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Everything posted by newfisher

  1. One of our male Seahorses has been subject to multiple episodes of Gas Bubble Disease sine his first birth cycle. I was out of town the first time he was "burped"( thanks Nnewhouse and wife Heather) and has had the problem a couple times since then. Has anyone else had horses with this ongoing issue? I have eliminated all micro bubbles in the tank with fine and coarse media pads. The sump has a bubble trap and I have inspected the return pump for vacuum leaks. Visually, the water is clear and absolutely no bubbles. I think the little guy is getting tired of us qt'ing him and burping his pouch, although he acts like a 10 year old at Disneyland when we are done. Its amazing how these animals can be lathargic one minute and near death, then by pulling them out of the tank, performing a procedure on them and putting them back that they get this spike of life and swim around as if they have discovered a new environment and were just dosed RedBull...weird.
  2. You and I should never go out in public together unless the local authorities are all on vacation at the same time.
  3. Come on down to Eugene....I'm sure a few of us would help you.
  4. newfisher

    Sump Questions

    I have a 40 breeder and have acrylic traps,skimmer box and a vented pump box. Just cust to fit and silicone them in. No problems yet. I did build some baffles in the acrylic sump for the reef ,using acrylic and siliconed them in. One of them didn't get a bead on the backside and it slipped. PM Nnewhouse..he has a thread from RC that walks you through siliconing a sump together in 2 hrs and works great.
  5. That stand looks hefty...I bet you could park that bad a$$ mini on it!
  6. Thanks for the " clams on the half shell"!! Its funny how 3 LFS in Eugene cant seem to find them, order them etc and Garrett has them in 3 days! Buddy, quit your day job and start a store here.
  7. Put it on Ebay as " vintage" sealant....there's one born every minute, you might get a few bucks for it!
  8. Still out of droppers, i have one held for you when I can get the next bach blown and asssembled....something about being laid off and having a Harley (whistle)
  9. Eugene....its only an hour south of Garrett lol But I have been to the new place a few times and am a great navigator!
  10. Bswe22 just got some of the same colony from G'dawg and they already have a few polyps in only 3 weeks!
  11. Clay, head over to Multi Craft Plastics and ask Ron to show the "blem cast tubes" upstairs....if its less than 8" diameter they will have a piece when you walk in look to the right in the "tube rack".
  12. My daughter is 21 and living in Tuscon. She waited until "nap time" to call lol! Should I do water changes on 4 tanks or clean the house...hmmmm mabey tomorrow hahhahaa
  13. newfisher

    Naso not eating

    Try soaking misis in garlic for a 1/2 hour before feeding. Garlic triggers a feeding response in fish. It has worked for me with different fish.
  14. I'll take it! Call me when you are around tomorrow 541 515 0005. Jon
  15. You should re-fi it and keep it. Nothing beats life behind bars!
  16. +1..on calling around. Some stores part out the impellers and junk the rest of the canisters. Try amazing aquarium in albany, its like a swap meet inside,bring a sample.
  17. Nick at rose city has a nice used 90g on a nice black stand w/canopy ,internal overflow,pump,sump etc. Patrick at salwater fantaseas has a new 90g (marked as a 75) standing on end behinda couple tanks..just bare tank. He also has a complete 75g system running with sand and rock.
  18. Nice job Roger. I bet the kids love it! Have you had any kids really get into the hobby and set up tanks at home?
  19. Mick...that 33 long is still there for $50. I cleaned it up while I was there and its scratch free. I'm going to do acrylic, only for this build as I will be doing a Mantis shrimp in the display fuge. Gill....do you have a pic or link? How many bulb?
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