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Everything posted by nyoder23

  1. Madmike has a good deal. I used to sell those retail and they went anywhere from 350.00 for one smaller than a 40 watt up two 2000.00
  2. Wow I really missed a whole lot while at work today. I didn't think this stir up some talk. But yes this stuf to me is pretty. I had about 15lbs of rock covered with the star polyp and it was very beautiful.
  3. I was surprised. I did the fresh water dip on the powder blue and thought I was going to kill him. Bouy would she be mad when she came home(scary). But all in all great turn out. thanks for the feed back. Now I need to start stalking it with coral very colorful stuff.
  4. Yes that is a good point. I agree. I have alot of the kenya tree and just want a few of them. Thanks for the info though.
  5. Yes well I have just cut off about 10 pieces of the kenya tree to frag and sell. First time experiment with it... So far so good though. For the fish he had ich and so I had to take him out and treat him and had to take all the live stock out of the tank to treat it as well. Now everything is great and keeps growing like crazy.
  6. I have had him for about two months now. Got hi from Nick @ RCA. Always wanted one and finally saved the money to get one.
  7. Update So It has been a while since I have done things with my tank. I just went to Nick at RCA today to get a new piece of rock. I also picked up a frag that had different zoa'son it and a blue legged hermit as well. Some day when I get a better picture I will have some really great pics. These for sure do not do this setup justice.
  8. Scratch trying to sell the Kenya. I have also have two green star polyp frags for $10.00 ea. I was told this was a fair price for these.
  9. I A really looking forward to see the outcome. I agree with you about the markings too. And then some day I will get the Darwins as well those I have always wanted.
  10. That would be great. I like watching thing grow over time so I have no problem waiting. I will have to get some of that food too then. Thank you very much.
  11. I was very pleased when I really just wanted to buy them all! I am just gonna have to get another tank....
  12. They are the ones that Nick was almost sued over called so now we call them shmowcasso. (s n o w c a s s o) Here is one when they get older. [ATTACH]10958[/ATTACH]
  13. So on Monday after work I went by RCA to pick up my new clowns from Nick. So these are the pics form that day and I am going to keep updating as they start to fill out and get more black in them.
  14. The one time he was not home but he would have worked he sounds really vicious until you come in lol but the ups guy won't even ring the door bell because of his barking. If he feels like he is in danger he would hold his own lol
  15. Well it does take guts out here because everyone knows that people havve their guns and are not afraid to defend their family and property. Not saying I love shooting people but I know how to scare people off. I did talk to the police and a lot of people out here have had some break ins and cars driving by back and forth late at night too. We will see what happens
  16. Thank you for the thought, I was going to buy a new led lighting setup. I do have the old hood to put back on it for now. Luckly he did not get to the upstairs to get the big light on my 90g.
  17. Well I live out in the country on 40 acres on a dead end road and my brother decided to leave the door unlocked and the alram off so they came in and stole it. Crazy stuff.
  18. Seriously who would steel a sunpod. Well this weekend it happened to me after i agreed to sell it to someones brother. I really don't understand why people do that.
  19. Friday Afternoon Bump................
  20. Bump.......... After turning on the led's lastnight one out of the 12 did not work.
  21. I have a 250w sunpod for sale. Its a 20", with a 5 month old current USA 14k bulb. $200obo I will also throw in three extra bulbs. (1 older USA 14k bulb and 2 other I believe 15k bulbs that have about 1 month on them.) The 15k bulbs are from the 48" metal halide and compact combo fixture that you can buy off Ebay. They are not as blue as the USA bulbs.
  22. Yes your tank looks really good I like your rock wall better and now I need to get more it looks like.
  23. Well they are very nice ones I think. I was a little sad but really like the black ones. My father had a mated pair of misbar black ones until the male died so he just got another one to replace and see what will happen. I might just breed those ones for him i guess. I will just have to go over and get them.
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