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Everything posted by newfisher

  1. a nice thursday drive in the country.. Pick a time.....never (naughty) mess with the unemployed.
  2. I have the answer! You and I will each get a rbta from Andy, add a yellow tang (should be ok with the sailfin in a 46,but no more) ,I know an inexpensive place to get one and I need one for the corner tank also. While I'm there, I will pick up that case of Milwaukee's best from Emerald and we will have at least 3or 4 shiney round door prizes for the meet n greet when I get back. That will add some color,look amazing and free beer whooo hooo! Talk to CA2OR or R3, they always has some great zoo's to trade
  3. Hey! BUMP for a new month! Any ideas ,days,times for a meeting? We have had a couple newer members in the Eugene area,let's get together and see what's going on. How's next Wednesday 7pm at a pizza place or the following Saturday 12 noon?
  4. Have any road trip's planned towards Eugene?
  5. How about since you didn't make either of the 2 Eugene meet and greets or the Southern stinky hippy parties as Algea refers to them, we all get together and crash your place for a tank tour?
  6. Will work for beer...food....frags..etc lol
  7. 1986 Supra 150,000 Automatic...Loaded. Everything works,but the factory radio. A/c blows cold,new lifetime muffler and exhaust,fixed acouple oil leaks,good tires,white paint looks good needs waxed. It came into his shop with a transmission problem. Original owners grand daughter didnlt want to possibly put $1000 into the car. He bought it from them,pulled the trans and found the torque converter splines broken. Put an aftermarket upgraded TC in it and has been driving it as the shop parts runner. I've seen the car and its in really nice shape for its age. Grandma passed it down a few years ago. The paint is slighly oxidized, but would buff out. Pm me your phone# and ill send you some pics tommorrow of it from mine if you or anyone else interested. He's gonna craigslist it for $2200 ,but will take $1700 if he doesn't have to hassle with caigslist.
  8. I don't...I need to talk to him tonight sbout a friends car that we are working on...ill ask him and let ya know.
  9. Thanks, bowing out...lewisriverfisherman you're up!
  10. Call a buddy of mine; Danny @ PM Automotive in Springfield. He owns a very reliable repair shop and usually has 2 or 3 vehicles that customers sell him when they upgrade at the dealer and would rather dan find a home for them. He has a Supra, 2dr explorer and an Altima right now that I know of. His # is 541 746 1195 . I know its a little out of the way, but he's honest and fair. Jon
  11. Kmiller: yes, same skimmer. Nwinverts: Sold, pm'ed you
  12. Get ahold of kemist on here....he has what you're looking for.
  13. I have a Remora Aqua C hang on back skimmer with the maxi jet pump and the optional in tank skimmer box with micro bubble filter for sale. I am converting sumps and have gone to a different style skimmer at the back of the sump( thanks Nnewhouse). Its 6 months old.so its already broke in! It has an external drain on the collection cup and a 4ft hose into a 1 liter bottle. I am headed out of town this weekend and will return next week to swap everything over. $100 for skimmer/pump and overflow surface skim box.
  14. I figured "newfisher" sounded better than new-bee. Its also Latin for " he who dives in head first and has 4 tanks in 8 months".
  15. Give it time, my last one did the same thing and after acouple days and a spot feeding it puffed back up. They like lower flow and a well lighted area. Yours is probobly just showing its happy now instead of where it was...haha
  16. I dabble in a little of everything. A calm hand is the devil's workshop. Do you have chassis stands( front and rear )? My place is full right now to take on a project, but if you need a hand I don't mind helping.
  17. I have loosely, I mean looooosely wrapped a rubber band around a piece of rubble or used super glue gel. I have frag plugs (thanks Algea!) , rubble,glue and bands. You can bring a baggie, kidding...have tons of those too. We can attatch it before you leave.
  18. Yes, Tuesday is good. No, smaller frags are either "fresh cut" or have fallen off the mother colonie. It sheds em every couple weeks.
  19. Come take a look, ill give ya a frag! They grow pretty fast. I also have a couple 4 inchers that I would make you a deal on.
  20. Run what ya brung and if duct tape won't hold it,drill a hole and zip tie it!
  21. experienced Buddy! You can do anything, I've witnessed it....I will make you some biz cards that prove it..lol
  22. I made one out of zip ties looped together and a plastic coat hanger.
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