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Everything posted by albertareef

  1. Congrats on making it through the fallow period and getting your fish back into the tank. I'm sure if felt even longer to them!
  2. I like it! Should provide some really good surface agitation as well. Definitely will be curious to see how it works out long term.
  3. Now that you mention it... I was just thinking about sending a note to our site admins to see if we could start putting a promo link on our main home page for this. @TheClark @Chief
  4. I figured that would catch someone's eye - nice looking piece. GLWS.
  5. I remember plowing through a R2R thread on Redfield Ratio and cyano/dino issues and thought this blurb was in some ways the best distillation - not saying it's correct, just that it laid out a reasonable theory as to how it relates to what we actually see in our tanks. It also would provide the explanation of why Vibrant might work as it is (in theory) introducing a bacterial mix that is particularly good at uptake of nutrients which allows it to outcompete the "nuisance" microbes/algae. It also touches on the interrelated issue of trace elements and how those can affect what might otherwise appear to be a healthy balance. What do you think Brian @pdxmonkeyboy and Taylor @Taylorhardy1 ? Would this seem to fit with your experience? I know you both have done some deep digging in the area. If we are nitrogen limited we are more likely to grow cyanobacteria. We can either reduce the phosphates available to reduce cyano growth or increase nitrogen to allow algae to out compete the cyano. If we are phosphate limited we are more likely to grow dinoflagellates. We can either reduce nitrogen to reduce the amount of dino's growing or add phosphates to allow algae to out compete them. We can use visual clues in our tank to determine if our systems are balanced. If they are balanced and we still have these issues then it is likely we are missing a trace element such as iron or manganese.
  6. Interesting. I haven't heard if the admins tweaked something or not. @TheClark
  7. Wait a second... I thought you took your frag tank down?
  8. I think the word you are looking for is "poach". 😄 Cool looking tank - GLWS!
  9. I am pretty much on all the time and haven’t come across this recently. I did report one instance of a five hundred error a month ago or so but haven’t seen it reoccure for me.
  10. Welcome and good luck with the new project. Looks like you are off to a good start. Plenty of small tank/cube keepers on here with whom to compare notes so I'm sure you will get plenty of input/advice as needed.
  11. Thanks for sharing - it’s good to hear about positive vendor experiences... not just the frustrating ones. Glad it worked out well for you.
  12. Looking good! Nothing like trolls to make one's day. BTW, about that window above the generator...
  13. I recognize some of that coral 😟 Sorry to hear you are pulling it down Nate.
  14. Yeah, hard to get a good look at some of these critters without the magnification of a good lens. I have a nice collection of those in my refugium as well.
  15. Loving these vendor profiles - great to get a bit more detail on the various participants before the hectic atmosphere of the show where you are just focused on which tempting piece to bring home with you. Thanks for putting these together @Gumby !
  16. Welcome! Glad you found us and hope you get some helpful insight into your tank challenges. Several accomplished small/AIO tank keepers here who know there stuff.
  17. Hey Calvin - I have two 400 watt mogul base MH fixtures with open reflectors and a dual ballast if you want to try it out. I think I have some radium bulbs to go with them. I had them mounted in a canopy for my old 125.
  18. Sorry... my snarky comment was meant for Scott (Spectra,) wasn't trying to give you grief - hope you didn't take that wrong. Glad you were able to find some takers on your pieces. Pricing is always tricky and hard to predict but at least you got something back on them. Good luck with the rest.
  19. The answer that was proposed there was to use a small container (like one of the abundantly available specimen cups) that you could mark a "control" level on which is how much water to add (just enough to cover your starting frag). You then measure growth by using a syringe to remove excess water down to the original control level and read the volume off the syringe (since it has pretty fine gradations). That was the concept anyway... not sure anyone tested it to see how practical it proved to be. The alternative was some sort of official weigh in on a high sensitivity scale but that would take some coordination. Of course, there is always the snap a pic with a ruler held next to it but it's hard to capture all the possible SPS growth patterns off of that (as we well know).
  20. That was where we were headed in the last competition thread - although it was never put into practice.
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