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Everything posted by newfisher

  1. You mentioned 10g sump, then someone said drill....I suggest acrylic or have kim put up a poll on how many 10g tanks break when drilling. If you do drill the 10g, go very very very slow with zero pressure and running water (hose) to keep it lubricated and cool. I know it sounds like common sense, but would want those to "chime in " on drilling a 10g. Just a heads up. I'm running a 90g with a 40breeder sump. I have a 33 long as a display fuge for above the 90g. I'm going to plumb a mag 18(internal wet) tee'd to run the octopus 300 skimmer, chiller, media chamber and the return for both the 90g and the 33 fuge with gate valves to dial evrything together. Wish me luck
  2. I had ich outbreaks in my fowlr for the 1st 6 months. Uv,hypo,lights off,lower temp,garlic etc seemed to reduce the stress and outbreak intervals, but I found that a large cleaner wrasse seemed the most effective. He just carefully picked at all of the fish and I haven't had an outbreak since.
  3. Just send money to Newfisher@paypal.com...J/K
  4. Great idea, but on a 49g corner tank I have little room for error.(scary)
  5. I'm waiting for them to get REALLY big and then build another treehouse for my dogs. Auto mister...Hmmmm I smell a mold problem in the corner of my living room.
  6. It's worth the drive down from PDX to get it...trust me (drooler)
  7. I have some from the same colony that I got at the Eugene meeting and they have quadrupled in size and head count! They are amazing! Don't miss these.
  8. My mangroves have been getting alot of salt creep lately. Most of it falls off the trunks before I get a pic. I also have GSP choking out the lower section. Should I be worried?:eek:
  9. Kim, in an effort to gain more income for the club and support my fuel costs and buffet ticket, I would gladly sponsor your raffle tickets at a 3 to 1 ratio,,,,LOL
  10. I am sitting crossed fingered that it hit's here tonight. 4runner is ready for some play time! I love the snow, cold, ice etc. If my wife wasn't born /raised SanDiego, I would move to Alaska!
  11. I hope the powerstrip was moved into that position just for the photo.....can you say salt creep? I would think over time it would wick up the overflow pipes and into that loweer empty socket...JMO
  12. Try the Yellow Corris Wrasse. Super hardy , bright and great worm eaters.
  13. Here in Springfield we are having Goosepigecrow. For $85 I'll ship one to you too!
  14. I believe I saw a small flame there last night and it wasn't the one in clays eyes when he saw all of Garretts amazing SPS frags.
  15. +1 on the lawnmower blenny and some turbos. Was at Garretts last night and he got in some Angels for clay that were smaller than a silver dollar. I'm sure he could get some small tangs. I'm headed back up Monday or Tuesday and can bring one back if he can get one in by then.
  16. I have one that was " jenchilds " . It looks brand new, in the box with calibration fluid etc. I have never used it. PM me and I will split the donation with you?
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