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Everything posted by nyoder23

  1. Ok now we are talking I have all the sites for the upgrades but yes good question what to put into basket I do have a skimmer in the back as well I forgot to add that part
  2. Looking to see if some one has just the tank dont need all the special tanks just one with a hood and not looking for anything over 150 I know this could be a long shot but thought i would try.
  3. It is a Smart UV system by emperor aquatics
  4. yes you do have to clean them but not completely or else you wash all the bateria off and then it is like starting over again so i see where those become a problem. So i will have to change the back and let you know how it worked. Thanks for the idea
  5. Well I will have to look into that right now it has bio balls in the back
  6. Ok thank you that is the next thing on the list then.except what is that? it may be a dumb question but need to ask it.
  7. Are there any other upgrades I can do to my oceanic 29g biocube. I have the light ideas and i have a skimmer for the back of it. Anything else... Just starting this hobby?
  8. I will have to double check on this one. I will know when i get home around 9 tonight.
  9. I am looking to trade or sell an Emperor aquatics uv sterilizing light system. It is brand new in the box never opened. They go for over 300 new in a store looking for $200 OBO or trade for something else so let me know what you have to trade and we will see.
  10. oh yeah i have gravel mixed with sand. But she wants all sand so we are going to get all sand what do you recomend?
  11. I was looking online and they have a retro fit for the 150w to be put into the hood with aftermarket fans. But I will have to do some research on that because it looks like a lot of work for the amount of money you have to spend. I never thought of buying rock that way. Sounds good to me thank you for the info and when ya have more info just let me know that would be great. I come from the pond side so i know a little but still really different ball game here.
  12. you have got that right I am getting ready to get rid of a 75g tank with stand to save up and start a 125 or bigger. That will be a while have to move first.
  13. They were trying to use it to keep the algae off the glass, just don't want anyone to waste money thinking that is how they should work.
  14. it is one that has a figure 8 on its back. I think i was told they really are for the fresh water community but he seems to be just fine. Some one else told me that they had one and it left all their coral and other fish alone. So thought i would try one.
  15. SO i read a post about what a uv light should do. Well i thought since i run a pond business, I should shed some light on the subject. The uv light only kills off single cell algae which causes green water. I does not kill or prevent the string algae or the stuff that collects onto your walls. People who use it in aquariums really only to sterilize their water. People who use it in ponds really use it to kill green water and have clear water. You have to get the right size light (watt) for the right size pond/aquarium for it to work properly. You must also not run the water through the light to fast.
  16. Here is my 29g biocube not much to really brag about but i will be doing upgrades and adding rock and coral. Looking to retrofit an LED light sytem to the hood. But we will see. They said i need to put some pics up so here it is. Wiil keep posting when things start getting upgraded and better looking. Not bad for a tank that was given to me for free with all that you see except the puffer and red star fish.
  17. Well thank you for the site that is exactly what i am looking for. When I get other tanks i will be doing things differently. This is just for starters and for the g/f to enjoy.
  18. So I have an 29G oceanic biocube I have a oceanic skimmer add on in the overflow it works pretty good. I have one 34 watt Atcentic light and a 34 watt 10,000 K day light and it is not the 50/50 one either. So I am looking for any and all upgrade light ideas. I also thought about adding two more lights inside the top so i could keep the clean look with the top on the aquarium.
  19. Ok Pics will be up soon I will tell the truth though it is pretty bad the tank is nice but need to do some rearranging of rock and need to buy a little more rock for what i want. Then I can start adding some coral.
  20. I keep hearing that it sounds like we really did get our name out there. Well the problem is we are in the fire and ems service and the only people who know any thing about ponds are my father and i and we cant be there as much so the customers wont get the answers they want on the spot that makes it hard to do business. Well If this year people really start coming out and putting ponds in then maybe we can make it work. I will pm you with my #
  21. I do not have reagular store hours as of now due to the fact we are closing down and the wheather right now. once the wheather gets better which i am thinking about may or june it will be weekends. But if you would like to pm me and get my phone number I would be more then happy to setup a time to meet you there. I live 5 minutes from the store
  22. I can really answer most of your questions about ponds sense i have installed them sense i was 15 and study it sense then as well.
  23. Well I am getting out of the pond business I own a store with my father and I would be up for some trading if you have a some thing to help me get into this hobby. Or just tell me what you are looking for and i can make some deals sense we are closing down the business.
  24. So what is a good product to use to clean a dry glass aquarium tank that has all the hard water residue left over? And it wont hurt the fish after being filled up?
  25. Thank you to all for the responses they are very helpful
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