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Everything posted by madmike

  1. I have an old axim X30 laying around collecting dust, would trade for a frag or 2 of something if you want it. I am in Vancouver though...
  2. Some skimmers perform best in a certain amount of water depth... if your sump has more depth than the recommended you can raise the skimmer to that height.
  3. I called and he said it was glass used for shelving and didn't think it was tempered, but he wasn't sure if is clear or tinted.
  4. The only thing I worry about with store bought saltwater is the TDS before the salt was added. You have to take the LFS word for it that the water was pure before salt was added. Some of the stores are good about changing RO/DI filters and some are not...
  5. I give my mantis whole clams and as he takes one into his burrow to work on, I feed the anemone.... works everytime.
  6. We better do 7 because the update isn't always out by 4pm. Mike
  7. I know the update comes out usually around 4-5 pm so sometime a little after, especially if there is anything somewhat rare as it will go quickly. Mike
  8. I think you should order as your schedule is probably more flexible... your the boss right lol? I could pick my stuff up after work if that is cool with you. Or if we order on Monday, I have Tuesday off.
  9. I'm down if you are ok with fish. What day were you thinking? The fish change all of the time so i would like to see the evening update, so either monday or tuesday night works for me. Mike
  10. I've got an LTA in my peacock mantis tank and he hasn't looked twice at it. It is just outside his burrow too. Mike
  11. Sure What kind of pic? Besides the one in this thread in the anemone?
  12. Yes, I run about 2 cups of carbon at all times in a large reactor and haven't had any problems....yet.
  13. Here is the mag that is in the same tank And the carpet that is in the same system
  14. Just got some decent shots of the gig and it seems to be doing well. Has not deflated even a single time (knocking on wood) and it is definitely darkening up a bit. I think by the end it will be a dark blue. My allardi's are rotating back and forth between the gig and the mag in the tank,lol.
  15. Well.... I told you we were going to wait until our other dog passes, but I guess that didn't happen DOH!
  16. Yep, thats the baby...no longer a baby though, probably 8-10 inches and growing. The Gig is doing ok. I placed it in an incredibly high current area and it started to move a little down the rock maybe 6 inches or so, but has now decided to move back to the original spot. It has not deflated even once which I am very happy about and is definately getting a little darker color. I am a little worried though as I now have a S.haddoni, S.Gig, H.mag, and LTA all within the same system of about 450 gallons. I run ALOT of carbon at all times and it hasn't been a problem....yet. Mike
  17. Just let me say something here (as I snatch the microphone).... Randy had one of the best tanks of ALL TIME! I MEAN ALL TIME!!! Hey Dennis... You still looking to get into Kaiser?
  18. you're welcome to stop by and see the setup anytime....and you can take home the red carpet too,lol. Mike
  19. whatever Randy... you snooze you lose! J/K I gave you the chance, take it or I WILL. I'm hoping for the best, my system already has a health red haddoni and a H. mag in it. 2 hard species to care for....but this will be the true test. No deflation yet....crossing fingers. Turned on the wavebox this afternoon and it is just getting blasted but appears happy, tentacles are thin and long the way they should be. Mike
  20. It takes up a good portion of one of the sides of my 225, so I would probably say no....unless you wanted a species tank,lol.
  21. You could probably find them at a place like Parkrose hardware that sells almost any fastener but you will need to ask the manufacturer the size and thread... I know they are located in Canada so they might be metric.
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