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Everything posted by newfisher

  1. Sounds like a similar day! Clay said he met you inside djl. Hope the 90 works out for ya.
  2. Welcome! I like the screen name, I use it when making reservations...lol
  3. All site, day and time suggestions in less than 97 posts are welcome! How bout we move this Tuesday to Thursday of next week? Nnewhouse, that work for you guys? Clay and Kemist say ok....Thutrsday @ 7pm river road Countryside Pizza
  4. Today started out like any other day, a list of honey doo's, a run to the dump and try to figure out what I forgot to pick up for V day. Made the dump run and grabbed a card for my wife at Target before Claythesavagefraser and kemist showed up at 9am to make a "quick" run to Portland to meet Snowpunk for g.o.c. pieces. None of us had ever been to Davy Jones Locker,so we gps'ed it and headed that way first. At the door 11am and sign said 12..grr. Another customer shook the door and told us about C.B. Tropical,off we went. Great little store,freindly and left with some cool stuff! Back to DJL, Dave was out doing maintenence and Tony was doing a good job jugggling 6 customers! Grabbed some frags,tangs and a large hammer colonie. Off to Westside in Hillsburrito to meet snowpunk. Wow! Nice selection, nice prize pieces and yes, more stuff to take home. Stopped by tankit's to grab a maxima clam and then down to Premium Aquarium and leave the rest of our cash with Garrett. Sump and misc pieces in the trunk. Inverter working double time in the back seat with just enough room for me to shut the door. What started out as a frag grab tuirned into a multi-store stop and a boost for the PDX eonomy. Thanks to all the stores for the great product and deals!!
  5. Travis and eric still have some on the back side of the big display on the return nozzles....bring a razorblade and travis will make you a great deal on some new stuff. Make sure you don't rubber band it to rubble,most of the time its to tight and seems to kill it off. I've placed a rock on top of the stalk and had better success.
  6. Oh yeah, Eugene meet n greet #2 Tuesday 7pm at Country side pizza on river road just north of cycle sports next to graffitti alley. You northern folk are welcome to bring some stink!
  7. My ph is at 8.4 and grows well. Water changes every week!
  8. Smile and take a deep breath....I'm 2 months ahead of you. Sorry to hear.
  9. Yeah, how about a poo slinging, pot smoking stinky hippy pizza party? Next Tuesday?
  10. Thejenchild, I feel your frustrations. I too have similar experiences with Garrett. I have to drive all the way up there from Eugene AGAIN in less than a week today and will most likely spend all of my hard earned cash! I used to think he kept the garage door closed to keep the heat in,but I think its like the Vegas casino...bright colors, pumping some kind of toxin in the air to get you to release your wallet, no clock on the wall....its AMAZING!! Mabey he's looking for a house closer to us? Hint hint G
  11. Yes, I currently have them and are excited to see nnewhouse's set up! When I ordered mine I didn't want Garrett @ Premium Aquarium (awsome guy) to get them in overnight frieght,acclimate them ,get them to eat,stick them in another bag,drive them an hour to Eugene and then acclimate them again. Getting them to eat wasn't as easy as the "20-30 year old books" suggested. I had read a ton of info on the internet and like all husnadry, it is always changing. What works for some is different for others. It's great to have forums,google,etc. To gain as much info as you can whether you are caring for something or are just interested in a different species. When clay and I stopped by to get the yellow tang I missed your seahorses. Would have liked to see what works in your set up.
  12. Awsome! I wish I had kept pics of tanks in the beginning..I barely have wedding photos lol
  13. Welcome. A lot of great people and shared info here. We had Eugenes latest meet and greet last Tuesday. Good times! Follow the thread and we will see you soon. Good luck in the job hunting. Jon
  14. Is there anyone in the Salem to Medford area that would like to meet in eugene and didn't make the last meet and greet? Anyone wanna pick a date for the next one in less than 87 posts?
  15. newfisher


    T5's work well,put off less heat and take less energy than a metal halide. Plus you get that light @ 30% off right now at ls!
  16. horses n reefs Correct. They are very finicky and slow eaters. The biggest obsticle is getting them to eat. Once you have made a feeding tray on the sandbed or successfully fed with a turkey baster you will most likely do well with them in their 2 to 4 year captive lifespan. They recommend seahorse only tanks due to other fishes quickly getting their food and starving them to death.
  17. I have a 75g tank, black factory style stand and a 20g sump...make offer SOLD $100
  18. Ditto, had a good time. Thanks everyone for showing up....we'll have to reserve a big party room next time!
  19. bday plans Call us when your plans are over and jump in on a tank tour!! There might be a bday frag for you.....
  20. Meet , greet and eat Newhouse,algea,clay !! Whoo hooo...how bout the others r3? Oxx? Mr s.? Anyone else in the area wanna come? See the rets of you there at 7pm... Joey's Pizza 14th and south A st. Springfield. Almost 90 posts! Let's get this one going, keep the thread alive south valley fish folk and get some more people out and showing off those tanks!
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