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Everything posted by newfisher

  1. You should bag them up and put them in my tank and we will see if they grow faster...lol I found that switching from a canister filter to a sump,upgrading to a madda$$ skimmer and running SPS brand blue 20k instead of the phoenix or plus rite 14k, has doubled the growth time cycle.
  2. I wanted to share an auto top off ( ATO ) system that I built to serve 2 purposes. First, to keep from comming home every day and feel like I'm tied to the tanks. I had previously had to check the water level in the sump first ,before getting to just sit down and enjoy them. For those who have ato's I think you know the relief one of these simple systems, no matter how you plumb them, can make you feel about your tanks. Second, I needed end tables between the classic shaped living room with the L shaped love seat/couch configuration. I have a couch on a wall and the 49g corner bow tank on one side and the 40g cylinder tank on the other. I nneded something round that would hold at least 5g's of water and look nice so here are a few "phone pic's" of what I came up with. Here is the finished product between the couch and one of the tanks. Its a 12x12 3/8 acrylic pad that I routed the edges and polished. A 8" diam. 24" long 3/8 acrylic tube was welded or glued to the pad, off center to make room for the JBJ controller in the back. I went to the local sign company and bought 24" gloss black vinyl and wrapped both tubes. I left the bases clear to blend in with the floor and not look so bulky. I have another routed and polished "lid" on top with a locater bar glued in the center to keep the lid from sliding off the tube. I painted the underside of the lid which makes it look gloss black when installed. Here are 2 tubes cut,wrapped with vinyl and the fittings installed. I chose to use a 1/2 diameter tube and barb fitting on the inside so its an easy fit to most pumps and I wanted a larger water column to fall back into the ato when the syphon at the sump broke to stir the kalk. The top of the tubes have a 1 inch hole drilled with a 1/2 inch internal fitting threaded through the acrylic wall into a stepped brass fitting that was coated internally with epoxy so no saltwater to brass contact would be made. Its stepped down to a 1/4 plastic quick connect 90 degree fitting,so I can unplug them for cleaning or serviceing. This shot(from my phone) is looking down into the tube,welded to the clear 12x12 pad and 1/2 full of water. The clear tube coils down to the pump. Ther is a JBJ ATO kit float swich suction cupped to the interior wall,its what shuts the pump circuit off if the tube(reservoir) gets too low. Both wires run up the inside of the tube and I notched the top of the tube so the top pad, aka beer holder, could lay flat. I ran black duct tape (yes it comes in colors and is the most amazing stuff in the world) down the back side or seam where the sign vinyl overlapped. Next I velcroed the JBJ units to the rear of the base. Plugged the pump and the reservoir sensor into the JBJ controller. I installed the sump sensor by gluing a couple magnets to the sensor frame and then coating them with epoxy as they will be making contact with the sump water. This allows the sensors to be adjustable if needed. I ran the sump sensor wire around the back of the stand and plugged it into the controller. I cut a 3 inch piece of 1/2 inch clear line and super glued it into the front corner of my sump leaving a small section sticking up above the sump edge. This is what holds the 1/4 inch feed line into the sump without allowing it to touch the water and create a syphon which would suck sump water back into the reservoir,not good. I then ran the feed line from the sump, around the back of the stand and into the 1/4 90degree reservoir fitting. From there I filled the reservoirs with 5.2 gallons of water, plugged the JBJ systems in and adjusted the level of the sump sensors until the reservoir pumps kicked on at my sumps water line and done. Fairly simple,good looking,functional furniture.
  3. Of the wrasse or the bad ars car? Lol
  4. Thanks, its a looker for sure.
  5. Nice! They look great,crossing my fingers for ya
  6. Mabey THAT is the problem. Open up the screen to everyone. Let those who are concearned see who gave them good or bad and take away the security blanket that others hide behind. I haven't been on here much in the last 4 days because everytime I open up the forum I have to trip over a rep point thread. Now its even caught me! DANG! Oh well, good thing tat2d and I broke down a 75 system and moved it to a new reefers place today and have some good yen amongst the non reefing rep point whinning yang! Lol
  7. newfisher

    My first pic!

    Thanks Mick! I'm a dork. I hate clutter and delete eeeeverythiiing! My wife hates it.
  8. newfisher

    My first pic!

    Hey mods....shows pic deleted or removed? What's up?
  9. Its spelled "reef CRUST" It stands for My Old Pile of Algea Racecar The yellow shield does nothing other than flash this image when I click on it
  10. Then why have it? I have seen another thread regarding a similar issue and no GOOD response from the mods or resolution. I like red better anyway, it matches your Trans am and the hairy stuff in your tank.
  11. Funny, he can't operate a skill saw and build a coffe table, but has a vocabulary and a mental ability that is larger than mine? Hmmm. I think I need sum more skoooling
  12. That's funny, I don't care who you are or if you're from New Guinney
  13. newfisher

    My first pic!

    Whoa! I think it worked....look out Eric, I'm in cybertron now baby!
  14. newfisher

    My first pic!

    (scratch) We all have goals right? Well, mine was to figure out how to post pic's using photobucket from my phone. The whole digi camera,plug it in, select a pic and post thing requires me to be carrying around my lap top and a bunch of gear. Anyway, if this works, it is a picture of two of the four Seahorses we have and our always entertaining camera ham decorator crab. Hope you enjoy it.
  15. How does a member give another member good or bad rep points. I've gone to usser cp and can't figure it out?
  16. What happens when you plug your flux capacitor into your camaro and have Obie one kanobi drive it 88mph?
  17. I see no red, just green and pink, like the colors of those bra's you wear on the outside of your lonsleeve flannel shirts.
  18. I will name him "egore" muhahaha
  19. Never under estimate the power of the unemployed! Lol Anytime buddy.
  20. Thanks Nnewhouse for the macro algea, my new fuge loves it! I hope it will grow like a weed and I can "share the love" with other reefers here.
  21. Does the chiller have service ports for the refrigerant , or do they need brazed in for sericing the refrigerant?
  22. Let them eat cake! When there were no dams there were less people,less sea lions and a lot more fish..hmmmm? Over population?
  23. After pulling out that 18 inch black bristle worm from the othe tank, I am suspicious of leaving them alone. The bag and bait idea sounds interesting? Any previous threads or advise on that method?
  24. Douglas, I have a 10g complete system with a powerhead. Its small but could double stack some egg crate and make a frag rack? It was one of the complete kits liquid had and you are welcome to it. I also have a 200w heater and a HOB filter minus the filter pad or an Ehiem pro 2 canister system you can use. 541 515 0005. Jon
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