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Everything posted by newfisher

  1. Keep it comming! That 92 corner is awsome, the big brother to my 49.
  2. Mabey a "share the love potluck" and those who bring draw numbers?
  3. I think I know where you got the sweet skimmer deal,but where did you end up getting the sand and rock?
  4. If you find yourself needing a large piece of LR w/o zoas to replace that one...I could share some love. Just makin sure you have some real estate for that high end stuff!
  5. Heck yeah! Great idea,but the title scared me! At first I thought he was loose and had moved from the pink tutu to a clear tube...uhh eewww
  6. newfisher

    55 gal FTS

    ..and its AWSOME!! Its been fun watching it develop.
  7. Thank you all for your prayers,thoughts and words. Thank you Roger for the Jedi tricks, I may take a rain check on that one! Yes kim, you kill it with humor,thanks On a positive note, he has stabilized. Not breathing on his own yet,but will. My wife and the dogs left tonight for home. Its raining again in Everett,so much for the sunny day yesterday and the love seat in the room is just slightly more comfy than the dog beds in the 4runner,but shorter.
  8. And they will keep the pooch busy.
  9. Looks like I'm gonna be in Everett for a few days. Is it true if you reverse your underwear you can get an extra day out of each pair? Lol
  10. Thank you all for your words. Its been rough. Bob, appreciate the offer,but in an emergency situation my wife and I grabbed both 90lb hounds. The 1st night we took naps in the parking lot with them in the 4runner. We are just taking it hour by hour. It was 75 degrees up here today! Summers comming!
  11. It is silica based. I got the idea from Impur. Works well, looks great.
  12. Did I buy a car from you once???? Lol free morning bump. Hey that would work over that little cube tank Grassi just swooped up,,,hmmmm
  13. SPS 20k or Phoenix. Have tried Ushio,ok but yellow. Plusrite(after reading Byrd's thread long ago) good par and looks white,but short lifespan then turned yellow(pay for what you get). Phoenix, great life,look...higher priced. Now running an SPS 20k de 250w and really like the color. 2 months in and too early to tell on the lifespan(yellowing when getting old) priced right @ Garretts
  14. A Kendra Wilkenson sport pole for salt fish? Mabey one of the clowns is hosting "one's"? Lol! Good job on the upgrade (I'm jealous) and WELCOME!
  15. And.........wait for it.......... Nope, still open. Lol!
  16. Its 2:49 am on Saturday and just david503, myself and jgf86123 mick on the board. Anyone surprised mick's still up posting? Lol... Dude! When do you sleep? You are like a coral growing and knowledge seeking machine!
  17. I'm not sure what day we are headed home. How close to i5 are you? I smell a tank tour and I have my hounds with me If your dogs need some socializing.
  18. +1 on the cheato and Lrock in the 2nd chamber. You don't want it in the first with the skimmer in case it gets sucked into the intake pump for the skimmer and if its with the Lrock you use a smaller light over one chamber. If I recall, the back of your tank is blue and I am assuming that the sump would be somewhat flush with the back of the top of the tank? I have a hang on back fuge and a clear tank back. I painted the outside of the fuge black(similar to your blue back tank) and laid a small freshwater light ontop of the fuge over the macro section. I have a Home Depot 5500k spiral grow bulb screwed into the socket( had to bend it down a little to clear the shroud) and the housing sits flush with the top of the fuge. Almost no light comes into the tank from the top. Reverse light timer, doubled up with the sump light and ......whalla! Pm me your ph# and I'll txt you a pic
  19. Whatever non zoa you spoke of at the last meeting at Oxx155's for the glass baster trade. 3rd run held up fore those of you waiting for one, had some stuff going lately.
  20. We all have different reasons that we come here to this or other forums, education, classifieds, off topic mental purging etc. For me lately, you have all been an escape to things and topics that have stabilized my life lately and I thank you! My wife and I have been traveling to Sandiego frequently to see her family, her grandpa especially, he was diagnosed with cancer 2 years ago and is in the " may go at anytime" stage. I find myself here a lot when she needs some alone time or is chatting with family and friends on facebook. I have been unemployed now for 6 months and find myself surfing around here a lot between job searches. It just breaks up the cruddy times with humor and things I didn't know and some that I did. My Dad was just emitted into emergency surgery today here in Everett and has been in an induced coma since 5am Friday. Just getting back from Sandiego,looking for work and now driven north to spend an evening and most of a weekend praying for his recovery, I find a place here that feels good and takes the mind of off a lot of things in ones life. I just wanted to thank you all here at PNWMAS for your posts,bumps,pm's and humor! And Kim, we don't need a poll on how far someone has drivin in 7 days....I think I would win.
  21. Hey Mick, I'm up in Everett and will be shootin down I5 either sat eve or suinday eve. Would you be able to meet close to the freeway if I gave you notice?
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