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Everything posted by coralreefer

  1. OK...here we go... Vodka dosing provides a carbon source to feed bacteria...cyano is caused by an over abundance over nutrients and an "under-abundance" of nitrate-consuming bacteria. Brightwell's Microbacter 7 IS a bacteria source you feed to the tank. As you feed bacteria to the tank, they readily consume the easiest source of energy available...vodka. As they multiply, vodka becomes short in supply and they turn to nitrates for their energy. This is the "juvenile" form of ZEOvit method, a nutrient laden tank morphing into an ultra low nutrient system...algae problems disappear, corals become fast, beautiful growers, water parameters stabilize and you end up with a true reef environment. Crystal clear water like I have never seen before. This is the natural way to process your tank... As the tank becomes more efficient at processing nutrients, you can feed fish and corals more.(clap) DrMerle
  2. The Chemi-clean can drop pH and the additional aeration helps mute that...I have come full circle and now use Microbacter 7 from Brightwell to treat cyano...Microbacter 7 and a little vodka and you'll see changes not believed... DrMerle
  3. Do you mean Gran Torino? DrMerle(clap)
  4. Just finished a nasty blow up of ich...lost a powder blue tang, a Potter's angelfish, a red sea naso, an algae blenny, a yellow tang...survivors--a hippo!!!, my big Sohal tang, a purple tang and maroon clown...everybody in the tank got covered EXCEPT purple tang and maroon clown --those 2 fish experienced the worst PLAGUE of ich and bacteria death in my "new" tank 5 years ago. Those 2 fish barely survived 5 years ago but did...only survivors...no lesions at all this time while every other fish got crushed... That proves immunity plays a big rule in ich breakout and disease.(clap) DrMerle
  5. Because our systems are "closed" environments, ALWAYS take out anything dying or dead. Better to lose one than many. Anemone death can wipe out a complete tank...I find clams a close second...remove immediately if any question...DrMerle(drooler)
  6. I don't feed mine except phyto twice weekly for all tank inhabitants. They eat nitrates and need calcium. They need decent flow and most important...light. Bought a 3" Maxima--it is now 7". Put them in a decent place for light and LEAVE THEM ALONE!!! DrMerle
  7. 1) Bump temperature up to 82-83 degrees. 2) If you are running UV, make sure your bulb is not too old. 3) You can try STOP PARASITE...had no luck with Kick Ich. 4) Step up water changes. 5) Heavy garlic/vitamin C. Ich is in your tank AT ALL TIMES...stress, in whatever form, causes decrease in fish's immunity and an increase in ich takeover. Double check every water parameter to make sure you aren't missing something with their husbandry.(scary) DrMerle
  8. How old are your light bulbs? What's your NO3 and PO4? RO-DI water? TDS value? DrMerle
  9. It is my desire to make an occasional entry, defining system and goals when possible. My next few posts will try to explain ZEOvit system.. I have borrowed info off the net so much of the following is not originally my own... Defining the ZEOvit system... What Does ZeoVit Do? Let’s start off with what does the ZeoVit system do. Zeovit is a system that incorporates bacterial sources to help rid a system of excess nutrients. Some have labeled this as one of this first well publicized ultra low nutrient system or ULNS. The idea is to mimic natural seawater (NSW) parameters by reducing the levels of Nitrate and Phosphate without lowering other essential parameters such as Calcium and Magnesium. The best way that I understand this is a two step process; 1) the system removes excess nutrients such as Nitrate and phosphate through bacteria sources and skimming. 2) Once ULNS has been achieved, you may 'tweak' coral colors through additional Zeovit additives. Well isn’t that what you are suppose to accomplish in a reef system? Can I do that with a nice high-end skimmer and frequent water changes? Well yes, but there are some nice side benefits to the zeovit system that we will talk about later. Many think by reading Nitrate and phosphate at ‘undetectable’ on their trident test kit they are running an ULNS, however, very few test kits can measure Nitrate and phosphate at those low levels. Typically, zeovit users use a photometer such as the Hana meter to test for phosphate. The Hana meter digitally reads down to .001. In Zeovit, there are visual identifiers that signify you are past one step and ready to move to the next. Simply adding a food source such as amino acids without running your system through step one will result in just adding more nutrients to your system and the result might not be that good. One note; Zeovit