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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Might want to verify it's an emerald - do the claws have spade (flat) tips? I have seen a few other species "sneak" in and cause some havoc.
  2. As was I... just felt like poking Jeremy about his unfinished tank project 😄
  3. Ouch - have you been into the beer cooler again? I assume it’s because he has been doing more important things... like getting that monster tank sitting in his garage up and running 😀
  4. Whatever you do don't lose the file fish! That thing is precious if it eats majanos. Maybe just rent it out 🙂
  5. Yikes! That is somewhat unexpected and disturbing. Hopefully he didn't crush anything else in the process of dropping them. What if you attach them to existing rock work? Would he still see them as "new" I wonder.
  6. Nice - I figured that was his handy work. Thanks Scott!
  7. Only if it’s glass - you aren’t pawning off the acrylic tub on me!
  8. Awesome! Thanks for the update - glad to see the tank up and cycling thanks to all the Fragfest participants and Jim’s hard work. I think there were at least a couple other members who contributed time and effort as well. Well done all!
  9. Haha - I’m pretty confident that is true!
  10. C’mon folks I know there are a lot more talented photographers out there with killer tanks - give us your best shot!
  11. C’mon - make him pony up. Needs to be some repercussions for drunk posting around here 😄
  12. That would be great - thanks Jim!
  13. I was about to accuse you of drunk posting on your Oregon tort thread so maybe?
  14. Good to see you’re flexible. Now where is that ban button...
  15. Sorry to hear you have experienced so much lack of follow up. I seriously doubt it is deliberate as much as people just getting busy and forgetting to touch base - at least I would hope so. Irritating none the less for sure. Hope you have better luck going forward.
  16. No kidding. You probably still have some spare room in your garage!
  17. Looks sharp Brian! Love the salvage wood look on the door.
  18. I thought that might be why you were looking for a sump! Nice.
  19. Sorry I will miss you Bert - would have enjoyed hanging out and talking some shop with everyone.
  20. If i remember correctly, you also had a whole bunch of jack-o-lantern lepto!
  21. Shoot - I was hoping to try this as a dip option but will miss the meeting.
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