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Everything posted by newfisher

  1. Would make a great tanks for teachers donation? We have been buying sub $200 models, when they come up, and shipping them to the School in Negril Jamaica. It's been a fun exchange.
  2. Have you thought about Arizona?
  3. Teddy bear crab, if I remember.
  4. whoa! I need to get up to PDX more often
  5. Snow camping/wheeling Saturday night at summit lake!!!
  6. We make the drive from Eugene every other week.....Garrett Rocks!!! Now, If I could get Nick at Rose city and Isaac to open up a couple southern stores we would be set.
  7. Thank you to all who serve and have served our GREAT Nation!
  8. Check Garrett, he has an AMAZING Desjardini Tang
  9. I see the 15's on Pirate4x4 and Reno4x4 alot. Google 37 mtr craigslist and you should be able to find a couple in the So, Cal area and shipping isn't as bad as you would think. Good luck! I just pulled the trigger and ordered a set of the new Kevlar ones. Worst case, I have 2 killer spares?!?
  10. I think my dog is sick...can I send you a stool sample? LOL
  11. Know anyone with a couple for sale? I need 2 of them and they seem scarce on all Craigs searches,ebay etc. and can no longer buy them new. Thanks. Jon 541-515-000 five
  12. Just make sure it is COMPLETELY thawed before you drop it in.
  13. I have some too, next week do another change and call me.
  14. Its gonna be Sunday or after work next week.
  15. I'm trying to get ther this weekend or afterwork next week. If this weekend, its gonna be Sunday.
  16. No, I just like garretts place. Lol If anyone else needs something brought down or wants to ride up and back let me know.
  17. Miles, I'm trying to get up there this weekend or after work next week if you can wait.
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