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Everything posted by Kimberlee

  1. Thats cool I like this community enough to live w/ everyone calling me Kimber, I think I even like it, makes me feel more like part of the group
  2. The school is on board 150% it's a go So how do we get a hold of Mr. S Don't want to offend him or move without his approval, but this is so exciting for me.
  3. I hope non of you think I'm doing this for just my son. I've always been involved, but this is the first school I felt deserved this much of my effort. It is an amazing program that dose a lot of good and goes unnoticed unless your kid goes there.
  4. Waiting to hear from the school administrator now. I think they'll jump at this just for the therapeutic value alone. I know we need to donate a little more time on this school, but I can go every week to assist w/ maintenance and take pics of how this effect the students, and it is a all year program making the issue of who cares for the tank during the summer not a problem.
  5. I must like you guys a lot, seeing as I haven't let anyone call me kimber since i was 10
  6. Very encouraging will do, just waiting to hear from Mr. S
  7. I'll talk to the school tomorrow, I'm sure they would jump at this. Maybe we could host a special meet to kick off the tank?
  8. From my experience with this school it would be worth our time. My son was bounced around every school in Portland, before they placed him there. It's the only place hes ever made any progress. That shows me how much at this school they really care. Thx to everyone taking the time to read this.
  9. The biggest difference I see is that we would have to spend a little extra time with this school. I'm already there a lot so I could donate time, and we might need to ask members to do something like that. I think it would be rewarding for us to participate beyond getting the tank in the school.
  10. I took a look at the application for the tanks for teachers program, and to me it looks more than reasonable for most schools. My son however attends a school where the benefits of a saltwater tank might not be so obvious. I don't think that any tank should be placed in one room at this school, the academic plan is not detailed in that way, but I do see the whole school getting exposure to something they wouldn't likely see in other places. I know from the reaction my son has to my tank, that saltwater tanks bring out curiosity in all students, and give these teachers especially new ways to apply lessons that we might not see. I guess what I would like to know is, is it possible to get this school a tank?
  11. The fact that I got the pics to post is a BIG step, I've never been real computer smart until I put my tank together. It has taught me way more than it should have.
  12. always open to suggestions, will try thx.
  13. Some of the nice tanks we saw. Some of the nice things now in my tank. Thank you everyone.
  14. Still learning how to get good pics of my tank, but it was a great trip. And very fun, w/ great tanks.
  15. will get to photobucket latter today, I really want to show off those new frags, but first the family has this crazy idea I need to pay attention to them too.
  16. I would like to extend a big thank you to Emerald 525 and others in that circle, for making my first frag meet possible. They were very generous to a new reefer, helping me make it to the meet, as well as donating some very nice frags to my tank helping push it into what is finally a real reef tank. Before it was not even on the same level as all the beautiful tanks we see pics of on the forum. Once again Thx for everything, including, showing me that this is a great community to be part of. Was only able to get 1 pic to upload
  17. This is a great link,Thx for posting it
  18. PICS Had my roommate walk me through it
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