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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Oh man - sorry to hear about the majanos. They are the reason I tore down my last tank... just couldn’t get rid of them. I did not try a klein’s butterfly however - hope it works for you even if the first one was a dud. Good luck!
  2. Way to get all "detaily" on us Kim! I will edit it just for you 😃 I also put it on the calendar just in case anyone looks at that...
  3. Thanks for the write up! Great stuff for those of us who couldn't make it - much appreciated. This tidbit was interesting... Kolar LabsThis company is new to me , and had me excited for additional options at a good price point for filter and reactor media, opposed to just BRS. Kolar provides their own brand of GFO, Bio Pellets, DI Resin, and their most popular product Carbon. What stood out to me the most was the representatives interest in our local reef club. They stated they were extremely interested in sponsoring active reef clubs and would love to contribute to club raffles and promotions. The media looks to be of great quality and any additional opportunities for the club is always a positive. Maybe Andy or one of the officers could follow up with them to see if they want to become a sponsor? @Lexinverts
  4. Hey Andrew - who went rogue on you? Good luck trapping it!
  5. Thanks for the feedback Dodge. Wish this was more stable but sounds like one of those infamous software fingerpointing scenarios. “We aren’t responsible for making sure their app works on our platform” . Don’t know this for sure... just projecting the collective frustration.
  6. Yep - had one disappear for well over a month only to pop up again one day after I had given up hope.
  7. You need another project right? All that MACNA inspiration...
  8. Thanks for checking on this Jeremy - seems to be an ongoing challenge with this app but a lot of our regular users seem to rely on it.
  9. Hi Daniel - I'm going to tag @TheClark and @Chief just in case they have heard of any problems or know of any pending updates.
  10. Reminds me of one of those infinity edge swimming pools - very cool. I imagine one would need to pick fish out of the "overflow" occasionally and snails might get a bit confused but it is awesome looking for sure!
  11. Thanks for sharing the pics Ryan! Is there an anemone somewhere under that school of clownfish?
  12. Well that is another blow to our members North of the Columbia. Sorry to hear but thanks for the heads up Dodge.
  13. Thanks for the update Kim! @Emerald525 Nice pic of Jeff BTW. I do like the Nuvos with the sumps! Did you bring the dog home?
  14. I see the pup managed to make it into at least one pic! Looks like you’ve been busy.
  15. Sounds like a professional to me!
  16. Got you on there Paul! Cherany can hopefully give you an idea how long it might be @Flashy Fins
  17. Hope you brought some empty suitcases for all that swag!
  18. Second that! really the best place I have seen in town for planted freshwater.
  19. Those cichlids would love that! Num num...
  20. Thanks - sounds like a good deal for a complete setup. Hopefully someone snaps it up.
  21. Super cool! Thanks for posting! Imagine that happening inside your tank full of coral 😕
  22. This sounds like a good approach to me. I personally wouldn't worry about the wrasses disturbing things since, as you note, the snails/conchs will do that anyway. Now, what they decide to eat is a different issue...
  23. As Ron mentioned - need to have a price. Can include obo but the classified postings do require this. Might help with getting some interest as well. GLWS.
  24. And here you thought nothing could be more expensive than a reef tank! Pretty big event regardless of cost - hope that went OK.
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