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Everything posted by newfisher

  1. newfisher

    Carpet Surfin'

    You have had a ton of jumpers!!! Have you grounded yourself and checked for an electricity drain? Put the damsel in the sump for awhile? Mabey he is being agro when your not looking?
  2. newfisher

    Carpet Surfin'

    Do you have a fish that might be aggressive enough to irritate the fish,ie ick out break and jumpers?
  3. newfisher

    Carpet Surfin'

    After a year,knock on wood, my leopard wrasse,diamond goby,red, purple fire fishes,LMB, midas blenny,clowns or tang have never jumped out of my canopy-less tank. How's the surface movement on your tank? I have always kept the surface moving really well and have had good luck.
  4. newfisher

    Chiller 101

    Close loop it through a mag 7 or 9 with 10 feet of hose plumbed through the lid of a 5g bucket. As the mag pushes the debris around it will fall in the 5g bucket. Run for a couple days.
  5. Yep, those weren't my lights..I was holding them for Eric as he was removing them and selling them to Josh ,who had cash and didn't keep telling Eric he wanted them. Bully...sheesh, now my one feeling is hurt
  6. Algea, I am your light...what you seek is a fixture. What light out from under someone? The last deal I remember was me holding 2 tech lights for Josh as he was paying for them, someone else said that they wanted them. Cash talks
  7. You hit the nail on the perverbial head with that one! Why do you want your own section? lol We could call it "tu tu".
  8. Check with "andy" he has rbta's splitting all the time and sells them very reasonably. He was at the meeting,light blue shirt and a camera.
  9. Its for a small nano. 12" 3/4 diameter 2 pins on each end 10w. Pm me, call me or txt if ya have one for sale 541 515 0005 Jon
  10. Call the new store "nautilus" ask Jay (he's the saltwater guy) 541 344 fish.
  11. Is it the one in everett? I would help,but you might spend a little too much in gas to get me up there and back.
  12. Uhh,HHmmmm +1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. My biggest fear is Algea showing up at night with his pink tu tu on screaming " I have frags and you will like them"!
  14. Stop wasting $$$ on stupid wars over oil and develop a true solution to the oil crisis. (this is one topic that I am passionate enough about that I will discuss politics about it. The rest of it is not worth making enemies.) Wars? I thought we were there until Mcdonalds and Wal Mart went in?
  15. why do you squirt gasoline in your eyes?(nutty)
  16. Dzoz is right. You should pull it and put some in the center area of your sump with the cheato. Did you ever harvest the cheato and take some in for credit?
  17. Oh yeah, King of the tank! Kole tang is a close second.
  18. If I remember, that rock was at the top of the stack and easily removed. I have heard you can remove the rock and take a small torch( like the ones used to solder wireing) and torch the stuff off the rock. The freezing technique sounds a little safer in the living room
  19. Here is our 90g tank on a 120 stand( to make room for the 40 breeder and the GIANT skimmer) canopy with coralife 36" T5 4 bulb fixture. It uses a cpr overflow. The sump is split into 2 halves. 1st half has bubble trap, 10w UV, skimmer and 20lbs of live ruble. 2nd half(split by a washable filter wall) has cheato, some red macro, carbon and nitrate rock reactors and a small powerhead to spin the cheato. Pump box on the right side houses heater and all of the pumps. 2 Korlia 4's in the tank push a ton of flow for the following happy fish( yes, overstocked, but GIANT skimmer and weekly 30g waterchanges make it work). Lionfish, Dogface puffer, Porcupine puffer, Huma trigger, Undjulated trigger, Yellow eyed Kole tang, Koran angle, Harliquin tusk and a cleaner wrasse that is the funniest fish to watch. Hope you enjoy.
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