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Everything posted by Kimberlee

  1. I'll take that offer up, all of it. I'm looking at different sumps now, trying to make the final decisions.
  2. I'm looking for a camera I can use easily w/ my computer. Nothing fancy. Just something simple and cheap
  3. not putting treatments in my tank, until I've tried everything else. I will add more flow and LR, than start looking at other things if that doesn't help. Once you put something in you can't take out, so it's the last thing I'll try. Besides it doesn't do me any good to treat it if the real problem isn't addressed.
  4. cool, I can do that. My water looks clean, so I probably don't need to. I run the skimmer all the time though, was worried the first time I ran into the phrase over skimming, but everything in the tank grows really fast, so I'll assume my skimmer isn't removing the goods. I have a 29gal to make into a sump. I'd like a refugium included in it, but had not decided on a remote DSB yet
  5. I'm aiming that way, haven't used the canister filter for some time now, And yes on the skimmer, works well w/ the mods
  6. He likes to clean my corals, so that is one really good thing about him. When my clowns are all grown i will get another one
  7. He is more than likely gone now if that doses not go through I'll let you know
  8. where was this two months ago?
  9. FREE to good or not so good tank, I heard CBS some times eat small fish. If you want a coral banded shrimp I'll deliver him
  10. Just a question, I've read and been told that a 7 month old tank is still young. The cyno is apparently part of the maturation process? I do agree about needing more water flow and more live rock.. I have a Marineland duel purpose canister filter, but I don't have the attachment to run the bio-wheel part. The set up gives me the option to use the canister basically w/ carbon or the bio-wheel. Sorry this has turned out to be more than a question. I got my tank for my birthday, and only planed on fish. For a fish only tank it seemed like a good choice. I didn't know people kept reef systems out side of a public aquarium. Imagine my surprise when I finally went to a saltwater fish store looking for a better selection of fish. Scrap the fish tank, time to start reading. Discovered the protein skimmer. Sounded like most everyone w/ corals in their tank had one. I was also reading about how nitrates build up in canister filters. So I abstained a skimmer, not the very best one sorry guys I have to plan almost all purchases around bills, and kids. They just get more expensive every year (the kids not the tank). I, than after about a month of using slimmer and carbon took out the carbon and put in the bio-wheel. I get way more water flow when I use it to run carbon. It is for a 55gal tank, rated at 250 gph. Any thoughts out there about the bio-wheel part? Also I'm thinking I'd like to run some carbon, I just don,t think I want to use the canister to do it? I really only keep it on the tank for a little extra water flow which I don't get if I use the bio-wheel. Are there any other ways I can put this thing to use for my tank? Also like I said my sump is in progress. The tank for it is 29gal I think it's tall. I'd like to get 20 more gal water volume out of it, leaving gal of available room in case of overflow. I also would like To include a fuge w/ cheato some gravel rock and maybe some live sand. The thought has crossed my mind to scrap the sand bed all together in the display tank, and when my sump is ready include a DSB. I would really appreciate hearing about other reefers sump set ups. Maybe those out there who've had different systems could could tell which sump designs work out the best, and please remember to say why you chose that sump for your tank. I'm still new in the hobby, and I've spent hours reading. But article tend to be directed at only a couple of scenarios, and what is never left out of a thread is that every tank is different. I know this is a lot, trust me when I say I could keep asking thing till the end of next year. Would love to hear thought on the lack of a sand bed in a DT, I've heard it's easier to keep clean but not much else. I know that a DSB offers natural filtration, and I like the idea of keeping everything as natural as possible. I do have a small fuge, I made out of a fresh water part. It works, but not big enough for my 55, maybe a ten. Sorry I'm so long winded. I've been reading through threads here and RC mostly, and have read to many articles about everything I could find, (my book mark list takes longer than it should to scroll down) so I do have ideas of how I want my tank to work. Thank you for just taking the time to read this book, and in advance for answering one or two things on my long list.
  11. Yes, I'm aware. I found a good deal on some live rock, I can do that first. Power heads are a little out of my range write now, husband just switched jobs a little tapped for cash for the next month or so.
  12. more power heads are in the plan, will have to wait a little while though
  13. Heres the info on the tank first. 55 gal, no sump yet 4 54w T-5s, 1 blue plus, 1 6,5000k actinic, 2 10,000k suns Mod., seaclone skimmer for 100gal water volume 1 350gph power head and 2 smaller 1's unsure what they are small DTY refuge w/ cheato (growing fast) 15lbs live rock (already know I need more, in the plan) tank is 7 months, fighting cyno currently. I know that's part of my system maturing, but it's still ugly. What would be the next thing you would do to this system to improve it? I'm looking at this being my only tank for a couple of years so I'd like it to be a good system w/ some variety in it. I'd also like to see some sps'es in it at some point.
  14. Thx, for the age estimate, that's about right I think. I knew how long I'd be waiting before I got them. They are coloring in though. And they are so cute now, I'm completely in love w/ them. One has settled in to my BTA, and here's a better pic, being the proud parent and all I can't resist posting pics
  15. Me too if any is available latter on, that's a really nice pink, and I don't normally like pink.
  16. We ended up waiting on the stand and hood. W/ no due date now I took a little extra time, but it's almost done. I don't if Nick is still willing to drill the tank for me, so if some one out there is able to I'd be very grateful. I'm a little scared to go to Nick now
  17. gradth I have 1 of those purple birds nest frags you were selling. I'd be more than happy to kick it back to you
  18. Do our sponsors have these business cards? They could be handing them out to new customers, who are also new to reefing. When I set up my tank it was very overwhelming, this is a complex hobby and most who are new to this will jump at a forum that can give them good solid info. I don't want to be the 1 to say this, but the threads are spurratick sometimes, we're all guilty of taking a thread off topic at some point I'm sure. The only time I visit RC anymore, is when I'm having a hard time finding info here
  19. Update Took less than a week, they are hosting my BTA. I'm so happy about this I feel like passing around cigars
  20. I know this is a new thread, but if you are still looking for frags I have a nice candycane. kinda pastel pink. It is yours if you want it.
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