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Everything posted by newfisher

  1. Garrett has a nice cpr set up used. I'm sure Nick @ rose city has something in back too.
  2. Its buffett style right? Assuming the top 7 will be the buffett?
  3. Set up a small 10g quarantine tank with display tank water. Put the clowns and nem in the tank with some flow and whaaalllaa! Keep them together for a few days then move them back. This has worked for a few people and have never heard that it didn't from those who tried it.
  4. And you were using tap down there in Cali? My wife won't even drink it there and forget about washing your car with it. You were running a reef system with success on tap? I could see the west Beaverton area doing ok with tds, its good here off the Mckenzie too, but I hear East side PDX and Salem are no Bueno. Heck, when you pull up to the boat launches and they warn you not to swim when its raining/rained...you have to think about our water sources and water sheds.
  5. Garretts is worth the trip at 9mpg from Eugene! Sometimes I take the bike and haul the livestock home on the ol' Milwaukie Vibrator just so I can spend more while I'm there!
  6. Yes, some triggers are as quoted (Clowns, unjulated, etc.) , but as Rick mentioned, Niger Triggers are docile, peacefull and reef safe.
  7. Mick, can you really put a price on rubbing elbows with a bunch like us? Just come, sit next to me and I'll let you borrow my plate they won't even 2nd guess a fat guy like me eating all that food! LOL
  8. Cordless sawzall or a portable eu100 generator for the corded grinder/cut off wheel.
  9. slice the clear tube on one side top to bottom and "wrap the tube" for easier install, or stop by a stereo install place and get some wiring conduit or black wire wrap. It's split already, cheap and you wouldn't ruin a good piece of clear tube until you tested it with the cheap wire wrap.
  10. If you figure a FOWLR water change of 20% bi-monthly or 10% weekly, thats 1/2 a 5g bucket of salt a month with a 1.023 ish salinity if I'm doing the math correctly. DEFINATELY get the RODI ( surprised Eric, you don't already have had a few) and ATO a must. 300g tank will evaporate at least 4 gallons a day or more. my 90 FOWLR uses 1.5g a day under a canopy with a small t5 fixture. If you slowed the flow. full cover the top and used flourescent you might knock it back to 3g a day, but you wont cheat the salt without compromising the health on water changes with big dirty fish IMO.
  11. Whoa! if we had a " whats the best deal on a tank" thread, Rick would take the cake! Nice job Rick. I'm headed to the swap meet this weekend, can I borrow you and your skills for a few hours? LOL
  12. I have always seen them suspended half way between the sand bed and lighting with a nori clip. Let me know when your next garage sale is....you haaaave to have some killer impulse buy stuff!!! LOL
  13. Nautilus in springfield has an unjulated trigger 4" for cheap and I saw all about fish in albany has a stars and stripes puffer that is 10 to 12 inches. Looks like a leg-less puppy swimming around
  14. As I type this the smell of slow cooking white chicken chili is filling our house...MMmmm
  15. I have both in the FOWLR. They have 2 different looks,personalities ,eating habbits and are great to watch.
  16. Aron ( owner of the Nautilus Fish store ) has offered to bring corn bread and......open his shop up for us ( normally closed on Sundays ) for a tour.... and 1st, 2nd and 3rd place chili winners get to grab a frag of their choice from his tanks!! Whoo Hooo! Thanks Aron and Garrett!! I have had 4 confirmed PM's. I was going to clean out the garage if there was a larger turn out, but we should be fine with just a handfull showing up. Any of the 5 offering a tank tour after a stop at the Nautilus?
  17. I have the 14k phoenix now after having the SPS 20k....I'm switching back after 6 months because I like the more blue color and the way the corals look from 20 feet across the room.
  18. Just leave a key to your place under the mat, we will stop by for a tank tour LOL
  19. Yes, still on for Sunday at noon. Have only had 2 rsvp's??? Garrett has donated several frags as door prizes/ chili winners etc. and I am headed to Nautilus thursday evening to pick up some stuff from Aron to also give away. Props to both of our local ( ok,Garretts not local but close) shops for the donations!
  20. 727 main st. next to Memos and across from the meat market. Aron is the owner and has been in the industry a long time. Jay works for Aron and used to be at Liquid Sunshine. They are both GREAT to work with and have a ton of experience.
  21. Thanks Roger for hosting and keeping a great atmosphere going. Kim, you should know by now us Southern crowd are a little tilted and " becarefull what you ask for" LOL
  22. Thanks Roger for hosting and keeping a great atmosphere going. Kim, you should know by now us Southern crowd are a little tilted and " becarefull what you ask for" LOL
  23. Roger..broke down nnewhouses tanks this morning and brought up 80 lbs of live sand for you..its at Garretts ( wouldn't fit on my bike) .
  24. If you have room inside the sump, pull the elbow off and put the skimmer in the sump. No cutting,drilling and solves your height and exhaust issues.
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