is not a ‘cookie-cutter’ system, since every system is different and has different needs, the dosage and products of zeovit will vary from one tank to another. Although Zeovit is a very precision system you will get your best results by watching your corals and letting them tell you what is needed. Zeovit uses some basic introductory guidelines to get you started. Again, one of the biggest draws for me to this system was the "playbook" which has been developed and the wonderful group of "zeoheads" on the zeovit forum, who have used this system for years and are extremely helpful when it comes to problem solving and tweaking. As for expense...come on people, I've spent MANY thousands of dollars NOT getting the tank I've worked and hoped for. In fact, in the long run I expect this system to cost less. Less unnecessary additives...less problems to treat...fewer gimics to chase. It isn't that I've not had great help. I just need a better roadmap. Many of you I'm sure don't and are more than happy with your tanks. Happy reefing...DrMerle(plotting)
  10. Guys, at this point, I think the least of his worries is whether he gets booted from "the club." Regardless of the outcome, he's gonna say he was railroaded. Once this gets out, he'd probably welcome severing ties with anyone who knows his first name.(nono) DrMerle
  11. I have maintained a saltwater tank for 5 1/2 years, mixed reef for 2... It is truly a loving addiction for me...but the tank I envision seems ever elusive...slow growth, intermittant algae, SPS failures, no polyp extension, lack luster color... I have studied...I test...I clean...I rest...$$$$$$$$...the best products...the best equipment....water changes...RO-DI...TDS....kalk...Calcium reactor...pumps...powerheads...circulation...additives...no additives...phosban...carbon...read...read some more...on and on. After finally realizing real change has to take place or I will forever be playing catch-up, I have decided to move forward in a different direction...ZEOvit. I am sure most of you are more than familiar with this system of reef keeping, plus or minus its cousins (Neo and prodibio). While there are certainly no guarantees, there is a playbook which has documented winners... I will attempt to document my journey through ZEOvit for you fellow reefheads, hopefully learning and teaching something along the way. I am in what I'll term Stage 1 right now, which is prepping my established tank for actual beginning use of ZEOvit system. Time has limited this first post to this endpoint...I will follow with explanation of ZEOvit and its application to my system... Until later...DrMerle(rock2)
  12. Anybody in Portland area sell Reefers Best Salt? I am in the process of morphing into a zeovit system and will be changing from Reef Crystals. Any help would be appreciated...(scratch) DrMerle
  13. ...fish towels...I LOVE IT!!...It's like we all live in the same house!! I get yelled at because under pressure, ALL towels are fish towels..."I put a pile of fish towels out in the garage!" or "I hope you're not using MY good towels!"... Man, when I meet somebody and introduce them to my buddy who owns a LFS, I introduce him as "my crack dealer."(laugh)
  14. ...when you refuse to think about making plans for a vacation because you know your tank "needs" you... DrMerle(laugh)
  15. That's definitely a home run Frank...Merle(clap)
  16. Frank...thanks for the sale...love your tank and thanks for support and advice...Frank's tank rocks!! Merle;)
  17. I think I would rather be speared than have my hole superglued shut...(laugh)
  18. I've got one I'll GIVE you...rated for over 100 gallons...I've mostly cleaned it up...we might even be able to piece together a pump with what I've got here...PM me...Merle
  19. Welcome...haven't made any meetings yet but hope to soon. Think about a cover for SW tank with blue spot jawfish...known to jump out of tanks...I got one 2 months ago...put it in the tank...didn't see it for days...7th day found it dead on the floor!! Welcome again...DrMerle
  20. Just bought a MSX yesterday...I spent 6 weeks researching EVERY bit of info I could on EVERY skimmer...for the money, I couldn't convince myself that I could do any better...DrMerle
  21. I'm still waiting for Hulk Hogan's return to the ring...should be interesting if they could match him against The Undertaker or even Macho Man Randy Savage...not sure who this Cung Li Kung Fu guy is or why he is kicking somebody in the butt while being sick, but I'll try to follow along. Bet he couldn't deal with Hulk's piledriver!!! Man, I miss Andre the Giant!! DrMerle
  22. How about this? http://www.marineandreef.com/Pondmaster_Mag_Drive_Pumps_Power_Head_Powerhead_s/391.htm Hope that helps!! drmerle
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