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Everything posted by newfisher

  1. I'm in!! Sorry I havn't caught this earlier and Yes, I'll call you Algea. So here's my idea: We meet at Clay's, head to Ruthies, on to Algea's, over to Impur's, then to Siskyou's. That put's us in a straight line from River rd to 13th and Garfield-ish. Then over to my place near Autzen ( we will have to drive fast past the stadium so Impur doesn't jump out) , over to oxx's and anyone else in the area who wants to jump on/in. After the final stop we head to Joey's Pizza on South A and 14th , it's close to oxx's( I'll pitch in 1 giant pizza ) so we can hang out and get some food. Or we can do the food thing and then reverse the order and then eat again afterwards. Any night works for me, just need a couple day notice. I say this thursday ( just to get the ball rolling)...who's in???!!!!!
  2. Yes, I have the square one. What do you want for the round style? Is it the classic? What's the rating? Thanks
  3. but,buddy! Whoooooa.....I think you misspelled. It has 2 t's and no comma. Lol!!
  4. Looking for another Ehiem...my back up just burnt up. I'm out of town a lot and need a wife friendly change over unit in case one fails. My main one is going ,but nice to have a spare. I have hoses and the body..just need the head or a whole assembly if you have one. Thanks! Jon 541 515 0005
  5. I had zenia similar zenia issues. It grew like a weed until a changed from purple up to a 2 part dosing system. My PH went wacky and after getting it back in check they are thriving again.
  6. Diamond Gobies are fun to watch...love mine!
  7. Bummer.....I have 60 inches to work within. Thank you for the return
  8. GREAT score!! Looking forward to the build thread ( here?) and finished product..
  9. I have a GIANT green sinulara you could put in front of it? haha...ps it's doing great, it's starting to take over the living room.
  10. newfisher

    ID please

    My vote: Bali green slimer.
  11. You should use this time wisely and frag as many things in your tank as possible and send them to me. lol ok, seriously...Roseburg is supposed to be getting hit already
  12. Take BYRD's advise. I travelled the same road you did and the Plusrite's are great!! Thanks again BYRD for the heads up!! p.s. I liked your handgun avitar much better. lol
  13. So I find mixed opinons and still after 2 pop pom's 2 emerald's, we must now get a decorator. (wife) Anyone have pic's of their's "in action"? Any lines on who has had them for sale? Thanks!
  14. newfisher


    Powder blue or Kole tang ( yellow eyes) seem mile mannered.
  15. dragon dance AMAZING!! Great watch, thanks for the link!
  16. If you had the unit, it's semi-portable, most likely a wall mount style and you can run a garden hose to it while putting the outflow end into your tank to fill it. With 250g it would probobly take 2 days to fill!!
  17. You can always let it grow out in my tank next to this juicy sinulara!!!
  18. I think they were trying to use the " budgeted money" to reduce emissions from the older vehicles too. Throw in steel recycling, leaking oils, coolant, r12 issues etc. and we might be back to $8.10 spent for every dollar saved!!
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