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Everything posted by Kimberlee

  1. Ok, so I didn't think it looked so bad when the water went in. I just thought I was getting fish to. Now I have all these colorful corals in my tank, and that blue is just tacky. Is there any way or thing to remove that paint and maybe repaint w/ something els, or am I stuck until I break down the tank?
  2. Kimberlee


    I recently brought my clam home and have been doing some reading. Any way I found a great link full of info for all clams. This is dumb for as long as I've been on this forum I still have yet to learn how to post a link. Could some 1 walk me through it, because we should have this one somewhere here to share w/ all.
  3. What about mojos? or what ever that other 1 is called. LC Scott has a rock full of them. If they'll do he's generally happy to help.
  4. I have a neat little mushroom. Here's the mother and you can just have the frag if you like Pic doesn't show all the color. there like an orange green
  5. I can relate to your bad day. My tank tried to electrocute me today. On the cell phone side my husband dropped his in a tuck stop toilet once while on the road working. Insurance is great, but if you don't have a place for the new phone to be mailed its useless. I found that week he didn't have a phone nice and quiet. Maybe he'll drop his phone in a toilet again and I can finally make it through an episode of Hells Kitchen.
  6. You should try Bio Shock. My husband loved it and it's based off an Ann Ryn book
  7. I got to admit though I prefer shooting with real steel lol No one is willing to let me near a real 1
  8. My tank tried to kill me to day, so I'm going to use that as a good reason to go shoot things. Sounds like a good reason to me.LOL
  9. I play most games on my pc except Halo. Black ops is too much like killing real people for me. LC Scott plays that 1, and has tried to get me to now that I've started playing Halo.
  10. I have two little frags to give away. 1 is a nice bright green star polyp, good size. The other is just a kenya tree. If some 1 would like them there yours.
  11. I would love some of that. It's nice and I don't like pink but I love this stuff. If you're giving it away still I'll take some as soon as I figure out how to make it to Vancouver
  12. Yes. There is a never ending list of modes. That's for reach though I haven't played the other Halos
  13. I love taking out the tanks in Halo. Oh and it's great when I shoot 1 of the suiciders and they blow up the guy behind them w/ their own grenade. Oh and most guys find it hard to swallow a girl getting more points than them. You should try Reach it's fun
  14. How many people here play halo reach? My husband finally got me to play a Halo game, I started w/ Reach. I've discovered that this game is really stress reliving and fun. So how many of you play. I'd love to play the game w/ those of you that play too. My gamer tag is kim6682
  15. I'm going to cut the flow and use a baster to suck them up and out. It's weird looking
  16. Well it's kinda like marriage. If you look at the hours you put into it over the years, it doesn't make sense to walk away.
  17. Okay love my tank too much, would never get rid of it. Still need more fish. It's really frustrating that the tank is healthy, yet the last three fish I've gotten have all died. It's just been bad luck. I've loaded the thing w/ corals and they are all just dandy. Better than that really. Clam is more active than I though a clam would be. Reacts when the fish that are in there pass by, and is healing nicely from where the blenny I had decided to take a bite from. Dose any one know what this is? It is small and hard to get a good pic of, but looks like one of those clear vitamin E tabs. The ones that are jell on the inside. It doesn't appear to be hurting anything. I'd like to know what it is though.
  18. Would you guys bring this up to the LFS? I know it wasn't the tank, and what I'm more upset about is it's just time to add a new fish and I can't seem to get 1 to stick around.
  19. The three fish in my tank have been in there for months. They are all happy as could be. All other live stock is thriving. I just want like 2 more small fish in there. Doesn't seem to be happening though. Tested my water, nitrates were 5, but nothing else. My tank has been really stable even down to the nitrates being around 5. Yes it came from a local fish store, but it's 1 I regard very highly w/ reason. The fish looked very healthy, although it didn't eat yesterday.
  20. Last 1 died in QT because I had to go up to OHSU for 2 days and my window was left open. The smaller tank couldn't maintain temp, even w/ the heater. This 1 I don't know what did it, but w/ the fish my lucks been that bad.'
  21. hawk fish is dead I want out of this will probably be giving things away soon
  22. Do you still have those return pumps?
  23. Busy multi tasking I knew there was something up though
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