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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Happy Birthday Jorge! Hope you have a fantastic day and year to follow. Echo all the sentiments above - awesome guy with a great sense of humor... well he puts up with us anyway.
  2. So you stole the design from this Spextra fellow as well eh? 😄 I do think it looks really sharp.
  3. Like the look of that swallow tail (along with the pintail wrasse of course). Will be interested to see how it matures. Nice choices Cody!
  4. Love the look of that Brian - can't wait to see it up and running! Dig the stand.
  5. Haha! I am off to see if I can edit that field in your profile with something creative... j/k
  6. Good info Dodge - thanks for providing. I have been planning on extending my hours anyway so this just provides more reason to try it. If the rest of the coral take it OK then I will try another piece of forest fire and see if I have any better luck. This is also interesting. You have had some killer extension to date so that is disconcerting. When you say "bumped up" did you increase intensity or period length? And just to keep this on track - I may come back to you in a while Dodge and see if you still have a frag available (want to ramp the light period up first). Would be interesting to try some pieces from a few different sources to see if that make a difference. Thanks guys!
  7. I should have known... no wonder you are on the hunt for a special nem.
  8. Hey Chris - I have a smaller tank with stand, sump, return and skimmer you could borrow. It’s about 31 x 18 x 14 tall. It’s divided into 5 chambers like a store holding tank. Meant to set up as a qt but never got around to it. Probably have a light you could make work as well. Let me know.
  9. Just so happens that I am running SB reeflights as well. Mostly blues but am going from 10 to twelve hour cycle (slowly) based on the sps lighting discussion at the last meeting. Will be curious if that makes a difference. What kind of photoperiod you running on the sump light? Sorry for the hijack - just really curious what it takes to make this particular coral happy. Blue digitata grows like crazy but the ff just never takes.
  10. I would suspect so but it's sounds like it's only under blue... interesting that it appears to be affecting growth as well as color. I could never get them to form the yellow tips and they seem to hate my tank in general. Guess I just need to keep any pieces I get in Dodge's sump.
  11. OK... that was a bit disorienting. Nice PE though 😃
  12. This is interesting. Would suggest that the lighting is the key factor. What are you running on your sump?
  13. I might be able to dig out some power heads as well if you end up in a bind. Guessing a few other folk on here might have some spares sitting around they could loan you.
  14. Hey Randall - I guarantee that if you bring him, he will be the most popular attendee at the meeting! Super cute!
  15. Well, I can understand that but these look like a pretty sweet deal and Optimus is a great person to deal with so would take some of the risk out of the equation. Might want to check on their current conditions (light, water parameters etc.) and see how they compare to your tank as that would give you some indication of potential success. Just a thought...
  16. Welcome! Not sure if you are already aware or not but you should check out our "Tanks for Teachers" program sometime. Even if you are already set up with a tank and equipment, you might be interested in a forum for your school tank. Karen @kknight here on the board organizes that program for us and is super helpful. Just a thought...
  17. Sounds like it it going well Dustin. Always wanted a midas blenny but my blenny quotient is being taken up by a starry right now and have hesitated to mix them. Looking forward to seeing some coral on all that rock work real estate but admire your patience - going about it the right way for sure.
  18. Love the name but never been to the shop - or any in CA. Only had a fresh water tank up while I was down there.
  19. Interesting - definitely doesn’t look like a blenny. Thanks for the update Brian. Will be curious to see what it turns into.
  20. Those are pretty slick as well!
  21. Dang. Sounds like someone is determined and feisty. Sorry to hear that the release didn't go well.
  22. I kind of dig that golden nugget maroon but the gold stripe I had before was a %&*@# and I have too much invested in my other fish to risk having them torn apart. It is interesting to see the results of all the selective breeding going on out there.
  23. Nice pickup- obviously a man with good tastes... at least on coral anyway. 😁
  24. albertareef


    I would say a reef safe coris (e.g. green), melanarus, leopard, possum, mystery all would probably work. My green coris is particularly ingenious when it comes to hunting - has learned to follow around the diamond goby so it can pick goodies off of anything it exposes in its sifting work. I would be less confident in any of the fairy wrasses or flashers.
  25. That is the first time I recall seeing a group b-day posting. Happy birthday all!
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