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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Well at least you didn't waste too much time trying that experiment! I think it would likely have ended badly...
  2. Yeah - fixed that. Wishful thinking on my part ๐Ÿ™ƒ
  3. I am curious about this as well. Could use the digital refractometer if Blue Z falls through for some reason. I am really close by you as it turns out. Oops! Was just posting this as you responded. Will see you Saturday AM I guess! (makes note to set alarm)
  4. Looking sharp so far Brian! Clean plumbing seems to be one of the hardest things to achieve so nice to get that sorted straight away.
  5. Progress! Testers all look happy so good sign so far. Looking forward to seeing this stocked up.
  6. Wait a second... I assumed you switched those and have calcium over 500 and Mag over 1500. Still somewhat high but at least feasible.
  7. This seems like a reasonable approach if you are OK with it as well. We are just bouncing this off the other mods to make sure no one objects then can move it if we get the thumbs up. Sound good?
  8. As noted by @youcallmenny, no offense was intended - simply trying to advise as to the forum rules so that everyone is on the same page and, as you saw from the first reply, there is certainly interest in that information. You can also always make use of "OBO" to reinforce the flexible nature of any pricing and/or do a "all for one" pricing to simplify things and still give folks an idea of what kind of overall value you are looking for. Hope this helps. GLWS/T
  9. Good to hear! Saw this but didn't have any brilliant ideas. I did have this happen to an anthias a while back and tossed some live brine in the tank a couple times over the next week (which he ate) then he eventually came out of his funk. Still don't know what the underlying issue was.
  10. Looks awesome Kim and Sirena! The view from the lake is beautiful.
  11. Thanks Jorge - thought about that when you had the tank up for sale.
  12. Yeah - I may have to make a field trip. Looks like Marineland makes an 18x18 that would work if no one has a Red Sea floating around - aparrently the company will no longer sell the stand separately.
  13. A couple of very nice specimens!
  14. Just wondering if anyone has a Red Sea Max Nano stand they arenโ€™t using. Need to set ours up but donโ€™t have a good spot for it without the stand. No room for any larger furniture either so need the small footprint. Let me know. Thanks!
  15. Thanks again for sharing these Cody. Looks like a great place. Amazing how tolerant the fish are to the snorkeling in that last photo.
  16. Well, if we were able to eat it instead of just look at it... I'm sure it was amazing ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  17. You should have shot him under blue light to make it more "reef like" ๐Ÿ˜€ Cool pic - congrats!
  18. Welcome! Looks like you are off to a great start. Obviously spent some time on your aquascape (looks great) and that mixing station - nice work!
  19. Haha... making up for Greg's shortcomings eh ๐Ÿ˜€ Looks like it should be a good show!
  20. Sounds awesome Cody - thanks for sharing. Glad to hear there are at least some places left with viable reefs to visit. Now I just need time, money and some scuba experience ๐Ÿ˜€
  21. โ€œIโ€™m mortar-lessโ€ isnโ€™t something you hear every day. Have an enjoyable (and safe) day celebrating everyone! Hope all the pets make it through panic free.
  22. Sweet! Congrats CnC๐Ÿ‘
  23. That is a pretty useful link - thanks for sharing!
  24. Congrats! That is quite the tang collection you have going.
  25. You also missed some super tasty ribs curtesy of Brandon. Thanks @lewisriverfisherman!
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