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Everything posted by madmike

  1. Is this the 150 gallon? You could treat the reef, many have. You need 5mls per 20 gallons and they recommend a water change and repeat after 3-5 days. Then a water change again after the second treatment. 1 bottle will treat your reef twice, but you will need about 150 gallons of saltwater made up for water changes.
  2. Is it a reef or a FOWLR? if FOWLR treat with prazi... if reef, well there are people who have treated with prazi but not sure if I would trust it. I treat all my new fish with prazi in QT and it works great.
  3. Yes... was sold to a guy in the portland area. Not sure if he has set it up yet
  4. I run one in my 6 bulb ATI fixture. I like the colors so far, reds and pinks look much nicer IMO
  5. madmike

    Chiller 101

    go get a gallon of muriatic acid from home depot (in the garden section) and run it through it.
  6. You notice I posted this AFTER I ordered enough supplies for a year!
  7. For anyone that purchases bulk chemicals thru BRS, you may want to look at this link if you already haven't. http://stores.ebay.com/Bulk-Reef-Supply BRS sells on ebay... and here is the catch! Every week they put up 1 of each of their bulk chemical items like alk, ca, mg, gfo, and carbon. They put up a buy it now auction, but they also put up a true auction with a starting bid of about 1/2 price. The cool thing about this is that these auctions rarely get any bids, so 1 or 2 bids of a dollar or two over the asking price usually wins! I just purchased 3.5lbs of the High capacity GFO that sells retail on the site for $99. With my member discount on the retail store, it would have been $90... I paid $54 on ebay, starting bid was 49.99! I also purchased a 5 gallon bucket of alk and ca for their starting bid of 34.99 each. These retail online for $70! Just a heads up for those reefers on a budget(clap)
  8. I have about 5lb of BRS pellet GFO that I am no longer using. Would like to trade for a frag or two. Let me know what you got. This sells online for $50-60. Thanks Mike
  9. Nice to see fellow stern fans in the house. HEY NOW....Get that poison out of your system! (new reference if you have been listening lately)
  10. http://www.reeffrontiers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=53102 Have you looked at this tank?
  11. wanna trade for a piece of montipora setosa?
  12. Hows the clown tangs temperament? Was thinking of either a clown or a sohal in the new 12 footer but I have heard more than one horror stories of bad temper.
  13. i had to buy the hooks in #100 count so I have a few extra if you need one, lol.
  14. i bought some size 20 (really really small) barbless fishing hooks recently and was able to catch all but my really small talbot damsels in my reef. Just starve him for a day or two and place a mysis on the hook and he will go for it. Easy and fun.
  15. Ive got a Ocean runner 3500 laying around collecting dust
  16. if there are scratches, I personally would replace the glass, light has to pass thru the glass and any scratches will skew the results. Are both glass vials scratched? You may need to swirl longer, my phosphate measures 0.01 at most times and it takes at least a couple of minutes for most of the powder to dissolve. I have tested others tank water with much more phosphate and the powder dissolves much quicker.
  17. My pyramids seem to be bullet proof... no problems with them what-so-ever.
  18. I have the meter, you have to not "shake" the vial after you add the powder. I just kind of roll it back and forth in my fingers so no small bubbles appear but the powder dissolves.... it takes about 2-5 minutes for the powder to dissolve. If your phosphate is really low all of the powder doesn't all have to be dissolved. Then give the glass a good clean swipe with a lint free towel and put in the meter for a "timed reading". This will allow everything to settle and give you the best results. I have found that testing on the low end requires precise attention to prep of the test and an ultra clean vial. Any scratches or smudges on the vial can ruin tests so make sure your vials are clean and scratch free. It is possible for 0 tds water to show phosphate if your meter is faulty. How are you testing the tds of the water? I have a spectrapure 180 gallon/day unit and the inline units show 0 while my HM digital COM 100 will show upwards of 1-2 tds.
  19. depends what you want to do... I leave my qt tanks up full time as I find they have a WELL established biofilter and don't need heavy water changes during treatment. For example, I have 3 fish in one of my QT tanks, a 5" tang and a pair of large (5" plus) allardi clownfish. They have been in the QT tank for 2 weeks with copper and prazi pro and I have not had to do a water change yet. If you set it up fresh it will have to cycle thus stressing out any new additions.
  20. I personally wouldn't use a skimmer on a qt tank. Most peoples qt tanks turn into hospital tanks once a fish gets sick and most protein skimmers pull out the meds. I have 2 40 gallon breeders I use as QT tanks, both with hang on biowheel type filters and a power head and heater. I have a little live rock in both, but if you do decide to treat with things like copper realize that you will have to continually check and dose to therapeutic level because the rock will absorb some of the meds. I think a 10 gallon might be too small for all but the smallest of fish like chromis, proper qt time is 4 weeks plus and it is going to be hard on any larger fish in that setting, much less keeping water quality up...
  21. Yes....its a constant move and relocate battle with this guy! I'm not sure if it is worth it, lol.
  22. Ive got a red one I have had for about a year. It is a mover and a fish eater! It will settle in one spot for about 2-3 weeks, and then on to the next. I bought it when it was only about 3-4" and it is about 12" now. More than one fish have gone "missing" and I suspect the carpet to be the culprit. Here is a pick of mine, has become brighter brighter now that it is in the new tank under different lighting.
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