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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Hey man - where have you been? Took a post about internet fish flakes to draw you out 😏
  2. Wow - that is disappointing to hear. I haven't personally experienced that although I don't typically post a lot of classifieds. People typically seem to follow through with the frag swaps at meetings so not sure why you are having such bad luck with your ads. Hope it improves for you.
  3. Our treasurer or secretary might know the answer to this... @Jeremevans @Flashy Fins
  4. albertareef

    Sad day

    Sorry to hear. Been a victim of mysterious clam death as well - we still haven’t gotten over losing “Clametine” so I can relate.
  5. All good stuff. I think we had both MP-40 and MP-10 last year. Might be nice to include a Gyre as well depending on where we land with the light and the DC return pumps are always popular. Flow seems to be a universal need...
  6. Funny - I was having that same theoretical argument with myself while looking at the setup - would it be better to have the tops or bottoms in alignment? Not sure there is a clear winner... may depend on what looks best when trimming it out but I think your first instinct here may be best bet. Good luck! Look forward to seeing the progress.
  7. Mine is still growing strong with the cheap LED grow light bulb I got from you. Probably should think about replacing that but hard to argue with what I have gotten out of it.
  8. That is a cool solution Calvin! I have been wondering what you were up to. So are you going to leave those ends open now so you get the full effect of the corners? I assume so since it looks like you added structural elements between the tanks to replace the end framing. This is going to look really sweet. Too bad the corner tanks are the same height (apparently).
  9. Dropped a full point - meaning down to 7.6? Since pH is a logarithmic scale, that is a huge change over a short time. If you are talking 0.1 (to 8.5) I wouldn't expect that to negatively impact things. I see regular 0.2 oscillations during light/dark cycles at times.
  10. Oh man... sorry to hear about all the water damage. A major bummer for sure. Hopefully you can get the tank moved without too much hassle. I like Brian’s idea as long as you have a flat path to the new location - could work pretty slick.
  11. This is great! Looking forward to hearing a bit about some of the vendors I’m unfamiliar with. Should be another awesome lineup this year!
  12. Hey Kim - glad to see you are training up a new algae killer for me! I would be happy to put that little guy to work if/when you get tired of him 😃 @Emerald525
  13. Oh you temptress you! With Sirena involved there will no doubt be some tasty treats!
  14. Sounds pretty sweet - I am envious! It's the kind of thing that you may never need but if you do...
  15. Yeah - this is kind of impractical in today's lighting environment. It might have "meant" something back in the day when the standards were single bulb MH fixtures where the lamps at least had a stated temperature and everyone knew what to expect from a radium bulb for instance. I have found our local fish (coral) stores to be pretty accommodating about adjusting parameters temporarily in the shop to try and simulate full spectrum but there is a limit to what they can realistically do given all the variables. All that said, the post photo saturation manipulation is kind of irritating and one reason I have stayed away from online sales/auctions except from trusted (local) sources. But then again... I am kind of risk averse in that regard.
  16. This is where I see the value of home 3D printing for people like me who like to keep out of date gear running - reminds me I have a list of pet projects to run by you @TheClark 😄
  17. Sounds like a nice collection. Almost makes me want to keep our FW tank up but just don't have time for it. GLWS!
  18. I want your lens! Well... the camera would be nice too 😍
  19. Had really wanted to get in on this but resisted. Probably for the best as it would be dead now anyway. Am curious to see how some of the frags look in other people's systems.
  20. Nice. Did you use any of the stacking software on these or are they single shots?
  21. I think Brad had a thread about perhaps doing an SPS grow out a while back - before the meeting this summer at Cuttlefish. We had a somewhat prolonged discussion about how best to judge growth since it isn’t as simple as counting polyps like the zoanthid contest and just measuring frag height doesn’t really capture all the different possible growth patterns. We tossed atound ideas on measuring total volume using displacement since it could be done “at home” vs some sort of official weigh in using a high sensitivity scale. Of course that doesn’t take coloration into account but that is pretty subjective by nature Anrway... might make for a good read if someone is thinking about how to put one together.
  22. Welcome! Lots of experience and advice on these forums so hopefully you will find some helpful info. Your old tank looked pretty nice - looking forward to seeing how the new one develops.
  23. So the line is drawn at the acid trip eh? Good to know your limitations. Very sorry to hear about the pup - rough year for four legged beloved pets around here.
  24. Well at least you know you have company - lost all of my SPS to what appears to be a weird heavy metal contamination. Not that I had a collection anywhere near yours 😞
  25. Oh man - sorry to hear Taylor. I was just thinking that we hadn’t heard from you in a while and was going to shoot you a note. Hope things turn around for you soon. GLWS.
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