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Everything posted by newfisher

  1. Ooooooooommmmmmmmggggggg! That is freakin sick! If I had the room..I wonder if James @ Envision could cut 2 feet off of it?
  2. Makes me wanna throw my phone against the wall?
  3. Mabey its his Love dance? Trying to attract a mate? J/k Glad to hear he's sticking around.
  4. For those of you in outside the Eugene umbrella and have an interest in collecting or starting a donation, you can contact my wife, Jessica, at the store 541 741 0411
  5. Yeay! Laid off for the summer! A bus tour would be great. We could rent a bus in Eugene and have designated stops along the way to pick up people (large parking lots), check out several fish stores and have a blast. Care if I start a thread to check the interest?
  6. My wife and I are accepting donated pet and human hair, along with panty hose, to send to the gulf area as they are running extremely low on hair boom materials. We will be donating all packaging and shipping of these items in an effort to help with this EXTREME tradgedy. Please drop by The U.P.S. Store Springfield, located in the Pioneer Plaza next to Safeway. The U.P.S. Store Springfield 1863 Pioneeer Pkwy E. Springfield, OR 97477 Please feel free to contact your hairdressers and barbers for floor sweepings, we will ship as much as we can get!
  7. Check with Nick @ Rose City...I saw 3 used ones there a week ago.
  8. Yes,I have an ehiem pro 2 that you can use. Its in eugene and I'm in Everett, but my wife can get it for you or anyone that can swing by and get it for you. Pm me info if interested.
  9. newfisher

    55 gal FTS

    Anytime....no really, anytime. How about now? Lol I have to admit it has been fun times, thanks for the friendship and the crazy tank stuff!
  10. Hey vendor relations Mick guy, check out Eugene Craigslist for coral, saltwater...you know, all the words you use while surfing up there! Lol ..you will find Ian there. If you need some recon or have questions pm me.
  11. From my phone, the device I use to spend hours a day on this forum, I can not give rep points. Will someone please give moovinfast one from me for being an oustanding updating machine!
  12. newfisher

    Lion fish

    That's really cool! Who would have guessed that the Lion would not have eaten shrimp by now? Especially not growing as tank mates?
  13. Hey, welcome back on the tank sale. I hope you found homes for those pumps you had going. I had pmld you about your system back then and if I remember it was a scratch free Acrylic tank, correct? I know this might be one of the next questions. I bet its AMAZING in person.
  14. +2. Anytime you have melting,fighting,death or decay you should benifit by doing a water change. Running carbon will clean the excess chemicals and trace elements.
  15. Glad to hear it worked. I couldn't believe how "snotty" duncans look when exposed.
  16. Welcome! I have a 50g corner that ran a year(semi successfully) on a canister. It made leaps and bounds when we tore it down,drilled it(which is easy with acrylic) and installed a sump/fuge. If it is not yet set up I wouldn't hesitate to run a sump/fuge. Keep an eye open here for a skimmer in the classified area(s). Plural, because there is a member only spot when you join the forum. What are your interior specs on stand size to place a sump?
  17. I am by no means a fish whisperer or expert on chemically treating fish. There are tons of diseases and ailments that all require a different treatment. Has anyone had any luck with cradeling a sick fish in front of a powerhead and giving it " the dog out the window" water flow over the gills method ?
  18. Find out from the MFG.what type of plastic it is made from. Get some weld/glue from Tap or Multicraft for that type of plastic.
  19. BAM! .... tank. ,, I thought being Italian, you were the romantic and slow type! Holly Cow at this pace, we should be harvesting frags from it at the meeting! Looks Great[/left]
  20. buddy, you are leaps and bounds ahead of my cell phone skills. I was laid off 6months ago and said I would get a camera and start detailing tanks, projects etc..hahah riiiight! Nice job and WELCOME!
  21. Have you seen Nnewhouse's foam walls? Blacksand and a black sand formed wall structure against that black back would be cool. Mabey foam formed black sand bottom using some tonga ? Form it up and over the sump area to hide it and create a style like the " volcano tank" with some wet/dry crabs?
  22. My vote , without a poll from kim(lol), is black sand with white tonga branch banzai style with a mangrove comming out the top of the rockscape.
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