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Everything posted by madmike

  1. The tank is tentatively sold, will post if it falls through. Thanks! Mike
  2. Well, with my 12 foot build taking all of my time I have decided to try and sell the 220 gallon tank instead of making it a FOWLR. I just don't have the time to maintain 2 separate systems. It is a 220 gallon envision tank built with 3/4" material with a black back and dual overflows. It is drilled for a closed loop (3 holes in the back and 2 in the bottom). I added a external wavebox to the tank as I was using it as a peninsula style tank. It comes with a steel stand and steel structure that holds the oak cabinetry. The cabinets were built by me using oak stained black and coated with marine varnish for durability. I purchased the tank used in 2008 and it was very scratched up. I completely sanded it down and buffed it back to a new shine. It has been up for about a year and a half and has a few small scratches, nothing that cant be buffed out. Here is a pick of the tank and stand And here it is setup with cabinetry It sits peninsula style with doors around the top of the front and at the top and bottom of the back. The tank dimensions are 72"Lx30"Wx24"T. The stand is aprox 8 feet wide x 8 feet tall x 3 1/2 feet wide Looking for $1000. pretty firm on price, I realize the economy currently sucks and I probably wont be able to sell this... if not I'll just store it to use later as a FOWLR. Let me know if you have any questions about the system or want to come and see it, it will be coming down next weekend to make way for the new 12' tank. Mike
  3. I'm pretty sure these had to be paid for by credit card to have any security during the transaction. Remember....Dan shelled out over 4 thousand dollars of his own money to bring these in! I'm not sure I can say that very many of us would be willing to do that.
  4. I think we should ship to Dan and all go through him, just my 2 cents
  5. its clamped into the jig sitting directly on the piece to be bonded, if you use a piece of wood with camper foam underneath of it, the foam will give way a tiny amount so the wire spacer can be slipped in, then when it is removed after solvent has been placed in the gap, the pieces come back together.
  6. Its cool, I'll hit you up once the new tank is up. I have to consolidate everything into the sump and 70 gallon while the new tank goes up, so space is limited here also, lol. Thanks
  7. randy, i'd like the first acro and the blue eyed girl zoas, probably the belina and the hawkins also. I can pay you now, but will you keep them on your frag rack for a month or so until the new tank is up and running?
  8. Thanks James!!! You know I couldn't and wouldn't have done this without your help. You truley are an asset to this community. I still have more pics to post, maybe tonight. The tank is now ready to glue the top, all openings have been cut....now I just need to get several friends over at one time to help me pull pins while I lay 29 feet of solvent
  9. madmike

    DIY Wavemaker

    nope, tunze all the way, dual 6205s on the overflow end with the dual waveboxes, plus a dart closed loop in an OM 4 way and a 6201 in a stream rock somewhere down towards the end. The return will be towards the long end also pushing water back towards the overflows. I like the look of the vortechs, but you cant beat the quality of tunze. I know several people with the vortechs who have had issues (this is not to say that they dont have great customer service and take care of any issues) but my money has been spent with tunze and probably will in the future. I do wish I had the apex though... might have to upgrade in the future from my ACIII.
  10. madmike

