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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Thanks Greg. I didn't realize I was a cat person until fairly recently and now Bucket has kind of spoiled me for any other cats... time will change that I'm sure. Thanks Brian - I am sure he is... although it's probably more likely to be moths 😃 Well, I hope so. Hard to tell how he felt about it sometimes ("why can't I go upstairs") but he was certainly loved.
  2. Thanks Kim. Yeah, unless you stick to parrots you end up having to deal with things like this... doesn’t make it suck less though.
  3. Thanks Brandon. This one hurts for sure.
  4. Well... We had to let go of one of the family today - Bucket, one of our two silver-tick Manx cats. Bucket, whom some of you have met, was no ordinary cat (not that there is such a thing). He was indeed very special. When we first saw him listed on the Humane Society web site over 10 years ago, the description just said "best cat ever!" That was pretty much dead on. Little did we know he had a litter mate, Zacheus who we also brought home. Bucket was the ultimate lap cat with personality to spare. He loved to attack the lumps in the rug, cat toys and occasionally his brother (all in good fun, of course) but most of all he loved spending time with his people. If you sat down to read a book or watch TV you would also have Bucket - which wasn't terrible since his double coat was the softest thing you probably every felt. Every night, he would lay down at the foot of the door to our upstairs bedroom and try not to let us past. This resulted in having to pick him up for his good night snuggle before he was be "ok" letting us through. Of course, that did not prevent him from spending the night bringing us various presents including his favorite toys, an entire throw blanket off the couch or, my personal favorite, gardening boots from the basement. The latter were particularly entertaining as they thumped up the stairs one level at a time. Once he lost his canine teeth it cut into his more heroic feats but we still would regularly get the smaller items. Alas - all things come to an end and Bucket succumbed to being unable to eat (possibly stomach cancer). The last couple weeks he finally got what he always wanted and spent the nights upstairs with us. I will miss the hell out of this cat...
  5. Bummer Jeremy. I find myself needing an analysis as well - guess I shouldn’t count on it being quick.
  6. Trying to cram a few more in that 75 eh Cody? They are quite nice! Did you get that blue carpet?
  7. I see how you all are - wait until the mods aren’t watching then start to raise @)-;
  8. Thanks man. I need to figure out the issue and/or go fallow for a while just in case of pests (which I haven't found any evidence of).
  9. Things are looking quite happy Brandon! I'm envious...
  10. Hey Holly - does the sump come with? Looks like it might be a custom job. Not that I need it... just want to clarify for folks 🙂
  11. Bummer for sure. I'm still trying to figure out why all my SPS is dying so, while different, I feel your pain. 😂 (closest emoticon I could find)
  12. Interesting. I wonder if Bubbles @Bubbles ever got his instrument up and running. If I'm not mistaken, he did purchase one. Would be great to have a local option to avoid these kind of issues and time lags.
  13. Looks pretty slick Jeremy. How to you attach it in the tank?
  14. Glad you found her! I was wondering but was afraid to ask. These are a really nice deal so hopefully someone local scoops them up before they go to R2R.
  15. Bucket won’t eat and is vomiting. Headed for ultrasound today. Sirry for thread jack Cody.
  16. Darn Cody - those are sweet. Sadly the vet bills are putting a freeze on any reef spending for a while 😞
  17. I basically did the very same thing recently for the very same reason - power company replacing a pole on my block. They were super fast - took a little over 2 hours I think but I felt better knowing I had circulation during that time. Didn't have the heat issue but like others have said, I think you should be OK for that period of time, especially if you aren't running lights/UV. Good luck!
  18. Well - just spent all my money on vet bills for a sick cat so guess I will have to skip this. GLWS!
  19. Looking good! Really impressive for such a small tank - guessing you have to be careful to stay on top of it. What is your routine maintenance like? Just doing water changes?
  20. Yeah - it is pretty amazing. Would be a nice score if you could get a piece of that!
  21. We have been known to do that on occasion... nothing personal ✌️
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