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Everything posted by madmike

  1. They are yours Dave, I thought to wait to post this until I had met you and delivered your food and ask you if you wanted them, but thought that you probably already had all of the clowns you could ever need! Glad they are going to a good home, I raised them from when the female was about 2" and the male was about 1"
  2. They don't have to have an anemone Bo, I just have 2 pairs of clowns and now that there is only 1 anemone I dont want them to fight for it.
  3. I have a pair of African Allardi clownfish for sale or trade. They originally came off of the divers den on live aquaria over 2 years ago and have been together the whole time. I recently sold one of my anenomes so its time for these guys to find a new home. The female is large, over 4 inches, the male is about 3/4 of her size. They are showing some pre-spawning behavior including cleaning but I have not seen them spawn yet. Here is a pic of the female about 6 months ago and a pic of both in my sump I'd like to get $50 for the pair or trade in coral, mainly sps. Thanks Mike
  4. First impressions are pretty good. All my fish are eating both blends aggressively, even my picky threadfin cardinal hits at it (ive never seen him seem interested in most foods, still don't know how he is surviving). The food stays together unlike most frozen but it can be easily broken up between the fingers. I have used Rods in the past, and rods feels "gritty" due to the exoskeletons that it contains, most of my fish would spit these out. This food contains no grit, is completely smooth and is a pretty uniform size. Rods turns very hazy when fed, with many small particles too small for the fish to go for, this food has very little haze when fed and seems less messy
  5. Sorry, I already ordered. I'll let you know how it is and if I plan on ordering again.
  6. That works for me, let me know when you will be there and we can meet up
  7. Sounds good, where do you want to meet this weekend to pick it up?
  8. I believe it is for nutritional reasons as the manufacturer states there are no preservatives or binders used (maybe they just mean gel binders?). But i'm no fish food expert but I did stay at a holiday inn express last night! EDIT, from the website Why is aloe vera in the food? I started experimenting with aloe vera in my fish food formula when I learned of all the wonderful properties and abundance of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances that it contains. Some of the minerals found in aloe vera juice include calcium, sodium, iron, potassium, chromium, magnesium, manganese and zinc. It has Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E, Folic Acid and Niacin. Aloe vera also contains amino acids and a rich supply of building materials that help to produce collagen an, essential protein found in all animals and specifically in fish scales.
  9. Just got an email from Rogger. He is in south florida and says he has no problems with shipping in the heat. I am going to place the order tomorrow for a thursday ship/Friday delivery so if anyone else wants some let me know by tomorrow.
  10. Sounds good. So far the order will be Madmike- 2 7oz complete plus and 1 of the 7oz complete reef, 1 of the mesh clips Aquaman30K- 1 7oz complete plus barelycuda- (1) ea. of the 7oz complete reef and (1) ea. of the 7oz complete plus. Kshack- ? We have enough for free shipping so I will order soon. I'll email rogger and let him know that temps are going to be near 100 degrees here this week and see if that is going to be a problem, if not I will order this week.
  11. I order all my salt from fosters and smith but have never ordered frozen due to the shipping costs....but with the larger tank and larger fish I am going thru alot of food! I might take you up on piggy backing on a fosters order in the future for some PE mysis if you don't mind. Mike
  12. From the responses on RC, the food stays togeather even when put into the water, it doesnt disperse like rods does. Alot of people put it into a mesh type feeder and the fish will all come and take from that, leaving much less waste (this is what they are claiming). Dave, what type and size would you like? I'll just order it and you can pay me when we meet up. So far the order will be Madmike- 2 7oz complete plus and 1 of the 7oz complete reef, 1 of the mesh clips Aquaman30K- 1 7oz complete plus barelycuda- ? Kshack- ? Anyone else? Let me know by the middle of the week and I can place the order for delivery sometime next week, hopefully it wont be so hot next week. Mike
  13. If you add it all up, it comes out to a wash in price and the hassle and mess.... I for one would rather buy it than try to source fresh seafood that has not been sprayed by phosphate preservatives.
  14. Yep, it is used for a bunch of things and is probably in some foods you eat. Sounds good, if we can get a couple of more people in on this I will order this week and we can set up a pickup somewhere. I could meet you in-between.
  15. I am going to be ordering some of this food soon http://www.roggersreeffood.com/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.browse&category_id=25&Itemid=53 It has been getting alot of praise on RC from folks that use it. It is an all-in-one food like rods that contains some good stuff like Wild caught shrimp, squid, octopus, shucked fresh clam and juice, mussels, scallops, lobster, 100% pure spirulina, fresh pressed garlic, 100% pure fresh aloe vera, Cyclop-eeze®, and Selcon™. It is made by a chef from florida who is also a reefkeeper. There is free shipping on orders over $100 and I only need a few packs so if anyone wants to jump in let me know. later Mike
  16. madmike

    iPhone 4

    And I refuse to join the cult of paying $300 for 4 polyps of ANY type of coral. You just keep perpetuating the ridiculous hype!
  17. madmike

    iPhone 4

    Well... it would be like me going in his zoa thread and telling him how much better sps are than those overpriced polyps!
  18. madmike

    iPhone 4

    Well...obviously your a fan of the droid, go troll the droid thread... Oh wait, there isn't one because no one uses them
  19. madmike

    iPhone 4

    The iphone is $200 also.... and has wifi.... so what is your point?
  20. Frenchies, they are both females and ALL bulldog! We were out of town this weekend and they stayed with my brother in law who has a pit/boxer mix and a rot. The rot was scared to death of our 1 year old, she is just a brute and likes to play ROUGH!
  21. madmike

    Naso not eating

    Patrick sells it, I have also bought it at upscales... I think rose city has it every once in awhile too.
  22. madmike

    Naso not eating

    PE is a brand, it stands for piscine energetics... it is a high fat content mysis that really puts weight on fish, like 90% of public aquariums use this stuff.
  23. let me know before you go and I'll let him know to give you a good deal. He is the kind of guy that will frag generously from his display tanks if he knows who you are
  24. Yes I got a few more frags from stuff he had, a blue polyp green/yellow base monti cap, a yellow scroll coral, a purple tipped nana (I have an extra frag for you ) and a couple of blue eyed cardinal fish.
  25. Yah, he has had him for over 10 years! When I started pharmacy school back in 2004 he had him and he was around the same size. He is pretty cool, he will swim thru a hoop for treats and you can pet him! He is used to being in a high traffic store with people around him all of the time. I put a 1/4 sheet of nori in to see if he would eat so soon to putting him into the tank, he ripped it out of my hand and devoured the entire thing!
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