    DIY Wavemaker

    The fish get used to the wavebox after a small amount of time. I have a external on my 220 and all the new additions look a little startled at first, but are swimming like normal in no time. I am doing a dual wavebox on my new 12 foot tank, so i'm hoping to create a more natural slower wave.
  11. Mine was too, it said 9-10 but I checked with a lamotte and it read 6-7! I just tested a new members tank water last night and he was using an API that was reading 10, my lamotte read 7.
  12. Not sure, I dont think james actually builds things with 1/4 or 3/8, he usually uses 1/2 on up for his stuff. I would though, just makes a better looking and stronger joint IMO Mike
  13. Yes, the "pins" method is what I have been using, it allows the solvent to melt the acrylic a little, when the pins are removed the piece settles down and creates a little dam of acrylic around the seam that helps keep air from entering back in while the solvent dries. James from Envision just uses twist ties with the paper stripped off. I don't think James will mind but this is his thread from RC in which he details everything you would need to know to build a basic tank. This is what I have done so far, built a router table just like his and use the same router and bit size. http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=390652
  14. So I have been crazy busy over the last week, sanding, sanding, and more sanding and buffing the acrylic getting it ready for routing. Here is a pic of what the seams look like after sanding and finally after buffing out. You can kind of see the visual line created by the seam, but I am happy with the results. Ignore the crazy mess, this process was messy to say the least! After the buffing, they were taped up and the edges where routed to prepare them for assembly. I didn't take any pictures of this process because I was needed, but so were about 3 other people to support the 12 foot long pieces going accross the router table between the fence and blade. Here are the pieces after routing, note the mess, shavings were everywhere! After the routing we setup the stand and starting the bonding process with the ends. I am VERY happy with the seams so far, James from envision has given me many tips and I have used them all in prepping these pieces. James was telling me that that he will often spend hours prepping a seam for bonding that takes only a minute to place solvent into...but it is the prep that provides the great seams on the envision tanks! As if today wasn't busy enough... I got the call from a PNWMAS member that a fish I was going to purchase was ready. This fish is AMAZING! It came out of a 500 gallon reef that had been sold, and the new owner was selling off some of the fish that were in it. This will be one of the first fish in the tank and will hopefully play nice will all my corals. If not it will be moved into the 220 which will be a fish only system. I am going to finish the overflow tomorrow and I'll post up some pics of the progress. Later Mike
  15. ^^^^^ I agree with what he said, bacteria are living on the substrate and rocks, a UV will not effect these. I run almost 100 watts of UV on my system and everything seems to be thriving. Mike
  16. dependent upon where the hole is located you could use a router and a template to route the hole slightly larger Mike
  17. Hey if you get desperate and NEED it gone, let me know and we can work something out. I need a sump for my 220 when it goes FOWLR and this might work nice. mike
  18. I have a career too guys, I have to work in order to make enough money to blow on this ridiculous hobby! Seriously though, I only have 2 more sides to go sanding/buffing and I will be routing the edges, holes, and will start assembly this weekend. I'll snap pics as I go, I promise. to be continued.....
  19. Dan, let me know how the great white works out on 3/4" material. Maybe I'll have you bring it by and compare it to the one I'm going to make with the 200lb force magnets.
  20. Hey dan, what did you decide on for lighting?
  21. The tank will be lifted thru a second story window by forklift or genie lift and it is a straight shot to the stand, so it shouldn't be too difficult. I really like fish, so this tank will have most of my current fish (pair of bellus angels, achilles tang, spotted white face tang, pair of squarespot anthias, pair of pyramid butterflys, pair of allardi clownfish. I just picked up a regal angel and have it in qt and will be getting the goldflake angel from the 500 gallon tank that was recently for sale on here. I really am hoping to do a big school (like 20-30) blue eyed threadfin cardinalfish. I plan on setting up the 220 gallon on the other side of the wall where the 375 will be and use it as a fish only system, so any "marginally" reef safe fish that turn on the corals can be moved to it. Well...back off to more sanding and buffing
  22. Yah I know, I should have copy/pasted over here, but it was getting late and I was beat from sanding and buffing all day.... One more day of sanding/buffing today and then off to routing and final assembly! jgf86123 I haven't fired up the ATI fixtures yet as I haven't decided on a bulb combo but everything I have read on them says they put out the most par and seem to be great quality. I'll let you know how I like em' after a couple of months of use. I think I am going to miss the shimmer of the halides though... and I have been toying with the idea of a strip of high power Cree LEDs in a aluminum channel along the back side of the fixtures to provide some extra shimmer. We'll see when I get it all fired up. Thanks for the comments everyone and I might just need some help lifting this beast into my house! (free beer and pizza will be provided of course!) later Mike
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