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Everything posted by newfisher

  1. Thanks everyone for responding! Keep them evite's and rsvp's commin!
  2. Unfortunately we chose not to set up a nursery and rotifer cultures. Throwing them to the wind ( or skimmer ) and see how many naturally survive. Next batch we will be ready!! "Looks like that seahorse tree came in handy already!" Noobtosalt Yes, the quickly took to the new addition and are going through thier color changes daily!!
  3. DOH!Hey, I just opened up an Evite in my hotmail in box(that I dont check often) and I am sorry Douglas for not responding sooner. I then noticed that 262 people have also not responded!! I cant imagine co-ordinating such a great meeting without having people RSVP so you can at least get a head count for food and drink so graciously offered.....c'mon people, lets let him know who's comming!!
  4. Our male Seahorse has been REALLY huge lately and as newbies in the Saltwater world we were questioning over eating/feeding, he's more active than the others or mabey a different breed? (nutty) We googled "pregnant seahorse" several times and found that one of our "couples" is a soon to be father! (scary) Franklin( Algea ) stopped by today to pick up some dry rock and supplies( thank you Garrett ) and my wife was on her way home from lunch when Daddy was twitching and phasing in and out of color from white to black. The twitching or contractions kept getting quicker and stronger, throwing it's body from side to side. :eek: Jess called Heather (NNewhouse's wife,who also has seahorses) and she rushed over. We were watching for about ten minutes and then it happened.....BABIES! Hundreds of them! We scrambled for camera's and caught this video. (clap)(clap)
  5. Thanks for the nori trick. I'm gonna band a piece to some rubble and try it.
  6. I wish I had a larger tank! Gorgeous!
  7. Yes. 727 main st. Aaron and his employee Jay
  8. +1 for Eric and his follow up! I didn't buy any, but like to see that you had a concearn with a sale and followed through.
  9. Trap that lobster!!! Clay lost a ton of fish to the "reef safe" lobster in his tank. We had a glass blower build a trap,but eventually caught it with the triangle shaped inverted net style and some food. Have to feed fish first,then wait till they bed down and aren't jumpy,put the trap in and got him by morning!
  10. He's a genius! That's how it all starts, a few tricks, loosing your yo yo string and then BAM! You're running for President.
  11. The two other fish are: a Bi color blenny and a Lawnmower Blenny. He is a good size lawnmower and has a great personality. The Bi color didn't want to come out of his rock during the move and was transported with the rock and corals,glad to hear he is doing well. Weird things: 1 All fish carry ick parisites and during a tank breakdown and move to a different city I am sure he is having a flair up. The clown may show increased signs of ick in the next week (little white spots on fins and body) keep an eye on him/her and do some research on saltewater ick treatments. I have a 10g quarantine tank you can use if you feel that is the treatment direction you would take. 2: I use Rod's food and PE misis 3: No worries on the starfish. They will climb to the surface and lay themselves across the water to skim for food. As far as covering the tank, that is a personal choice. Some fish jump and with your set up I think mirrored egg crate panel would look and work the best. Look at your sump and see the shelf on the right that is holdiing up that lve rock rubble....that is egg crate. Its little plastic squares that come in 2foot by 4foot sections and you can get them from multicraft plastics off of 6th by grays nursery. Take a pair of wire cutters and snip it to fit around your overflow and to "size" it to the top of your tank. The mirrored stuff reflects a lot of light, but you may have to wash it down every so often to rinse the salt from it as it will sit just above the waters surface. Enjoy the tank, you made a good decision and I am glad Gary seems to show interest too! You guys should come to the meeting on the 16th. Tons of answers to questions you might have and oxx's 1000 gallon system is AMAZING! Gary will want to go bigger when he sees that tank! Lol
  12. Thanks for the props! Sorry for the phone pic's.
  13. Eunice woerms will eat Zoa's. Watch that cluaster and if they dissapear or are always closed up,get that thing outta there. Looks more like a peanut worm than a eunice to me though.
  14. Clay should bring his fish trap. He is a Native American Island Ninja fish catcher and a great guy, but mostly a Ninja fish catcher.
  15. Calvin, you are amazing! Looks better now than when I last saw it! Rick, you should have used my phone to take the pics. Yours are way to clear and beautifull! Lol Great work,both of you.
  16. Its been 8 months since my tattoo buddy showed up at the front door with an empty 49g coorner tank, a stand and a 5g bucket of sand. My wife wanted a saltwater tank and I needed another hobby like I needed another hole in my head. Clay says" dude, its cheap! You will love it,let's get some rock and a filter off of craigslist!" We set the tank on the stand, added the sand,filled it with tap water,some conditioner stuff(if I only knew then what I know now) some salt and started shopping the area for used stuff. I pulled an old heater from from the attic and we found a canister (which I had been running for 7 months) and some rock that night. I slowly added,added more,added too many fish etc and here is what I have now: 49g corner tank w matching black stand. Odysea fixture on yo yo's with SPS 250w de 20k blue bulb and double actinic supplements,4 blue led's. Custom hang on back fuge growing red macro like mad with a spiral 5500k bulb. Single skim box, jacuuzi overflow bulkhead and 1" flex line to a converted wet/dry sump with 15lbs live rubble, diversion plate,pre filter media,custom ato set up and a mag 5 return through a 18" spray bar. 2 korlia #3's. Cavernous rock scaping towering in the center rear with 4 mangroves sprouting 12" above the surface. Leopard wrasse, small yellow tang, lawnmower blenny diamond goby,midas blenny (homming the barnacles up top), purple firefish,red firefish,true perc hsting anything that moves, black and white ocellaris hosting the RBTA , engineer goby and a pistol shrimp watchman combo. Yeah, a lot of fish,but all are really small. I am running a mesh modded eshopps skimmer that pulls a ton of crud daily. Pics are from the phone,but hey....its taken me 8 mnths to finally put some up! Thanks clay for all of your help along the way and getting me addicted ( I now have 4 tanks and roughly 300 gallons). Thanks to pnwmas members and sponsors,its been a great hobby!
  17. Thread closed. - Did it work? Hehehe I think the rep system needs to change for a couple reasons. 1: if its the 3rd time around with no change, the mods are not listening,don't care or can't figure out between them what to do. Make a change, a small one, show the people that you care and are listening. 2: its leaning towards opening up showing who posts the good or the bad. I think it should. If you are going to say something, say it and own it! Don't hide behind your computer acting like you just did a drive by or t.p.'d someones house,we are all adults and can stand a little constructive crytisism or praise. If you can't,well then mabey one of the other 70 forums are better suited for your personality. Ok,I'm done...well mabey not
  18. Can you pick up your rock work without much trouble? Check for a giant black or grey bristle looking worm (the name is on the tip of my tongue) They will feed at night and especially when a wrasse lays flat or beds in the sand. Convict or engineer gobies are burrowers too and are down at the worms level. I pulled an 18 incher from my tank and haven't lost any livestock since. Do you have enough room on the sandbed to set a tube style trap at night?
  19. I'm pretty sure Nnewhouse inquired several times about our local LFS ordering one and directly spoke to Austin,but was never called back after the inquiries. After several months go by and he hears from the same LFS and the same contact person that they have a couple sitting in the back room, he has taken the same position I would.
  20. Kmiller was having trouble with clown / bta hosting. I let her borrow a 10g Qt tank and fill it with her tank water. I suggested she use a powerhead to gently loosen the nem and place it in the qt. She caught the clown and put it in with the nem and within hours they hosted and when re-installed in the display they were good.
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