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Everything posted by Kimberlee

  1. Kimberlee

    frsh water dip

    Also want to add that I've been vodka dosing for a month and a half w/ great results. This is the first time in a while my nitrates have reached 0. Lets keep them that way. I do my WC on thurs and clean all equipment.
  2. Kimberlee

    frsh water dip

    Nitrates 0 Amn 0 Ph 0 PH KH 7 Cal 420 Mag waiting on mag test, and PH I will test tonight when I've had my lights on.
  3. Kimberlee

    frsh water dip

    That was basically how it was when I got it. My bigger concern is the other acro Which came to me healthy and happy.
  4. Kimberlee

    frsh water dip

    The coral is showing extension
  5. Kimberlee

    frsh water dip

    The polyps still aren't out far enough for a pic, but there is more color. day i received it Today
  6. Thank you, the sump has been in the make for some time. Maybe those lbs would be better in the DT as just LR. Always a little room for change. I plan on the deep sand bed, but it wont get added right away. My next upgrade needs to be more light, so I'll be on the hunt for that and removing the hood so more bulbs can be added.
  7. Kimberlee

    frsh water dip

    We are more than half way through that 24hrs. I'm not going to say that it is a good idea in every situation. Just that it isn't guaranteed to kill the acro, and w/ care can possibly help. I've talked too a couple of poeple who dip all their acro in FW when they get them w/ good results. I will take pics when the polyps are out a little more. I don't expect it to recover quickly, so far it looks like it will recover though.
  8. Kimberlee

    frsh water dip

    Okay, so I don't always follow what I'm told on here, but the dip must of been the right thing for this acro. Even though I know I don't have acro eating FW, the FW must of been irritating the coral. My lights have been on for 2 hrs and I see polyps. They have extended twice as fwr as they did yesterday.
  9. Kimberlee

    frsh water dip

    Okay, so I did end up reading enough to convince me to dip the coral. I did a short 1 and saw the flat worms fall off. After maybe 2 hrs the acro showed some polyp extension and under the actinics shows a light pink color.I also moved him up in the tank. Would it be to soon to cut the dead parts from the acro, or would it aid in recovery?
  10. Added 20lb of LR, and the sump goes in by friday. I'm hoping this will reduce the nitrates down to 0, they have stayed steady at 5 for some time now. Still want to add more LR to the DT about 20lb I think. 20lb of LR ruble in the sump.
  11. Kimberlee

    frsh water dip

    Not yet, just the 1 saying that it's a method use to treat most flat worm infestations. I'm looking into things still just so I know, but I lucked out and their not acro eaters. I don't want to get so worked up over this I do something I regret later. So i wont dip them. When I find some way to treat that I'm cofterable w/ than I'll worry about dipping. and as long as their not the other acro 1 i don't see a point in stressing the coral any further than it was when i got it.
  12. big enough im sure the flame hawk won't try to eat it. the smallest clown is just about an inch though and them i would worry about, other wise i'd be all over this fish
  13. Kimberlee

    frsh water dip

    That was a good link, helped a lot. Thank you. Oh, and officer clam, my clam is in good health and obeying the law
  14. Kimberlee

    frsh water dip

    They aren't the acro eating ones, just the regular flat worms. Picking up a yellow wrasse tomorrow and I'm not going to worry about it, just try to keep the population down.
  15. Well I dont have shrimp, would I need to worry about my baby clowns? And what I read on the compatibility chart suggested the coral beauty might not get along w/ the flame hawk fish.
  16. Kimberlee

    frsh water dip

    What about worm eating fish. Can some 1 name a couple outside of wrasses? And maybe a way to handle this? Sps are new to me, so give me a min and I will learn.
  17. Kimberlee

    frsh water dip

    I'm still researching and its not a strike against mike, I'm just trying to show that I am getting my info from many places not just here. Sorry if it came across poorly. It is hard to id them.
  18. Kimberlee

    frsh water dip

    Only one other feel like babysitting, until I get this handled, maybe?
  19. Kimberlee

    frsh water dip

    I researched how to treat this pest, and it is recommended by poeple righting articles, not opinions. http://www.liveaquaria.com/general/general.cfm?general_pagesid=362
  20. Kimberlee

    frsh water dip

    I looked some more and I don't think thats what they are. I don't see any damage too the acro. No egg cluster, but this stuff is small. I think I'm going to do the suggested fresh water dip too treat. I'd love to hear how others delt w/ this.
  21. Kimberlee

    frsh water dip

    I think that's them, salt water fantaseas
  22. are they reef safe, and just bad for shrimp?
  23. Kimberlee

    frsh water dip

    So I went and took a look when the lights were out, and found bugs on the acro. I think there a kind of FW, don't know if there a problem or not. Don't like the idea of FW exit. This corals been through a lot already. I'll watch closely for problems though. Who here can tell me what I'm looking for as a sign there is a problem. My experience w/ sps is limited at best, and I am in the process of researching now.
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