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Everything posted by Kimberlee

  1. Kimberlee

    Over due

    If in doubt change it out.
  2. Kimberlee

    Over due

    WC is always on thur. tomorrow, and I was considering running a little carbon. The carbon would mostly be to make me feel better. Thank you for the quick replay Mitchell. You've been really helpful on more than one of my threads.
  3. Kimberlee

    Over due

    Okay so these mushrooms that I fraged about 2 1/2 months ago started as 1 huge shroom. Now it is bigger than it was when I got it. So are the ones that were fraged from it. I'm going to do it again, but this time I'm going to frag a few of them. My question is should I be concerned w/ the mucus they release? I know I've posted this pic before, but I'm proud of my tank and I like pics.
  4. Kimberlee

    frsh water dip

    So now that it has shown a good chance of survival is there anything I can do to help, like if it's darkening quickly can I move it down a little. Or maybe some reef chili to give it extra energy for recovery? Or anything on top of the norm? It dose seem to have gained a dark tint kinda quick, though it appears more pink than brown.
  5. Kimberlee

    frsh water dip

    More polyps everyday, we can go from there
  6. I'm posting this because, I've seen more than 1 thread on here where someone was putting their tank up for sale due to the landlord not wanting it there anymore. Anyway the apartment next door just opened up. This is a 3 unit building 2 bedroom, 2 stories. The owners attitude towards tanks is great. He shows interest in them when ever I see him and is very accepting of the idea that I want a much bigger tank. The only thing he asked me was to not put a bigger tank on the second floor, I don't think he'd mind that w/ renters insurance. It is in sw portland, a nice area.
  7. Kimberlee

    frsh water dip

    Well I took a look at your tank I didn't see anything real complicated but thats just me corals making a great come back
  8. Kimberlee

    frsh water dip

    Up dated pic of the acro
  9. +1 on the Nextflix. All the movies you want, news and the kids can't rott out their heads watching non stop programing. Plus it's 7$ a month leaving more for the important things like a new build
  10. At least now I had an excuse to get a couple of new tanks built Always see the silver lining Sorry to here about that if I could get down there I'd be taking the store home
  11. I can't disagree w/ that. I have a 55 and I'd love a bigger foot print. Other than that I'm happy w/ mine, and there is still a lot I can do. It is cheaper to run a smaller tank.
  12. Kimberlee

    frsh water dip

    300 at the top, in the middle. !00 at the bottom on either side of the tank 400 out of the water right at the surface
  13. Kimberlee

    frsh water dip

    So my par is higher than the readings?
  14. Kimberlee

    frsh water dip

    at the top 300, but mt tank was a little cloudy. I don't think it had a big effect, but I'm hoping it did
  15. Maybe I can help. I know of a 55 drilled. Don't know if they are willing to part though. I'll have him PM you if he is.
  16. Kimberlee


    Thx, a couple of ?. Drying the area didn't work. I dried both rock surface and coral. About wedging it into a crevice,is it safe to really wedge the the hard skeleton part in, or will I kill it if I damage the skeleton? Oh I love feeding the coral,you are right they grow fast when fed.
  17. Kimberlee


    How do you attach a frag that is slimy? I have these dedros that produce just enough slime coat to prevent super glue from sticking. I've tried to glue them, and when I think they are attached they slime their way free.
  18. Kimberlee

    frsh water dip

    Okay I took my par readings, and they are sad. What kind of par do you keep your acros under?
  19. Kimberlee

    frsh water dip

    My skimmer and I got to know each other very well, as I checked it countless time through out my dosing. Like I said this is only 1 place I got my info from. I chose to bookmark this link because it was very step by step and easy to follow. And I read a lot like for months before hand, because putting vodka in the tank just seemed wrong. I did it not because of stock over load, but because without a sump yet I was having trouble reaching those 0's. Now there all at 0 phosphates and nitrates, and I'm starting to cut the dose down. As for my clam he appears to be really healthy. I think this might have something to do w/ the fact that I was already dosing when he was added. I believe my tank was already balanced w/ the dose so it wasn't a big shock to the clam. Just a theory though and I'm not willing to test it again.
  20. Kimberlee

    frsh water dip

    Here is 1 of the places I received some of my info from. http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2008-08/nftt/index.php I did do a lot of readying, just because the idea of putting vodka in my tank seemed wrong.
  21. I find myself liking everything that needs a lot of light.
  22. Kimberlee

    frsh water dip

    Here's a question for the vodka dossers, I now have readings of 0 now seems the right time to cut my dose in half? I read a lot before I did it, so I'm sure I'm on the right track.
  23. Kimberlee

    frsh water dip

    I will be really careful. Right now he is my baby in the tank and I watch him like a hawk. I haven't seen any ill effects so far. He had a few bites taken out when my blenny decided he was food. Blenny's in a new home and my clam seem to be healing. What signs would I see to let me know troubles coming? Also my dose is 1.2ml right now, I think that's on the low side.
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