
  15. AS Promised Hers the three best pics. Clown fish would not cooperate for the pictures These are the three best. They are very tiny, and won't stay still for the camera. I'm kind of concerned about them being bullied by bigger fish, when they go in the DT. I have a coral beauty Lubbock fairy wrasse engineer goby black blennie coral banded shrimp 2 emerald crabs Should I keep them in the qt tank until they get a little bigger?, or would it be okay to add them now? I don't want to risk them. I love them and after what I spent on them, my husband probably won't talk to me for a month if something happens to them. Also if you have any good advice for clowns, I'd love to hear it. Please be long winded.
  16. Those are great pics, and great corals.
  17. He has call of duty, not sure which 1 though
  18. Xbox 360, Great guy, just a pain sometimes. It would be kind of funny to be sitting at my computer watching him lose and knowing it was some one on the forum.(wife)
  19. To day my pump took a crap, After the new clown fish, a brand new pump is out of the question. So I'm looking for an used one some one is done w/ needs to push 150 GPH 20-40$ to spend
  20. Anybody w/ a xbox 360 Didn't realize any of you had time for anything but your tanks. I play some games on my pc, my husband Plays the xbox though. Loves the Halo, and call of duty, and basically any game w/ a gun. Goes by enx4179. If I hear him complaining about getting his A** kicked and it's someone hear, go ahead and send me over your xbox idea. I'll give you one of my frags
  21. The End So I meant to add this post last night, but UPS found it funny to have me sit by the window all day. Now I know what fathers go threw waiting on a new baby. So about 7pm, they finally show up, I'm so nervous at this point that I yell at the UPS guy for slightly tilting the box. My husband good man that he is tips the guy, and follows me to our room where he opens the box, because I'm shaking. Boy, there tiny, but so cute.After an hour and a half of acclimation they go into the QT tank. They seem great, even after more than 24 hours in a box being handled by UPS,(we all know how they treat things marked fragile).Very active. Unfortunately the only good pic I could get of them, is the 1 I took w/ my flash still on. Didn't mean to do that, I was already nervous about anything stressing them . Here they are. Trust me there will be more pics, as soon as I can get some good ones
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