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Everything posted by Kevman

  1. The Tank looks Great!!!! Let me know when you are Fragging;)
  2. Hey I am about to build my Canopy and thought(scratch) How High do I want it....Its going on my 75G I want to have 2 250w 20,000K MH's and 2 VHO 36" Actinic. With a 2 inch Sand Bed I will have 17 1/2 inches from Sand to top of tank.. I was thinkin about building it so I have the MH's about 9 inches above the water line... Is this to close? How close can I get to the water? I know Heat is a factor...... Thanks Guys I know you all will have some great ideas for me to chew on! (rock2)
  3. Kevman

    Need Hole saw

    He doesnt... So I'll give this till the end of the day and see if someone closer has one, If not I sure would appreciate it if I could borrow it....
  4. Kevman

    Need Hole saw

    Does anyone have a 1 3/4 Diamond hole saw I can borrow? It will help me speed up my 80G Build. Thanks(naughty)
  5. Hey I have a 79G to fill. How Much? I was told 120 Lbs is what I would need... What do you think.. Can you quote me a price?
  6. Thanks LOWMAN, I am dosing slowly with Baking Soda and keeping an EYE on my PH.. And thanks everyone for the help... Im so glad you guys are here!! Chargers 43 KC Chiefs 14 Woo Hoo....
  7. Thanks BYRD.... Im going to dose for 10 for now then again in a couple days... I just dosed to bring Mag up is it ok to dose for Alk now too?
  8. I'm hoping for some advise.... I checked my levels just now and they ar as follows Nitrate--5.0 Nitrite--0 PH-----8.2 Ammonia-0 Phosphate-0 Mag----1020 Alk-----8 Calc----520 My Cal is alittle High, Not my concerne. But my Mag is Low and I just Dosed and brought it to 1200 three weeks ago. Is this normal? IS it normal that I would need to Dose this often? Any Thoughts? Thanks in advance.
  9. I have two rio's that are going to go in the Sump. Both are rated at around 800 or 900 GPH. I figured it out once, but dont remember exactlly what they came out to be.... Im going to drill the tank now. But am not sure if I want to use a intake box with a bulkhead inside to the sump. Or just go with direct bulkhead to sump....(scratch) I have to figure out what I am going to do. Im getting close to the point where I have to make a choice... I also want to build a custom sump, and a closed loop.... I have a lot to figure out(nutty)
  10. Update... So I finished the stand today. Now I can start on the Hood.. Not sure just how I want it, But I am thinking about just having the top lid the lifts up with two dors in the front... We'll see...(clap)
  11. Kevman

    How do I cure Rock

    Good to know , thanks.... Im bummed, everytime I add LR from somewhere I get a Algea breakout...just for about a 2 week period then it seems to die off....Anyone know why. I have a bunch of LR I perchased from Scott. But afraid to put it in.. Its been recirculating in a plastic container with Purple up and 1.025 water. Why am I getting these outbreaks? does anyone else get these? Thanks for the help...
  12. (scratch)I was wondering!!! I have purchased a couple Caps that where cheap because they where browning. After putting them in my Tank the Brown has gone away and the full color has come back making them great investments. My Question for you all is, What caused the Browning. Is it the Zoenthalia Algae turning brown? Is there other methods other than getting them into the correct lighting....(nutty) Happy Turkey Day...
  13. (help)I have no idea what you guys are talking about.....
  14. Actually it was Lowes I seen it at. I'll look TAP Plastics Up.... Thanks..
  15. WoW Thats Great...Congrates....Are they in a high flow area....
  16. Anyone have a link to learn Tips On Cutting and drilling Plexi glass.. Im going to buy 1/2inch PG from Home Depot, and everytime I have worked with it in the past I ended up fracturing it.... Please help...
  17. So I will be putting another coat of stain on today.... I purchased Live Rock from Scotts tank he is taking down(thanks Scott for the great prices). And am going to start on my Light Canopy and Sump build This week... Im looking for Sump Ideas and a 900 to 1100 GPH external Pump,,ANYONE? The thing is there are a few people have to sell but I am looking for something quite.. That is the theme of this Tank.... I have now: 2-Internal RIO Pumps 800GPH I think.( 1on current Tank 39G) 1- Precision Marine Venturi Skimmer( current Tank) 1- Koralia 2 (current Tank) 1 20 G Wet/Dry Sump.(Current Set Up-NO BIO BALLS) 3- MH Ballests (1- 400w 20000K On Tank Now) 2- VHO 36" Actinic(1 on Current Tank) I have pretty much what I need for the New Tank, But I want a new Sump. And I am going to Drill the New Tank, and Get rid of the Overflow Box. Im want to set it up so Bad (drooler)... Im driving my wife Nuts(nutty). But she loves it too. Im Off to go stain..(rock2) Go CHARGERS...
  18. Tank Pic of the Aquarium...(rock2)
  19. UPDATE...Stained First coat of stain....One more,, than Clear Coat..(clap)
  20. Oregon Veterans Services Division 700 Summer St N.E. Salem,OR. 97301 1-800-692-9666
  21. I agree, bringing this in to the public spectrum will catch the attention of those whom may be able to help.... Also there is a SALEM V.A. Administration office on Summer St Salem... I will post the Number shortlly. They may be able to help him as he may not of known the channels to go thrue, to help himself....Its hard when you get locked in your own head .... seeking out help is very hard. But there are V.A. advacasy personel that should be helping him.. Ill post the number so you can give it to your friend... This is tragic!!!!!
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