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Everything posted by newfisher

  1. Do you have other pets like a cat that may have found him? Large hermits? Possibly died and while at rest became hermit food.
  2. Bump for a clean set up. Saw it Sunday. I believe she has the rock and live stock sold. Would make a great QT tank.
  3. +3 close to cycled. Good idea on food and recheck. Remember when adding livestock to only add one item per day and recheck before buying ore adding next item just to be safe..imo
  4. He is one mean squirting green zoa machine! Mabey he will bring his tu tu?
  5. Whew....it wasn't until the stand pics that I was able to verify it was your build(beer)! Lookin good so far!
  6. A BIG welcome from the South!
  7. WOW, that was fast. CONGRATS! You were just here and thought. End of next week....surprise!
  8. You just set up the tank right? Do you have your cycle done? Any live rock yet? When I set one up with a fresh tank it didn't seem to work well either. After live rock, a cycle and some fish it seemed to work as designed. Water level will play a part too on how efficient it will be. Ime
  9. That sounds good. Horizontally with an aqualifter, you could hide them behind the couch too.
  10. Welcome. 40 columns rock! I have ours set up as a seahorse/pipefish tank. One of the best tanks out there.
  11. Oh! You should trade with siskyou! She has AMAZING stuff, your GF should really like it. I've brought home a few things and my wife loves the colors.
  12. There is a formula somewhere that talks about size of tank and flow rate through the sterilizer, sorry can't remember. You want a slower flow and run inline before the skimmer,something about smaller particles. Its late,I'm in bed and just can't go to sleeeeeeep. Lol
  13. Welcome! Stick around, there is a lot of good advise and better deals in the MEMBERS sections
  14. newfisher

    New fitchy

    If you're getting it where I think you are...you are going to be blooooown away! I saw it today and wow!
  15. You are a piller, a father and a friend. You bring so much to so many I can't imagine the former you. Thank you for staying clean and impacting our lives with your smiles,laughter,focus and love.
  16. ato Thanks for the thread. I don't have any room in the corner stands, they are maxed out with sumps. No canopy and can't do a gravity feed without seeing it. I purchased a 8" diam. Acrylic tube that I am going to black out and weld to a 12x12 3/8 pad. Bought JBJ ATO kit and a small pump that I will put in the bottom. Plumb it internal with a 1/2 diam water column to the top and 90 out. 1/4 hose around the backside to the sump and fiish it with a removable top cap to set a plate/beer on next to the couch. I'm going to run kalk and my thoughts( thanks nnewhouse) are to have the large water column inside the furniture piece/ water storage , so when the pump shuts down it will backflush and stir the kalk via gravity.
  17. Evening works better for me too...gives me enough time to practice lobbing rocks( thanks algea).
  18. I finaly broke down and set up an Auto top off system on my FOWLER 90g. Its a basic set up with mechanical float switch mounted in the sump,a reservoir and plumbed through the wall directly into my RODI sytem. Its been the best upgrade yet. I am now wanting to have ATO's on 2 other tanks that sit on each side of a large couch and at the opposite end of the house from the 90g. Running a line isn't an option. Looking more towards stand-alone furnitue style ATO system, not just a 5g bucket with a pump in the bottom. Anyone have pics of a neat,clean stand alone style you have built and use? Thanks, Jon
  19. Thank you Jay and Mod's. It's great that voices are heard when good ideas come along. Have you ever thought of running for Governor?
  20. +2 for 2 and good find Max.
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