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Everything posted by newfisher

  1. +1.. wtt/wtb and the classified sections don't accommodate and general discusion would get looked over. Great idea Eric!
  2. That's great! Mine hosts with Zenia now.
  3. Keep the lid sealed and then rinse it before you use it
  4. Go to an acrylics supply company in your area and have them cut a 4 inch square piece of 1/8 inch. Use the fresh sharp flat sides to safely scrape the acrylic tank. As the sides get dull (they won't clean as well) take it back to the acrylic shop and have them re-cut a fresh edge on 4 sides.
  5. Glad you are ok. Remember, all of this can be had again.
  6. Hey Robert,welcome. My wife says "yeay, another southern cali person"! Fyi Travis and Eric are doing well. If you need anything let's us know. Jon
  7. Welcome, sounds like you've got a good start. Garret @ Premium Aquarium has 100lbs of live rock..$2.50 lb. He's in Salem.
  8. Check out Garrttes place. Hes's got 100 lbs of live rock $2.50 a lb. Sully might have some curing too and is also close to you.
  9. Brandon...glad to see you on here! When's the new shop open? I miss the Albany stop and your humor!
  10. I have had a lawnmower blenny and a Midas in my 49g mixed reef together for 8 months. It's topless and no jumpers. I think part of the success is a large barnacle shell that is placed high up in the tank that the midas has claimed as his home. He perches in it most of the day,watching the others. The two have come in contact with each other,but no issues. The LMB mostly stays on the lower levels,cleaning and wathing tv.
  11. You're welcome, we need more enthusiastic members like you from CottageGrove.
  12. How about a 4ft long 75g glass..I can drill a hole where you need it? $50?
  13. Miles...I'm unemployed,make aranngements with garrett and if I don't go snowboarding Friday I will run up and get it for you. You buy the gas and a cold refreshment at your place. I'm also headed to Seattle Saturday and comming home Sunday.
  14. Just drilled my tank yesterday and we drilled bswe22's Saturday after the meet n greet. Best way to go. If you still want to do an overflow box external, I have a large one if interested. +1 on the rodi w ato....sooooo much easier and better water quality. Sounds like a cool set up. Good luck with the lighting. I would also take into account how far off the surface the bulb will be. Are you hanging it from yo yo's or building a stand? Legs? 250w? If you need some help let me know.
  15. Ok, I know my 49g corner mixed reef needed some love,but who has time to work on your own stuff when you are juggling 4 tanks? I have had a canister filter and 2 korlias running it with some success for 9 months,but have hit a plateau( or just too lazy to clean out the canister). I've been collecting plumbing,uv's,skim boxes, pumps etc for months and decided to listen to some good friends and at 2pm today broke down the tank,drilled it,installed custom sump with all the goodies,tuned it and re-installed all living creatures. We chemicaly dipped all of the rock (small red slime,nudibranc and brittle star problem) and lost no fish,corals or inverts in the process! Thank you..Thank you...Thank you Kemist,Clay and Ruthie!!!!!!! By 7pm we were watching the cloud clear up and at 9pm eating Chineese Buffet. Got home at 10 and all are happy and rockin! Thanks again guys.
  16. Sorry to hear buddy. If you need a new home for the vortech I'm here for ya.
  17. It doesn't work from my phone? It says "the text is replaced by flash movie"...I hope its not you in a trenchcoat? Lol
  18. Thanks Garrett for the great selection, food products and crazy availability to meet at 8pm on a rainy Monday night!
  19. Thanks Andy, what a great set up.
  20. Its always stories like this that pop up AFTER I add the dang thing to my tank!
  21. Anytime! Glad Garrett had what you needed.
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