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Everything posted by newfisher

  1. newfisher


    No, but Grainger offers several heavy duty options that we use at work for industrial applications.
  2. A few weeks ago I made a trip north from Eugene through PDX and made several stops to pick up items for reefers down here. Algae scored a killer kalk reactor and told me to stop by sometime for a frag in return for getting it to him. I hit him up on the offer last night -WOW, what a tank! I think I spent 2 hours there checking it out. Great stuff, Great guy! Thanks Algae for the frags, they look and are doing great. Yes, that green slimer is a SLIMER ! p.s. Thank Harvest again for me for the refrigerator art!
  3. Yeah, it's a neon green sinulara from BYRD. Takes up alot of real estate! I think I will start a duncan savings account and see where it goes.
  4. I also have stuff for Clay !! Some of it's his that he brought over like the " coral fairy" and put in my lonely, empty tank. Without his passion, my tank would still be empty~! Thanks CLAY! we're here for ya'
  5. GRRRRRrrrrr,,,, spoke to soon.. The kole tang I just got now has Ich!!
  6. duncan I had mentioned your duncan before you wanted to frag a section and just bought one a few days before you posted yours in the other thread. Thnaks for the thought though. My tank is now full.
  7. Thanks...better than T.V. any night!
  8. Great fish, I just got one 2 days ago and fun to watch. Sorry for the loss
  9. I had a spat and purchased 4 peppermint shrimp for my 49G and it worked great. Mabey you didn't have enough of them?
  10. Clay...if you want it I can pick it up and bring it to you @ 4:30..Should mix well with the 75 lbs you have? Call me and we can contact willamette greystone re: sixe of grains?
  11. Powder coat for sure, they even have textures if you like. By the time you buy the materials I will bet having it powder coated will only be a few bucks more.
  12. Can the mods switch it, or do I have to delete it and repost? I thought of that at first, but because it is free I thought the softie forum was a better choice.
  13. Buddy, I still think you need it for the 240. Ya, I know....you're trying to get it up and running. .....and it's AWSOME!!!!!
  14. softie Thanks BYRD!! It's doing AWSOME. Fully open and happy, now let's talk about that Dendro (plotting)
  15. I have a fairly large yellow polyp leather that has dropped 2 1" x 1" frags. Come and get it (rock2) I only have a 49G corner and it's already full , if this frag grows out to the size of the mother colony I won't be able to see the reef
  16. I saw it last night!! It's AWSOME....you should keep it, you're gonna need something in those big cubes you have comming!!
  17. I wonder what he would pay for some Eugene Zenia?
  18. I know of a used one if interested PM me
  19. biker coral Mabey we could get some hells angels,free souls, gypsy joker and brother speed Zoa's together and toss in a mongol fish and see what happens. My bet is that the water turns red and your living room starts to smell like sweat letaher and oil when the water starts to settle. Do they make a kick start skimmer?
  20. I know , or have recently learned , that people come up with crazy names for zoa's even if they already have a name or the seller just didn't do the research. I am not saying this because you have been missled, but the " Hells Angels" motorcycle club has always been red and white. Just like the flag, their colors don't run. I can't think of any other affiliation that would be related to hells angels, especially red/blue, if their had been something out there I am sure the boys would have erradicated it. Mabey that's why the Zoa's are so popular? Extinct?
  21. diamond (clap) I have a diamond goby if you want to leave those duncans in my tank (whistle)
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