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Everything posted by newfisher

  1. Mine too was a Eunice worm. Kemist pulled it out of the rock when we were breaking down the tank. It was so large that I think it scared him and dropped on the sand bed. Picked it back up with a long conch shell and threw it out the open window. It sat in the bark for 3 days,dried up, and still about 12 inches long when shriveled up!
  2. +2.. Accountability is everything. Why have red if nobody knows why? It just becomes a color that has been "pinned" on them by someone else. Sure, its going to make more work for the mod's when people challenge the point,but that is part of the job and type is so 2 demensional anyway. I agree to open it fully or get rid of it. Mabey start a forum of the offense's and let comments of their peers decide. It would take a load off the mods when this is opened up?
  3. Impur, what do you mean by "plumb it inline"? Thanks
  4. I had similar ones. Kept picking them out after seeing the at the base of several corals. Bought a harliquin shrimp from Garrett and whala...no more stars.
  5. Buddy, get as many as you can and we will put some in my tank just in case something happens in yours. You will be doubling their survival rate!
  6. Good idea! I tried it with a mag pump that I use for water changes and got more water than debris.
  7. Share the love......with me! This ia great. Should we start a list of peple willing to "share the love" or just jump in on a post? mabey those who have been chosen can start the next one?
  8. Vacuuming would be a 1/2 project due to space restictions. I would have to empty 30lbs of rubble out piece by piece. Like most, looking for a simpler solution,but everything that eats,poops. Was thinking of getting something to break down the larger pieces into something the skimmer could process easier.
  9. I have a 90g fish only with a 40g breeder sump/fuge. Filter sock, bubble trap,live rock,skimmer then through washable filter pad into fuge with macro and circulation pump. For that side. I am getting quite a bit of large "debris" in the 1st area. Excess food and detritus settling amonst the live rock and around the skimmer body. Not wanting to vacuum it out, should I put a 1. Damsel in there to break down the larger chuncks so the skimmer can be more effective? 2. Snails and hermits or 3. Starfish? What do you think or use? Thanks.
  10. Hey guys, I have a newer chevy dually,unemployed and love road trips. If you guys come to an agreement including kicking down some lunch money and gas, I would be able to deliver as long as there is help on both ends with loading/unloading. Eugene to Bend to PDX and back is a nice drive! Jon
  11. Frank, I just tore my tank down last week to chemicaly dip everything due to,what I thought was a nudi or bristworm problem eating my GSP and Zoas, and found the same black 18 incher you have a pic of. I guess I found my problem and was ablee to do a little rockscaping too.
  12. Water changes, water changes...10% a week and have a lot of patence,corals don't grow quickly
  13. Nick at rose city has a small one! Or did a week ago. If he has had small ones and sold it, you ccould have him order one in.
  14. Daaang! Sorry for your headache. Just tore mine apart and chemically dipped everything for what I thought were GSP and Zoa eating nudibranch's ,brittle stars and zebra snails. After inspecting the sand we found a 14 inch long black bristle worm! My zoas and GSP have never been happier..good luuck
  15. fraggle rock Sorry beckie. If I had not been at the PDX auto swap meet for 12 hours or have 2 other guys in the car wanting to get home and ice their feet, I would have totally been into a frag swap. I owe smann something down the road for his amazing gift and will keep you in mind when I come up next!
  16. I have never researched that species of macro. Why get rid of it, just for asthetics or harmfull?
  17. Ohhh the joy's of 3g internet phones and the long straight drive to eugene. Lol Thankfully I have one because my garmin gps told me your address was "not found" and my phone guided me to you.
  18. Is this their second time laying? How's the 1st batch doing?
  19. If you need help or if there is room to watch I can come!
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