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Everything posted by newfisher

  1. I use a new kitchen sponge and a dowel the push/pull it through. Has to be off the tank and on the counter or in the sink though!
  2. Check out saltwater fantaseas...they had a few large sumps when I was there Sunday.
  3. Located a atank...I will contact you on the pump ken
  4. Thanks MarkBirkett!!!! I started out today on a motorcycle ride north to stop at a couple LFS and the meeting ( sorry Kim and Beth I didn't make it ). Met Mark in Salem,rode to Fantaseas for the sidewalk sale, came out and bike wouldn't start. Mark suggested push starting th 800lb Harley and it worked! We rode to Rose city ( has a hill ,great for push starting) hung out with nick and went to start over to the meeting and no start,no push start, no hill start, nada. We wore ourselves out , called the local dealer and then Triple A. I spent the ride home in the cab of a tow truck, but at least I'm getting home tonight! Thanks Mark for hanging out till the truck came and trying to push. I owe you!
  5. H20dvl has a thread on it. He likes it so far. Its new to the hobby and getting better every week it seems with programs or code written and available online.
  6. 48x11x12 tank...is it scratched? Need a 48 for a display fuge Disregard..no response, I bought a 48x12x12 from Nick @ Rose city...thanks Nick!
  7. I think he's near the Dalles? I wish I had his 175g bowfront..its sick!
  8. I've got a couple projects up my sleeve. 1. A hovering 33 long display fuge, peacock mantis and purple lobster home, mounted above my 90g FOWLR with all pluming/wiring hiden in the wall. 2. Get rid of 3 pumps for various items in my sump/fuge 40 breeder under the 90g and run 1 mag 18 tee'd off and supplying different components including the display fuge. What do you have? Must be 48 long or a smokin deal on a 36ish with a t5 light on legs, but needs to be roughly 12x12. Mag can leak as I will be running it internally.
  9. Set it up at work so you can let others enjoy it, get infected and they can get tanks too
  10. I'm running it on 2 tanks
  11. What about a modified coast to coast minus the middle section for the glass brace? Franklin, would that work skipping the centersection as long as the tank was totally level?
  12. If you don't find one by Sunday, I will bring one to the meeting. Let me know
  13. Look at the reef angel. It comes with an ato too.
  14. Congrats Alex. You are a dad on the 1st day of world cup!
  15. I WILL TAKE IT.....Just kidding, Clay is looking for one and I wanted to get him going hahahahaha
  16. I don't think BP has "wanted" to do much of anything except spin the truth. We are just trying to do something positive and keep the people moving forward. I would pack and ship ammo to send there if they would use it, unfortunately my wife, my DR.and my mother are against it.
  17. Thanks guys for such a quick hosting. Mabey a 3rd game...guess the sex,weight and length of the new reefer!
  18. A lot of well deserved back scratching down here. We are blessed to have such a good group not just down south, but the entire club.
  19. Had our first donation ealier today!
  20. THANK YOU NNEWHOUSE!!!!! I'm in the hospital with my Dad in Everett WA and my wife calls me to say that our male, baby spitting, seahorse is bloated and floating on his side at the top of the tank. This is something he did just before we left for Sandiego two weeks ago. Back then I monitored him, spot fed and he was bak to normal the day we left. Nnewhouse and wife heather, who also have seahorses, were with my wife tonight and though the malelooked like he had Gas Bubble Disease. Based on their description I quickly googled and found internal gas bubble disease and pouch emphysema. I described the procedure and sent the link to my wife. If left untreated, this will do internal damage to the horse and he will quickly die. They qt'd him, expressed his pouch manually and whalla! Happy Horse! He is now swimming freely and hitched with his buddies at the bottom of the tank. Thanks again Nick! Perfect timming and you make a wonderfull Seahorse EMT.
  21. I'm sure up there in overpopularia they have paid someone 6 figures to guestimate the shed water run off as rain water touches emission dusted man made flat spaces and then evapoated and re-condensed through tyvek reflection from over developed land that is now on economic hold and has run into YOUR backyard. I'm surprised with the excessive rise in the water table back there that someone hasn't blocked kids from playing in the last urban wetland you have discovered. Don't bother calling the EPA , toss some bones over your neihbors fence and sell the rights to place excavation equipment on your property while they deed it an acient burial ground and pay to put a french drain in so their equipment doesn't track mud down the street of your vacation home as you now reside in the dream home you have always wanted paid for by tribal bingo money! Lol, there is way too much boredom in Everett WA tonight.
  22. I wonder if the 5 heaters would keep up with 2 feet of it sticking outside my dining room?
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