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Everything posted by newfisher

  1. You can have one of mine.
  2. I will be in Salem tonight and back home around 8:30 if anyone needs something from Jason@ coral reef or Garrett @ primium aquarium. Call me at 541 515 0005 and let me know Jon
  3. Hey max, if its a nipper ...rehome it to clays tank at the tattoo shop!
  4. Sears Weatherbeater, eggshell? J/K Have you had them in heated ,circulating salt water recently? Mabey some good light. I have left mine in a covered bucket and it gets lighter when I keep it outside with the lid off.
  5. I used a "slap chop" for the meats, blended the veggies ,nori and supplements with rodi water and froze in bags. Seems to really mess the tank when thawed. Have you experemented with thickness of the paste or any safe binders to keep it from clouding the water?
  6. Bristle worms? Did they have centipeed looking bodies?
  7. tellow tang Whoa! We will stop by and pick you up on our next Eugene to PDX road show! Thanks again for the yellow tang. She is beutiffull and doing well. I thinked she liked the Harley!
  8. I would like to come up and do this...either way,pitch or pot
  9. I change them when I do a glass scrub, feeding and water change. I will wash them out with the hose on high pressure, then rinse in a bowl of saltwater and hang dry.
  10. A$$ +1 , I hope its better with you there max!
  11. I have sourced the baster bulbs and by tuesday should have a working sample. I couldnt find the 1/2 style baster bulb. Going with 1/2 tube and flairing the end to accomodate a 1" baster bulb. I ordered 10 bulbs and if I can get them to work well on my 32" Seahorse tank I will let ya know.
  12. Yes, same place as the last meet n greet, somewhere in this thread... Countryside Pizza‎ 645 River Rd # 1, Eugene, Oregon 97404 (541) 463-7632‎ 1pm Saturday I reserved the side hall dining area, seats approx 30+ Sounds like a glass drilling demo afterwards with Algea and Bswe22 , mabey a "how to assemble a cube" with Impur and a tank tour?
  13. glass blowers Yeah, my guy asked where I wanted the carb hole on the baster?
  14. Are you doing a "how to build a cube" demo at saturdays meeting?
  15. Thats some funky Coraline already growing on the sides! Man, I knew you could grow corals, but heck....even without water!!
  16. I'm on it. A buddy of mine blows glass. Can't swing a dead cat in Eugene w/o hitting someone who blows glass.
  17. A true salesman must train in all fields. Studying Dr Suess is just another notch above hypnotism, which is how Garrett gets all of my cash for his stuff. Or, he just slipped and is now trying to figure out how to cover up his reading level.
  18. Awsome deals on AWSOME products! All the fish and inverts maade it safely home on the Harley. I don't recommend extra large hairy crabs for fish only tanks...puffer/trigger team 3...crabs 0
  19. newfisher

    DI resin

    I have some too if you want too resupply me when your order gets in.
  20. newfisher

    couldnt resist.

    Nice fish! My yellow eye khole is a bully too..grrrr!
  21. Welcome! If you need anything from the south,let me know. I come up to shop with jason at coral reef and garrett at premium often.
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